#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "AggressiveMonster.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
#include "../Tracer.h"
cAggressiveMonster::cAggressiveMonster(const AString & a_ConfigName, eType a_MobType, const AString & a_SoundHurt, const AString & a_SoundDeath, double a_Width, double a_Height) :
super(a_ConfigName, a_MobType, a_SoundHurt, a_SoundDeath, a_Width, a_Height)
m_EMPersonality = AGGRESSIVE;
// What to do if in Chasing State
void cAggressiveMonster::InStateChasing(float a_Dt)
if (m_Target != NULL)
if (m_Target->IsPlayer())
if (((cPlayer *)m_Target)->IsGameModeCreative())
m_EMState = IDLE;
if (!IsMovingToTargetPosition())
void cAggressiveMonster::EventSeePlayer(cEntity * a_Entity)
if (!((cPlayer *)a_Entity)->IsGameModeCreative())
m_EMState = CHASING;
void cAggressiveMonster::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
if (m_EMState == CHASING)
if (m_Target == NULL)
cTracer LineOfSight(GetWorld());
Vector3d AttackDirection(m_Target->GetPosition() - GetPosition());
if (ReachedFinalDestination() && !LineOfSight.Trace(GetPosition(), AttackDirection, (int)AttackDirection.Length()))
// Attack if reached destination, target isn't null, and have a clear line of sight to target (so won't attack through walls)
Attack(a_Dt / 1000);
void cAggressiveMonster::Attack(float a_Dt)
m_AttackInterval += a_Dt * m_AttackRate;
if ((m_Target != NULL) && (m_AttackInterval > 3.0))
// Setting this higher gives us more wiggle room for attackrate
m_AttackInterval = 0.0;
m_Target->TakeDamage(dtMobAttack, this, m_AttackDamage, 0);
bool cAggressiveMonster::IsMovingToTargetPosition()
static const float epsilon = 0.000000000001;
// Difference between destination x and target x is negligible (to 10^-12 precision)
if (fabsf((float)m_FinalDestination.x - (float)m_Target->GetPosX()) < epsilon)
return false;
// Difference between destination z and target z is negligible (to 10^-12 precision)
else if (fabsf(m_FinalDestination.z - (float)m_Target->GetPosZ()) > epsilon)
return false;
return true;