// LuaUDPEndpoint.cpp // Implements the cLuaUDPEndpoint class representing a Lua wrapper for the cUDPEndpoint class and the callbacks it needs #include "Globals.h" #include "LuaUDPEndpoint.h" cLuaUDPEndpoint::cLuaUDPEndpoint(cLuaState::cTableRefPtr && a_Callbacks) : m_Callbacks(std::move(a_Callbacks)) { } cLuaUDPEndpoint::~cLuaUDPEndpoint() { // If the endpoint is still open, close it: auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint != nullptr) { endpoint->Close(); } Terminated(); } bool cLuaUDPEndpoint::Open(UInt16 a_Port, cLuaUDPEndpointPtr a_Self) { ASSERT(m_Self == nullptr); // Must not be opened yet ASSERT(m_Endpoint == nullptr); m_Self = std::move(a_Self); m_Endpoint = cNetwork::CreateUDPEndpoint(a_Port, *this); return m_Endpoint->IsOpen(); } bool cLuaUDPEndpoint::Send(const AString & a_Data, const AString & a_RemotePeer, UInt16 a_RemotePort) { // Safely grab a copy of the endpoint: auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint == nullptr) { return false; } // Send the data: return endpoint->Send(a_Data, a_RemotePeer, a_RemotePort); } UInt16 cLuaUDPEndpoint::GetPort(void) const { // Safely grab a copy of the endpoint: auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint == nullptr) { return 0; } // Get the port: return endpoint->GetPort(); } bool cLuaUDPEndpoint::IsOpen(void) const { // Safely grab a copy of the endpoint: auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint == nullptr) { // No endpoint means that we're not open return false; } // Get the state: return endpoint->IsOpen(); } void cLuaUDPEndpoint::Close(void) { // If the endpoint is still open, close it: auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint != nullptr) { endpoint->Close(); m_Endpoint.reset(); } Terminated(); } void cLuaUDPEndpoint::EnableBroadcasts(void) { // Safely grab a copy of the endpoint: auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint != nullptr) { endpoint->EnableBroadcasts(); } } void cLuaUDPEndpoint::Release(void) { // Close the endpoint, if not already closed: Close(); // Allow self to deallocate: m_Self.reset(); } void cLuaUDPEndpoint::Terminated(void) { // Disable the callbacks: m_Callbacks.reset(); // If the endpoint is still open, close it: { auto endpoint = m_Endpoint; if (endpoint != nullptr) { endpoint->Close(); m_Endpoint.reset(); } } } void cLuaUDPEndpoint::OnReceivedData( const char * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes, const AString & a_RemotePeer, UInt16 a_RemotePort ) { m_Callbacks->CallTableFn("OnReceivedData", this, AString(a_Data, a_NumBytes), a_RemotePeer, a_RemotePort); } void cLuaUDPEndpoint::OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) { // Notify the plugin: m_Callbacks->CallTableFn("OnError", a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg); // Terminate all processing on the endpoint: Terminated(); }