// cAuthenticator.h

// Interfaces to the cAuthenticator class representing the thread that authenticates users against the official MC server
// Authentication prevents "hackers" from joining with an arbitrary username (possibly impersonating the server admins)
// For more info, see http://wiki.vg/Session#Server_operation
// In MCS, authentication is implemented as a single thread that receives queued auth requests and dispatches them one by one.

#pragma once

#include "OSSupport/IsThread.h"

// fwd: "cRoot.h"
class cRoot;

class cAuthenticator :
	public cIsThread
	typedef cIsThread super;

	/// (Re-)read server and address from INI:
	void ReadINI(cIniFile & IniFile);

	/// Queues a request for authenticating a user. If the auth fails, the user is kicked
	void Authenticate(int a_ClientID, const AString & a_UserName, const AString & a_ServerHash);

	/// Starts the authenticator thread. The thread may be started and stopped repeatedly
	void Start(cIniFile & IniFile);
	/// Stops the authenticator thread. The thread may be started and stopped repeatedly
	void Stop(void);

	class cUser
		int     m_ClientID;
		AString m_Name;
		AString m_ServerID;
		cUser(int a_ClientID, const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_ServerID) :
	} ;
	typedef std::deque<cUser> cUserList;
	cCriticalSection m_CS;
	cUserList        m_Queue;
	cEvent           m_QueueNonempty;
	AString m_Server;
	AString m_Address;
	bool    m_ShouldAuthenticate;
	// cIsThread override:
	virtual void Execute(void) override;
	// Returns true if the user authenticated okay, false on error; iLevel is the recursion deptht (bails out if too deep)
	bool AuthFromAddress(const AString & a_Server, const AString & a_Address, const AString & a_UserName, int a_Level = 1);