#include #include #include "psxmsg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "tsttmp.h" // defines DbgPrint as printf extern int errno; void _CRTAPI1 catcher( IN int sig ); int caught_sig; int _CRTAPI1 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pid_t pid,cpid; ULONG status; LARGE_INTEGER DelayTime; #ifdef longtest LONG i; struct sigaction act, oact; ULONG begin,end; #endif pid = getpid(); DbgPrint("Posix Process... Pid = %lx\n\n",pid); DelayTime.HighPart = -1; DelayTime.LowPart = -500000; DbgPrint("Delay\n"); NtDelayExecution(FALSE,&DelayTime); DbgPrint("Delay Done\n"); cpid = wait(&status); DbgPrint("hellol: wait for %lx satisfied... status %lx errno %lx\n", cpid, status, errno ); DbgPrint("hellol: waiting again. Should get ECHILD\n"); cpid = wait(&status); DbgPrint("hellol: wait for %lx satisfied... status %lx errno %lx\n", cpid, status, errno ); return 0; #ifdef longtest // // try to catch SIGKILL // act.sa_handler = catcher; sigfillset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act ,&oact) ) { DbgPrint("main: fail sigaction errno %lx\n",errno); _exit(-1); } DbgPrint("hellol: killing self\n"); caught_sig = 0; i = kill(pid,SIGUSR1); if ( !caught_sig ) { DbgPrint("Error kill returned before signal handler executed\n"); } DbgPrint("back from kill %lx\n",i); DbgPrint("hellol: killing looper\n"); i = kill(0x00010001,SIGUSR1); DbgPrint("back from kill %lx\n",i); for(i=0;i<7;i++) { begin = rnuminstr(); __NullPosixApi(); end = rnuminstr(); DbgPrint("Call Time bg %lx end %lx totals 0x%lx %ld \n",begin, end, end - begin,end - begin); } DbgPrint("hellol: killing looper again. Should be paused\n"); i = kill(0x00010001,SIGUSR1); DbgPrint("back from kill %lx\n",i); DbgPrint("Exiting...\n"); _exit(1); #endif } void _CRTAPI1 catcher( IN int sig ) { DbgPrint("In Catcher, signal == %lx\n",sig); caught_sig = 1; }