/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dbgp.h Abstract: This module contains common definitions used by both the OS/2 and NT specific portions of DbgKd Author: Mark Lucovsky (markl) 25-Jul-1990 Revision History: 25-Apr-91 W-Barry Changed DbgKdpComPort to a HANDLE (from a USHORT) as part of the port to NT. --*/ #ifndef _DBGP_ #define _DBGP_ // // Global Data // HANDLE DbgKdpComPort; // // This overlapped structure will be used for all serial read // operations. We only need one structure since the code is // designed so that no more than one serial read operation is // outstanding at any one time. // OVERLAPPED ReadOverlapped; // // This overlapped structure will be used for all serial write // operations. We only need one structure since the code is // designed so that no more than one serial write operation is // outstanding at any one time. // OVERLAPPED WriteOverlapped; // // This overlapped structure will be used for all event operations. // We only need one structure since the code is designed so that no more // than one serial event operation is outstanding at any one time. // OVERLAPPED EventOverlapped; // // Global to watch changes in event status. (used for carrier detection) // DWORD DbgKdpComEvent; // // APIs // VOID DbgKdpStartThreads(VOID); VOID DbgKdpKbdPollThread(VOID); BOOL DbgKdpGetConsoleByte( PVOID pBuf, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbBytesRead ); VOID DbgKdpInitComPort( IN ULONG ComPort ); VOID DbgKdpCheckComStatus( VOID ); BOOLEAN DbgKdpWriteComPort( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG SizeOfBuffer, IN PULONG BytesWritten ); BOOLEAN DbgKdpReadComPort( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG SizeOfBuffer, IN PULONG BytesRead ); NTSTATUS KdpReadCachedVirtualMemory ( IN ULONG BaseAddress, IN ULONG TransferCount, IN PUCHAR UserBuffer, IN PULONG BytesRead ); VOID KdpWriteCachedVirtualMemory ( IN ULONG BaseAddress, IN ULONG TransferCount, IN PUCHAR UserBuffer ); VOID KdpPurgeCachedVirtualMemory ( VOID ); NTSTATUS DbgKdReadVirtualMemoryNow( IN PVOID TargetBaseAddress, OUT PVOID UserInterfaceBuffer, IN ULONG TransferCount, OUT PULONG ActualBytesRead OPTIONAL ); #endif // _DBGP_