#include "Globals.h"  // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules

#include "cWebAdmin.h"
#include "cStringMap.h"

#include "cWebPlugin.h"

#include "cPluginManager.h"
#include "cPlugin.h"

#include "cWorld.h"
#include "cPlayer.h"
#include "cServer.h"
#include "cRoot.h"

#include "../iniFile/iniFile.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
	#include <psapi.h>
	#include <sys/resource.h>

/// Helper class - appends all player names together in a HTML list
class cPlayerAccum :
	public cPlayerListCallback
	virtual bool Item(cPlayer * a_Player) override
		return false;

	AString m_Contents;
} ;

cWebAdmin * WebAdmin = NULL;

cWebAdmin::cWebAdmin( int a_Port /* = 8080 */ )
	: m_Port( a_Port )
	, m_bConnected( false )
	WebAdmin = this;
	m_Event = new cEvent();
	Init( m_Port );

	WebAdmin = 0;

	while( m_Plugins.begin() != m_Plugins.end() )
		delete *m_Plugins.begin();
		//m_Plugins.remove( *m_Plugins.begin() );
	delete m_WebServer;
	delete m_IniFile;

	delete m_Event;

void cWebAdmin::AddPlugin( cWebPlugin * a_Plugin )
	m_Plugins.remove( a_Plugin );
	m_Plugins.push_back( a_Plugin );

void cWebAdmin::RemovePlugin( cWebPlugin * a_Plugin )
	m_Plugins.remove( a_Plugin );

void cWebAdmin::Request_Handler(webserver::http_request* r)
	if( WebAdmin == 0 ) return;
	LOG("Path: %s", r->path_.c_str() );

	if (r->path_ == "/")
		r->answer_ += "<h1>MCServer WebAdmin</h1>";
		r->answer_ += "<center>";
		r->answer_ += "<form method='get' action='webadmin/'>";
		r->answer_ += "<input type='submit' value='Log in'>";
		r->answer_ += "</form>";
		r->answer_ += "</center>";

	if (r->path_.empty() || r->path_[0] != '/')
		r->answer_ += "<h1>Bad request</h1>";
		r->answer_ += "<p>";
		r->answer_ = r->path_;  // TODO: Shouldn't we sanitize this? Possible security issue.
		r->answer_ += "</p>";
	AStringVector Split = StringSplit(r->path_.substr(1), "/");

	if (Split.empty() || (Split[0] != "webadmin" && Split[0] != "~webadmin"))
		r->answer_ += "<h1>Bad request</h1>";
	if (!r->authentication_given_)
		r->answer_ += "no auth";
		r->auth_realm_ = "MCServer WebAdmin";

	bool bDontShowTemplate = false;
	if (Split[0] == "~webadmin")
		bDontShowTemplate = true;
	std::string UserPassword = WebAdmin->m_IniFile->GetValue( "User:"+r->username_, "Password", "");
	if ((UserPassword != "") && (r->password_ == UserPassword))
		std::string BaseURL = "./";
		if (Split.size() > 1)
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
				BaseURL += "../";
			BaseURL += "webadmin/";

		std::string Menu;
		std::string Content;
		std::string Template = bDontShowTemplate ? "{CONTENT}" : WebAdmin->GetTemplate();
		std::string FoundPlugin;

		for (PluginList::iterator itr = WebAdmin->m_Plugins.begin(); itr != WebAdmin->m_Plugins.end(); ++itr)
			cWebPlugin* WebPlugin = *itr;
			std::list< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > NameList = WebPlugin->GetTabNames();
			for( std::list< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator Names = NameList.begin(); Names != NameList.end(); ++Names )
				Menu += "<li><a href='" + BaseURL + WebPlugin->GetName().c_str() + "/" + (*Names).second + "'>" + (*Names).first + "</a></li>";

		HTTPRequest Request;
		Request.Username = r->username_;
		Request.Method = r->method_;
		Request.Params = r->params_;
		Request.PostParams = r->params_post_;
		Request.Path = r->path_.substr(1);

		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < r->multipart_formdata_.size(); ++i )
			webserver::formdata& fd = r->multipart_formdata_[i];

			HTTPFormData HTTPfd;//( fd.value_ );
			HTTPfd.Value = fd.value_;
			HTTPfd.Type = fd.content_type_;
			HTTPfd.Name = fd.name_;
			LOGINFO("Form data name: %s", fd.name_.c_str() );
			Request.FormData[ fd.name_ ] = HTTPfd;

		if( Split.size() > 1 )
			for( PluginList::iterator itr = WebAdmin->m_Plugins.begin(); itr != WebAdmin->m_Plugins.end(); ++itr )
				if( (*itr)->GetName() == Split[1] )
					Content = (*itr)->HandleWebRequest( &Request );
					cWebPlugin* WebPlugin = *itr;
					FoundPlugin = WebPlugin->GetName();
					AString TabName = WebPlugin->GetTabNameForRequest( &Request ).first;
					if( TabName.empty() == false )
						FoundPlugin += " - " + TabName;

		if( FoundPlugin.empty() )	// Default page
			FoundPlugin = "Current Game";
			Content += "<h4>Server Name:</h4>";
			Content += "<p>" + std::string( cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetServerID() ) + "</p>";

			Content += "<h4>Plugins:</h4><ul>";
			cPluginManager* PM = cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager();
			if( PM )
				const cPluginManager::PluginList & List = PM->GetAllPlugins();
				for( cPluginManager::PluginList::const_iterator itr = List.begin(); itr != List.end(); ++itr )
					AString VersionNum;
					AppendPrintf(Content, "<li>%s V.%i</li>", (*itr)->GetName().c_str(), (*itr)->GetVersion());
			Content += "</ul>";
			Content += "<h4>Players:</h4><ul>";

			cPlayerAccum PlayerAccum;
			cWorld * World = cRoot::Get()->GetDefaultWorld(); // TODO - Create a list of worlds and players
			if( World != NULL )
			Content += "</ul><br>";


		if (bDontShowTemplate == false && Split.size() > 1)
			Content += "\n<p><a href='" + BaseURL + "'>Go back</a></p>";

		// mem usage
#ifndef _WIN32
		rusage resource_usage;
		if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &resource_usage) != 0)
			ReplaceString( Template, std::string("{MEM}"), "Error :(" );
			AString MemUsage;
			Printf(MemUsage, "%0.2f", ((double)resource_usage.ru_maxrss / 1024 / 1024) );
			ReplaceString(Template, std::string("{MEM}"), MemUsage);
		HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
		if( GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess, &pmc, sizeof(pmc) ) )
			AString MemUsage;
			Printf(MemUsage, "%0.2f", (pmc.WorkingSetSize / 1024.f / 1024.f) );
			ReplaceString( Template, "{MEM}", MemUsage );
		// end mem usage

		ReplaceString( Template, "{USERNAME}",    r->username_ );
		ReplaceString( Template, "{MENU}",        Menu );
		ReplaceString( Template, "{PLUGIN_NAME}", FoundPlugin );
		ReplaceString( Template, "{CONTENT}",     Content );
		ReplaceString( Template, "{TITLE}",       "MCServer" );

		AString NumChunks;
		Printf(NumChunks, "%d", cRoot::Get()->GetTotalChunkCount());
		ReplaceString(Template, "{NUMCHUNKS}", NumChunks);

		r->answer_ = Template;
		r->answer_ += "Wrong username/password";
		r->auth_realm_ = "MCServer WebAdmin";

bool cWebAdmin::Init( int a_Port )
	m_Port = a_Port;

	m_IniFile = new cIniFile("webadmin.ini");
	if( m_IniFile->ReadFile() )
		m_Port = m_IniFile->GetValueI("WebAdmin", "Port", 8080 );

	LOG("Starting WebAdmin on port %i", m_Port);

#ifdef _WIN32
	HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(
		NULL,              // default security
		0,                 // default stack size
		ListenThread,   // name of the thread function
		this,	                // thread parameters
		0,                 // default startup flags
	CloseHandle( hThread ); // Just close the handle immediately
	pthread_t LstnThread;
	pthread_create( &LstnThread, 0, ListenThread, this);

	return true;

#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD WINAPI cWebAdmin::ListenThread(LPVOID lpParam)
void *cWebAdmin::ListenThread( void *lpParam )
	cWebAdmin* self = (cWebAdmin*)lpParam;

	self->m_WebServer = new webserver(self->m_Port, Request_Handler );
	if (!self->m_WebServer->Begin())
		LOGWARN("WebServer failed to start! WebAdmin is disabled");

	return 0;

std::string cWebAdmin::GetTemplate()
	std::string retVal = "";

	char SourceFile[] = "webadmin/template.html";

	cFile f;
	if (!f.Open(SourceFile, cFile::fmRead))
		return "";

	// copy the file into the buffer:

	return retVal;