/* * File Open/Create dialogs * */ /* * these dialog functions exist because they were written and * used before the commmon dialogs existed. * * they have now been reduced to just calls to the common file dialog * functions */ /*---includes-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "windows.h" #include "commdlg.h" #include "gutilsrc.h" #include "gutils.h" #include #include #include /*--functions----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * gfile_open * dialog asking the user to select an existing file to open. * * parameters * * prompt - message to user indicating purpose of file * (to be displayed somewhere in dialog box. * * ext - default file extension if user enters file without * extension. * * spec - default file spec (eg *.*) * * osp - OFSTRUCT representing file, if successfully open. * * fn - buffer where filename (just final element) is returned. * * returns - true if file selected and exists (tested with OF_EXIST). * FALSE if dialog cancelled. If user selects a file that we cannot * open, we complain and restart the dialog. * * if TRUE is returned, the file will have been successfully opened, * for reading and then closed again. */ BOOL FAR PASCAL gfile_open(LPSTR prompt, LPSTR ext, LPSTR spec, OFSTRUCT FAR *osp, LPSTR fn) { OPENFILENAME ofn; char achFilters[MAX_PATH]; char achPath[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR chp; int fh; /* build filter-pair buffer to contain one pair - the spec filter, * twice (one of the pair should be the filter, the second should be * the title of the filter - we don't have a title so we use the * filter both times. remember double null at end of list of strings. */ lstrcpy(achFilters, spec); // filter + null chp = &achFilters[lstrlen(achFilters)+1]; //2nd string just after null lstrcpy(chp, spec); // filter name (+null) chp[lstrlen(chp)+1] = '\0'; // double null at end of list /* * initialise arguments to dialog proc */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.hInstance = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = achFilters; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; // first filter pair in list achPath[0] = '\0'; ofn.lpstrFile = achPath; // we need to get the full path to open ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(achPath); ofn.lpstrFileTitle = fn; // return final elem of name here ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 13; // assume just big enough for 8.3+null ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = prompt; // dialog title is good place for prompt text ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrDefExt = ext; /* * loop until the user cancels, or selects a file that we can open */ do { if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { return(FALSE); } fh = OpenFile(achPath, osp, OF_READ); if (fh == HFILE_ERROR) { if (MessageBox(NULL, "File Could Not Be Opened", "File Open", MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONSTOP) == IDCANCEL) { return(FALSE); } } } while (fh == HFILE_ERROR); _lclose(fh); return(TRUE); } /* * gfile_new * dialog asking the user to name a file for writing to. * * parameters * * prompt - message to user indicating purpose of file * (to be displayed somewhere in dialog box. * * ext - default file extension if user enters file without * extension. * * spec - default file spec (eg *.*) * * osp - OFSTRUCT representing file, if successfully created. * * fn - buffer where filename (just final element) is returned. * * returns - true if file selected and exists (tested with OF_EXIST). * FALSE if dialog cancelled. If user selects a file that we cannot * open, we complain and restart the dialog. * * if TRUE is returned, the file will have been successfully * created and opened for writing and then closed again. */ BOOL FAR PASCAL gfile_new(LPSTR prompt, LPSTR ext, LPSTR spec, OFSTRUCT FAR *osp, LPSTR fn) { OPENFILENAME ofn; char achFilters[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR chp; char achPath[MAX_PATH]; int fh; /* build filter-pair buffer to contain one pair - the spec filter, * twice (one of the pair should be the filter, the second should be * the title of the filter - we don't have a title so we use the * filter both times. remember double null at end of list of strings. */ lstrcpy(achFilters, spec); // filter + null chp = &achFilters[lstrlen(achFilters)+1]; //2nd string just after null lstrcpy(chp, spec); // filter name (+null) chp[lstrlen(chp)+1] = '\0'; // double null at end of list /* * initialise arguments to dialog proc */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.hInstance = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = achFilters; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; // first filter pair in list achPath[0] = '\0'; ofn.lpstrFile = achPath; // we need to get the full path to open ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(achPath); ofn.lpstrFileTitle = fn; // return final elem of name here ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 13; // assume just big enough for 8.3+null ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = prompt; // dialog title is good place for prompt text ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrDefExt = ext; /* * loop until the user cancels, or selects a file that we can create/write */ do { if (!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { return(FALSE); } fh = OpenFile(achPath, osp, OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE); if (fh == HFILE_ERROR) { if (MessageBox(NULL, "File Could Not Be Created", "File Open", MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONSTOP) == IDCANCEL) { return(FALSE); } } } while (fh == HFILE_ERROR); _lclose(fh); return(TRUE); }