/* * FTP SERVER FOR ESP8266/ESP32 * based on FTP Serveur for Arduino Due and Ethernet shield (W5100) or WIZ820io (W5200) * based on Jean-Michel Gallego's work * modified to work with esp8266 SPIFFS by David Paiva (david@nailbuster.com) * modified to work with esp8266 LitteFS by Daniel Plasa dplasa@gmail.com * Also done some code reworks and all string contants are now in flash memory * by using F(), PSTR() ... on the string literals. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef FTP_SERVER_H #define FTP_SERVER_H /******************************************************************************* ** ** ** DEFINITIONS FOR FTP SERVER/CLIENT ** ** ** *******************************************************************************/ #include "FTPCommon.h" class FTPServer : public FTPCommon { public: // contruct an instance of the FTP server using a // given FS object, e.g. SPIFFS or LittleFS FTPServer(FS &_FSImplementation); // starts the FTP server with username and password, // either one can be empty to enable anonymous ftp void begin(const String &uname, const String &pword); // stops the FTP server void stop(); // needs to be called frequently (e.g. in loop() ) // to process ftp requests void handleFTP(); private: enum internalState { cInit = 0, cWait, cCheck, cUserId, cPassword, cLoginOk, cProcess, tIdle, tRetrieve, tStore }; void iniVariables(); void disconnectClient(bool gracious = true); int8_t processCommand(); virtual void closeTransfer(); void abortTransfer(); virtual int8_t dataConnect(); void sendMessage_P(int16_t code, PGM_P fmt, ...); String getPathName(const String ¶m, bool includeLast = false); String getFileName(const String ¶m, bool fullFilePath = false); String makeDateTimeStr(time_t fileTime); int8_t readChar(); // server specific bool dataPassiveConn = true; // PASV (passive) mode is our default String _FTP_USER; // usename String _FTP_PASS; // password uint32_t command; // numeric command code of command sent by the client String cmdLine; // command line as read from client String cmdString; // command as textual representation String parameters; // parameters sent by client String cwd; // the current directory String rnFrom; // previous command was RNFR, this is the source file name internalState cmdState, // state of ftp control connection transferState; // state of ftp data connection }; #endif // FTP_SERVER_H