#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "cEntity.h" #include "cWorld.h" #include "cServer.h" #include "cRoot.h" #include "Vector3d.h" #include "Vector3f.h" #include "Matrix4f.h" #include "cReferenceManager.h" #include "cClientHandle.h" #include "packets/cPacket_DestroyEntity.h" int cEntity::m_EntityCount = 0; cCriticalSection cEntity::m_CSCount; cEntity::cEntity(const double & a_X, const double & a_Y, const double & a_Z) : m_UniqueID( 0 ) , m_Referencers( new cReferenceManager( cReferenceManager::RFMNGR_REFERENCERS ) ) , m_References( new cReferenceManager( cReferenceManager::RFMNGR_REFERENCES ) ) , m_ChunkX( 0 ) , m_ChunkY( 0 ) , m_ChunkZ( 0 ) , m_Pos( a_X, a_Y, a_Z ) , m_bDirtyPosition( true ) , m_bDirtyOrientation( true ) , m_bDestroyed( false ) , m_EntityType( eEntityType_Entity ) , m_World( 0 ) , m_bRemovedFromChunk( false ) { cCSLock Lock(m_CSCount); m_EntityCount++; m_UniqueID = m_EntityCount; } cEntity::~cEntity() { LOG("Deleting entity %d at pos {%.2f, %.2f} ~ [%d, %d]; ptr %p", m_UniqueID, m_Pos.x, m_Pos.z, (int)(m_Pos.x / cChunkDef::Width), (int)(m_Pos.z / cChunkDef::Width), this ); if( !m_bDestroyed || !m_bRemovedFromChunk ) { LOGERROR("ERROR: Entity deallocated without being destroyed %i or unlinked %i", m_bDestroyed, m_bRemovedFromChunk ); ASSERT(!"Entity deallocated without being destroyed or unlinked"); } delete m_Referencers; delete m_References; } void cEntity::Initialize( cWorld* a_World ) { m_World = a_World; m_World->AddEntity( this ); MoveToCorrectChunk(true); } void cEntity::WrapRotation() { while (m_Rot.x > 180.f) m_Rot.x-=360.f; // Wrap it while (m_Rot.x < -180.f) m_Rot.x+=360.f; while (m_Rot.y > 180.f) m_Rot.y-=360.f; while (m_Rot.y < -180.f) m_Rot.y+=360.f; } void cEntity::MoveToCorrectChunk(bool a_bIgnoreOldChunk) { ASSERT(m_World != NULL); // Entity needs a world to move to a chunk if( !m_World ) return; int ChunkX = 0, ChunkY = 0, ChunkZ = 0; cWorld::BlockToChunk( (int)m_Pos.x, (int)m_Pos.y, (int)m_Pos.z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ ); if (!a_bIgnoreOldChunk && (m_ChunkX == ChunkX) && (m_ChunkY == ChunkY) && (m_ChunkZ == ChunkZ)) { return; } class cMover : public cClientDiffCallback { virtual void Removed(cClientHandle * a_Client) override { if (m_IgnoreOldChunk) { return; } if (m_Destroy == NULL) { m_Destroy = new cPacket_DestroyEntity(m_Entity); } a_Client->Send(*m_Destroy); } virtual void Added(cClientHandle * a_Client) override { if (m_Spawn == NULL) { m_Spawn = m_Entity->GetSpawnPacket(); // Only create the packet when needed } if (m_Spawn != NULL) { a_Client->Send(*m_Spawn); } } cPacket * m_Destroy; cPacket * m_Spawn; bool m_IgnoreOldChunk; cEntity * m_Entity; public: cMover(cEntity * a_Entity, bool a_IgnoreOldChunk) : m_Destroy(NULL), m_Spawn(NULL), m_IgnoreOldChunk(a_IgnoreOldChunk), m_Entity(a_Entity) {} ~cMover() { delete m_Spawn; delete m_Destroy; } } Mover(this, a_bIgnoreOldChunk); m_World->CompareChunkClients(m_ChunkX, m_ChunkY, m_ChunkZ, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ, Mover); m_World->MoveEntityToChunk(this, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ); m_ChunkX = ChunkX; m_ChunkY = ChunkY; m_ChunkZ = ChunkZ; } void cEntity::Destroy() { if (m_bDestroyed) { return; } if (!m_bRemovedFromChunk) { RemoveFromChunk(); } m_World->BroadcastToChunk(m_ChunkX, m_ChunkY, m_ChunkZ, cPacket_DestroyEntity(this)); m_bDestroyed = true; Destroyed(); } void cEntity::RemoveFromChunk(void) { if (m_World == NULL) { return; } m_World->RemoveEntityFromChunk(this, m_ChunkX, m_ChunkY, m_ChunkZ); m_bRemovedFromChunk = true; } void cEntity::SpawnOn(cClientHandle * a_Client) { std::auto_ptr<cPacket> SpawnPacket(GetSpawnPacket()); if (SpawnPacket.get() == NULL) { return; } if (a_Client == NULL) { m_World->BroadcastToChunk(m_ChunkX, m_ChunkY, m_ChunkZ, *SpawnPacket.get(), NULL); } else { a_Client->Send(*(SpawnPacket.get())); } } CLASS_DEF_GETCLASS( cEntity ); bool cEntity::IsA( const char* a_EntityType ) { //LOG("IsA( cEntity ) : %s", a_EntityType); if( strcmp( a_EntityType, "cEntity" ) == 0 ) return true; return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set orientations void cEntity::SetRot( const Vector3f & a_Rot ) { m_Rot = a_Rot; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; } void cEntity::SetRotation( float a_Rotation ) { m_Rot.x = a_Rotation; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; } void cEntity::SetPitch( float a_Pitch ) { m_Rot.y = a_Pitch; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; } void cEntity::SetRoll( float a_Roll ) { m_Rot.z = a_Roll; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get look vector (this is NOT a rotation!) Vector3f cEntity::GetLookVector() { Matrix4f m; m.Init( Vector3f(), 0, m_Rot.x, -m_Rot.y ); Vector3f Look = m.Transform( Vector3f(0, 0, 1) ); LOG("Look: %0.1f %0.1f %0.1f", Look.x, Look.y, Look.z ); return Look; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set position void cEntity::SetPosition( const Vector3d & a_Pos ) { m_Pos = a_Pos; MoveToCorrectChunk(); m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosition( const double & a_PosX, const double & a_PosY, const double & a_PosZ ) { m_Pos.Set( a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ ); MoveToCorrectChunk(); m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosX( const double & a_PosX ) { m_Pos.x = a_PosX; MoveToCorrectChunk(); m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosY( const double & a_PosY ) { m_Pos.y = a_PosY; MoveToCorrectChunk(); m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosZ( const double & a_PosZ ) { m_Pos.z = a_PosZ; MoveToCorrectChunk(); m_bDirtyPosition = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reference stuffs void cEntity::AddReference( cEntity*& a_EntityPtr ) { m_References->AddReference( a_EntityPtr ); a_EntityPtr->ReferencedBy( a_EntityPtr ); } void cEntity::ReferencedBy( cEntity*& a_EntityPtr ) { m_Referencers->AddReference( a_EntityPtr ); } void cEntity::Dereference( cEntity*& a_EntityPtr ) { m_Referencers->Dereference( a_EntityPtr ); }