path: root/Nightbuild2008.cmd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Nightbuild2008.cmd b/Nightbuild2008.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a08e7ea99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nightbuild2008.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+rem @echo off
+:: Nightbbuild2008.cmd
+:: This script is run every night to produce a new version of MCServer, backup its PDB files and upload the packages to web.
+:: These sub-scripts are used:
+:: - WCRev.cmd together with subwcrev templating to obtain the version number as an environment var
+:: - UploadVersion.ftp FTP command template for uploading the version to the web (not included in the SVN, because it contains confidential passwords! Use your own)
+:: When run without parameters, this script pauses at the end and waits for a keypress.
+:: To run in an automated scheduler, add any parameter to disable waiting for a keystroke
+:: This script expects a few tools on specific paths, you can pass the correct paths for your system as env vars "7z", "vc" and "tsvn"
+:: 7-zip executable (by default it should be on PATH):
+if %zip%a == a set zip=7z
+:: Visual C++ compiler executable name:
+if %vc%a == a set vc="vcbuild.exe"
+:: TortoiseProc executable (for updating to the latest version):
+if %tsvn%a== a set tsvn="c:\program files\tortoisesvn\bin\tortoiseproc.exe"
+:: Subwcrev (from TortoiseSVN, for querying revision number; by default in PATH):
+if %subwcrev%a == a set subwcrev=subwcrev
+:: Update the sources to the latest revision:
+start "tsvn src" /b /min /wait %tsvn% /command:update /path:. /closeonend:1
+if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
+:: Copy all *.template files into their non-template versions, substituting SVN keywords:
+for /r %%X in (*.template) do (
+ %subwcrev% . "%%X" "%%~dpX%%~nX"
+ if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
+:: Get the revision number into WCREV env var
+call Install\WCVersion.cmd
+echo WCREV = %WCREV%
+echo Setting up VS environment...
+call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat"
+echo Compiling MCServer...
+title MCS Nightbuild
+start "vc" /b /wait /low /min %vc% /r vc2008\MCServer.sln "Release|Win32"
+if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
+:: Use 7-zip to compress the resulting files into a single file:
+:: Note: the output filename here must be the same as in the upload_win.ftp.template script
+copy VC2008\Release\MCServer.exe MCServer.exe
+%zip% a -mx9 -y MCServer_Win_%WCREV%.7z -scsWIN @Install\Zip2008.list
+if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
+:: Also pack PDBs into a separate archive:
+:: Note: the output filename here must be the same as in the upload_win.ftp.template script
+%zip% a -mx9 -y MCServer_Win_%WCREV%_PDBs.7z -scsWIN @Install\Zip2008_PDBs.list
+if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
+:: upload to FTP using the upload_win.ftp (.template) script
+ftp -n -s:Install\upload_win.ftp
+goto end
+echo an error was encountered, check command output above
+goto finished
+if "a%1" == "a" pause
+:finished \ No newline at end of file