#pragma once #include "BlockHandler.h" class cBlockSnowHandler final : public cBlockHandler { using Super = cBlockHandler; public: using Super::Super; private: enum { FullBlockMeta = 7 // Meta value of a full-height snow block. }; virtual bool DoesIgnoreBuildCollision( const cWorld & a_World, const cItem & a_HeldItem, const Vector3i a_Position, const NIBBLETYPE a_Meta, const eBlockFace a_ClickedBlockFace, const bool a_ClickedDirectly ) const override { if (a_Meta == 0) { return true; // If at normal snowfall height (lowest), we ignore collision. } // Special case if a player is holding a (thin) snow block and its size can be increased: if ((a_HeldItem.m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_SNOW) && (a_Meta < FullBlockMeta)) { return !a_ClickedDirectly || (a_ClickedBlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_YP ); // If clicked an adjacent block, or clicked YP directly, we ignore collision. } return false; } virtual cItems ConvertToPickups(const NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, const cItem * const a_Tool) const override { // No drop unless dug up with a shovel: if ((a_Tool == nullptr) || !ItemCategory::IsShovel(a_Tool->m_ItemType)) { return {}; } if (ToolHasSilkTouch(a_Tool)) { return cItem(m_BlockType, 1, 0); } else { // Drop as many snowballs as there were "layers" of snow: return cItem(E_ITEM_SNOWBALL, 1 + (a_BlockMeta & 0x07), 0); } } virtual bool CanBeAt(const cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_Position, const NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override { if (a_Position.y <= 0) { return false; } auto BelowPos = a_Position.addedY(-1); auto BlockBelow = a_Chunk.GetBlock(BelowPos); auto MetaBelow = a_Chunk.GetMeta(BelowPos); return CanBeOn(BlockBelow, MetaBelow); } virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override { UNUSED(a_Meta); return 14; } virtual bool IsInsideBlock(const Vector3d a_RelPosition, const NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) const override { return a_RelPosition.y < (cBlockInfo::GetBlockHeight(m_BlockType) * (a_BlockMeta & 0x07)); } private: /** Returns true if snow can be placed on top of a block with the given type and meta. */ static bool CanBeOn(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) { // If block below is snowable, or it is a thin snow block and is a full thin snow block, say yay: return ( cBlockInfo::IsSnowable(a_BlockType) || ((a_BlockType == E_BLOCK_SNOW) && (a_BlockMeta == FullBlockMeta)) ); } };