// BiomeDef.cpp // Implements biome helper functions #include "Globals.h" // The "map" used for biome <-> string conversions: static struct { EMCSBiome m_Biome; const char * m_String; } g_BiomeMap[] = { {biOcean, "Ocean"}, {biPlains, "Plains"}, {biDesert, "Desert"}, {biExtremeHills, "ExtremeHills"}, {biForest, "Forest"}, {biTaiga, "Taiga"}, {biSwampland, "Swampland"}, {biRiver, "River"}, {biNether, "Hell"}, {biNether, "Nether"}, {biEnd, "Sky"}, {biEnd, "End"}, {biFrozenOcean, "FrozenOcean"}, {biFrozenRiver, "FrozenRiver"}, {biIcePlains, "IcePlains"}, {biIcePlains, "Tundra"}, {biIceMountains, "IceMountains"}, {biMushroomIsland, "MushroomIsland"}, {biMushroomShore, "MushroomShore"}, {biBeach, "Beach"}, {biDesertHills, "DesertHills"}, {biForestHills, "ForestHills"}, {biTaigaHills, "TaigaHills"}, {biExtremeHillsEdge, "ExtremeHillsEdge"}, {biJungle, "Jungle"}, {biJungleHills, "JungleHills"}, // Release 1.7 biomes: {biJungleEdge, "JungleEdge"}, {biDeepOcean, "DeepOcean"}, {biStoneBeach, "StoneBeach"}, {biColdBeach, "ColdBeach"}, {biBirchForest, "BirchForest"}, {biBirchForestHills, "BirchForestHills"}, {biRoofedForest, "RoofedForest"}, {biColdTaiga, "ColdTaiga"}, {biColdTaigaHills, "ColdTaigaHills"}, {biMegaTaiga, "MegaTaiga"}, {biMegaTaigaHills, "MegaTaigaHills"}, {biExtremeHillsPlus, "ExtremeHillsPlus"}, {biSavanna, "Savanna"}, {biSavannaPlateau, "SavannaPlateau"}, {biMesa, "Mesa"}, {biMesaPlateauF, "MesaPlateauF"}, {biMesaPlateau, "MesaPlateau"}, // Release 1.7 variants: {biSunflowerPlains, "SunflowerPlains"}, {biDesertM, "DesertM"}, {biExtremeHillsM, "ExtremeHillsM"}, {biFlowerForest, "FlowerForest"}, {biTaigaM, "TaigaM"}, {biSwamplandM, "SwamplandM"}, {biIcePlainsSpikes, "IcePlainsSpikes"}, {biJungleM, "JungleM"}, {biJungleEdgeM, "JungleEdgeM"}, {biBirchForestM, "BirchForestM"}, {biBirchForestHillsM, "BirchForestHillsM"}, {biRoofedForestM, "RoofedForestM"}, {biColdTaigaM, "ColdTaigaM"}, {biMegaSpruceTaiga, "MegaSpruceTaiga"}, {biMegaSpruceTaigaHills, "MegaSpruceTaigaHills"}, {biExtremeHillsPlusM, "ExtremeHillsPlusM"}, {biSavannaM, "SavannaM"}, {biSavannaPlateauM, "SavannaPlateauM"}, {biMesaBryce, "MesaBryce"}, {biMesaPlateauFM, "MesaPlateauFM"}, {biMesaPlateauM, "MesaPlateauM"}, } ; EMCSBiome StringToBiome(const AString & a_BiomeString) { // If it is a number, return it: int res = atoi(a_BiomeString.c_str()); if ((res != 0) || (a_BiomeString.compare("0") == 0)) { if ((res >= biFirstBiome) && (res < biNumBiomes)) { return static_cast<EMCSBiome>(res); } else if ((res >= biFirstVariantBiome) && (res < biNumVariantBiomes)) { return static_cast<EMCSBiome>(res); } // It was an invalid number return biInvalidBiome; } for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_BiomeMap); i++) { if (NoCaseCompare(g_BiomeMap[i].m_String, a_BiomeString) == 0) { return g_BiomeMap[i].m_Biome; } } // for i - BiomeMap[] return biInvalidBiome; } AString BiomeToString(int a_Biome) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_BiomeMap); i++) { if (g_BiomeMap[i].m_Biome == a_Biome) { return g_BiomeMap[i].m_String; } } return AString(); } bool IsBiomeNoDownfall(EMCSBiome a_Biome) { switch (a_Biome) { case biDesert: case biDesertHills: case biDesertM: case biSavanna: case biSavannaM: case biSavannaPlateau: case biSavannaPlateauM: case biNether: case biEnd: { return true; } default: { return false; } } } bool IsBiomeVeryCold(EMCSBiome a_Biome) { switch (a_Biome) { case biFrozenOcean: case biFrozenRiver: case biIcePlains: case biIceMountains: case biColdBeach: case biColdTaiga: case biColdTaigaHills: case biIcePlainsSpikes: case biColdTaigaM: { return true; } default: { return false; } } } bool IsBiomeCold(EMCSBiome a_Biome) { switch (a_Biome) { case biExtremeHills: case biTaiga: case biTaigaHills: case biExtremeHillsEdge: case biStoneBeach: case biMegaTaiga: case biMegaTaigaHills: case biExtremeHillsPlus: case biExtremeHillsM: case biTaigaM: case biColdTaigaM: case biMegaSpruceTaiga: case biMegaSpruceTaigaHills: case biExtremeHillsPlusM: { return true; } default: { return false; } } } int GetSnowStartHeight(EMCSBiome a_Biome) { switch (a_Biome) { case biIcePlainsSpikes: case biIcePlains: case biIceMountains: case biFrozenRiver: case biColdBeach: case biColdTaiga: case biColdTaigaHills: case biColdTaigaM: { // Always snow return 0; } case biExtremeHills: case biExtremeHillsM: case biExtremeHillsPlus: case biExtremeHillsPlusM: case biStoneBeach: { // Starts snowing at 96 return 96; } case biTaiga: case biTaigaHills: case biTaigaM: { // Start snowing at 130 return 130; } case biMegaTaiga: case biMegaSpruceTaiga: case biMegaTaigaHills: case biMegaSpruceTaigaHills: { // Start snowing at 160 return 160; } case biRiver: case biOcean: case biDeepOcean: { // Starts snowing at 280 return 280; } case biBirchForest: case biBirchForestHills: case biBirchForestM: case biBirchForestHillsM: { // Starts snowing at 335 return 335; } case biForest: case biForestHills: case biFlowerForest: case biRoofedForest: case biRoofedForestM: { // Starts snowing at 400 return 400; } case biPlains: case biSunflowerPlains: case biSwampland: case biSwamplandM: case biBeach: { // Starts snowing at 460 return 460; } case biMushroomIsland: case biMushroomShore: { // Starts snowing at 520 return 520; } case biJungle: case biJungleHills: case biJungleM: case biJungleEdge: case biJungleEdgeM: { // Starts snowing at 550 return 550; } case biDesert: case biDesertHills: case biDesertM: case biSavanna: case biSavannaM: case biSavannaPlateau: case biSavannaPlateauM: case biMesa: case biMesaBryce: case biMesaPlateau: case biMesaPlateauF: case biMesaPlateauFM: case biMesaPlateauM: { // These biomes don't actualy have any downfall. return 1000; } case biNether: case biEnd: { // These shouldn't get any snow at all. return 9999; } default: { return 0; } } }