import sys; import os tools = ['default'] if == 'nt': tools = ['mingw'] env = Environment(tools = tools) options_file = None if sys.platform == 'linux2': options_file = "linux" elif 'msvc' in env['TOOLS']: options_file = "msvc" else: options_file = "posix" opts = Options(["config_"+options_file+".py", "", "custom_"+options_file+".py"], ARGUMENTS) opts.Add('CC', 'The C compiler.') opts.Add('CXX', 'The C++ compiler (for the tests)') opts.Add('CCFLAGS', 'Flags for the compiler.', ['-O2', '-Wall']) opts.Add('LINK', 'The linker.') opts.Add('LINKFLAGS', 'Linker flags.', []) opts.Add('no_cygwin', 'Use -mno-cygwin to build using the mingw compiler on cygwin', 0) opts.Add('LIBS', 'libraries', []) opts.Add('LIBPATH', 'library path', []) opts.Add('tolua_bin', 'the resulting binary', 'tolua++') opts.Add('tolua_lib', 'the resulting library', 'tolua++') opts.Add('TOLUAPP', 'the name of the tolua++ binary (to use with built_dev=1)', 'tolua++') opts.Add('prefix', 'The installation prefix') opts.Add('build_dev', 'Build for development (uses tolua to rebuild toluabind.c with the embeded scripts', 0) opts.Add('build_failsafe', "Build using 'factory default' toluabind file (in case build_dev fails)", 0) opts.Add('ENV', 'The environment variables') opts.Add('shared', 'Build a shared object', False) opts.Update(env) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) def save_config(target, source, env): opts.Save('', env) cust = env.Command('', [], save_config) env.Alias('configure', [cust]) env['TOLUAPP_BOOTSTRAP'] = env['tolua_bin']+"_bootstrap"+env['PROGSUFFIX'] env['build_dev'] = int(env['build_dev']) ## detecting the install directory on win32 if 'msvc' in env['TOOLS'] and not (env.has_key('prefix') or env['prefix']): if env['MSVS'].has_key('PLATFORMSDKDIR'): env['prefix'] = env['MSVS']['PLATFORMSDKDIR'] SConscriptChdir(0) ############ helper builders def pkg_scan_dep(self, target, source): import re ## TODO: detectar si el archivo existe antes de abrirlo asi nomas pkg = open(source, "rt") for linea in pkg.xreadlines(): dep ="^[\t\w]*\$[cphl]file\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", linea) if dep: self.Depends(target, '#' + dep.groups()[0]); if dep.groups()[0][-4:] == '.pkg': # recursividad self.pkg_scan_dep(target, dep.groups()[0]) def make_tolua_code(self, target, source, pkgname = None, bootstrap = False, use_own = False, use_typeid=None): ptarget = Dir('.').path + '/' + target psource = Dir('.').path + '/' + source header = target[:-2] + '.h' pheader = Dir('.').path + '/' + header tolua = "" if bootstrap: if == 'nt': tolua = 'bin\\'+self['TOLUAPP_BOOTSTRAP'] else: tolua = 'bin/'+self['TOLUAPP_BOOTSTRAP'] print("********* tolua is ", tolua) else: if use_own: if 'msvc' in self['TOOLS']: tolua = 'bin\\$tolua_bin' else: tolua = 'bin/$tolua_bin' else: tolua = "$TOLUAPP" if pkgname: pkgname = ' -n '+pkgname else: pkgname = '' if use_typeid: tolua = tolua+' -t' comando = tolua + ' -C -H ' + pheader + ' -o ' + ptarget + pkgname + ' ' + psource command = self.Command(target, source, comando) self.SideEffect(header, target) self.Depends(target, source) self.pkg_scan_dep(target, psource) if bootstrap: self.Depends(target, "#/bin/$TOLUAPP_BOOTSTRAP") if use_own: self.Depends(target, "#/bin/$tolua_bin") return command env.__class__.LuaBinding = make_tolua_code; env.__class__.pkg_scan_dep = pkg_scan_dep; def print_install_error(target, source, env): msg = """Error: no install prefix was specified, or detected. you can use the 'prefix' option on command line to specify one. Examples: scons prefix=/usr/local install or on Windows: scons "prefix=c:\\program files\\visual basic" install Files will be installed on <prefix>/bin, <prefix>/lib and <prefix>/include """ import SCons.Errors raise SCons.Errors.UserError(msg) ########### end of helper builders env['CPPPATH'] = '#/include' env['LIBPATH'] = ['#/lib'] + env['LIBPATH'] if env['no_cygwin']: env['CCFLAGS'] += ['-mno-cygwin'] env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-mno-cygwin'] import string Export('env') SConscript('src/lib/SCsub') SConscript('src/bin/SCsub') #SConscript('src/lib/SCsub') SConscript('src/tests/SCsub') env.Alias('all', [env.bin_target, env.lib_target]) env.Alias('test', env.test_targets) Default('all') if env['prefix']: env.Install(env['prefix']+'/bin', env.bin_target) env.Install(env['prefix']+'/lib', env.lib_target) env.Install(env['prefix']+'/include', '#include/tolua++.h') env.Alias('install', [env['prefix']+'/bin', env['prefix']+'/include', env['prefix']+'/lib']) else: env.Command('install', [], print_install_error) env.Depends('install', 'all') env.Command('deb', [], 'dpkg-buildpackage -I.svn -Itoluabind_dev.c -Itoluabind_dev.h -Itoluabind_default.o -Icustom.lua -I.sconsign', ENV=os.environ)