#include "Globals.h"  // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules

#include "BrewingRecipes.h"

#include <fstream>

#define BREWING_RECIPE_FILE "brewing.txt"


void cBrewingRecipes::ReloadRecipes(void)
	LOGD("Loading brewing recipes...");

	std::ifstream f(BREWING_RECIPE_FILE, std::ios::in);
	if (!f.good())
		LOG("Could not open the brewing recipes file \"%s\". No brewing recipes are available.", BREWING_RECIPE_FILE);

	unsigned int LineNum = 0;
	AString ParsingLine;

	while (std::getline(f, ParsingLine))
		// Remove comments from the line:
		size_t FirstCommentSymbol = ParsingLine.find('#');
		if (FirstCommentSymbol != AString::npos)

		if (ParsingLine.empty())
		AddRecipeFromLine(ParsingLine, LineNum);
	}  // while (getline(ParsingLine))

	LOG("Loaded " SIZE_T_FMT " brewing recipes", m_Recipes.size());

void cBrewingRecipes::AddRecipeFromLine(AString a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum)
	a_Line.erase(std::remove_if(a_Line.begin(), a_Line.end(), isspace), a_Line.end());

	auto Recipe = cpp14::make_unique<cRecipe>();

	const AStringVector & InputAndIngredient = StringSplit(a_Line, "+");

	if (InputAndIngredient.size() != 2)
		LOGWARNING("brewing.txt: line %d: A line with '+' was expected", a_LineNum);
		LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());

	const AStringVector & IngredientAndOutput = StringSplit(InputAndIngredient[1].c_str(), "=");
	if (IngredientAndOutput.size() != 2)
		LOGWARNING("brewing.txt: line %d: A line with '=' was expected", a_LineNum);
		LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());

	if (!ParseItem(IngredientAndOutput[0], Recipe->Ingredient))
		LOGWARNING("brewing.txt: Parsing of the item didn't worked.");
		LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());

	if (!StringToInteger<short>(InputAndIngredient[0], Recipe->Input.m_ItemDamage))
		LOGWARNING("brewing.txt: line %d: Cannot parse the damage value for the input item\"%s\".", a_LineNum, InputAndIngredient[0].c_str());
		LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());

	if (!StringToInteger<short>(IngredientAndOutput[1], Recipe->Output.m_ItemDamage))
		LOGWARNING("brewing.txt: line %d: Cannot parse the damage value for the output item\"%s\".", a_LineNum, IngredientAndOutput[1].c_str());
		LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());


bool cBrewingRecipes::ParseItem(const AString & a_String, cItem & a_Item)
	return StringToItem(a_String, a_Item);

void cBrewingRecipes::ClearRecipes(void)

const cBrewingRecipes::cRecipe * cBrewingRecipes::GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Input, const cItem & a_Ingredient) const
	for (const auto & Recipe : m_Recipes)
		if ((Recipe->Input.IsEqual(a_Input)) && (Recipe->Ingredient.IsEqual(a_Ingredient)))
			return Recipe.get();

	// Check for gunpowder
	if (a_Ingredient.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_GUNPOWDER)
		if (a_Input.m_ItemDamage & 0x2000)
			// Create new recipe and add it to list
			auto Recipe = cpp14::make_unique<cRecipe>();

			Recipe->Input.m_ItemType = a_Input.m_ItemDamage;
			Recipe->Output.m_ItemDamage = a_Input.m_ItemDamage + 8192;
			Recipe->Ingredient.m_ItemType = E_ITEM_GUNPOWDER;

			auto RecipePtr = Recipe.get();
			return RecipePtr;
		return nullptr;

	// Check for splash potion
	if (a_Input.m_ItemDamage & 0x4000)
		// Search for the drinkable potion, the ingredients are the same
		short SplashItemDamage = a_Input.m_ItemDamage - 8192;

		auto FoundRecipe = std::find_if(m_Recipes.cbegin(), m_Recipes.cend(), [&](const std::unique_ptr<cRecipe>& a_Recipe)
			return (
				(a_Recipe->Input.m_ItemDamage == SplashItemDamage) &&

		if (FoundRecipe == m_Recipes.cend())
			return nullptr;

		// Create new recipe and add it to list
		auto Recipe = cpp14::make_unique<cRecipe>();

		Recipe->Input.m_ItemDamage = a_Input.m_ItemDamage;
		Recipe->Output.m_ItemDamage = (*FoundRecipe)->Output.m_ItemDamage + 8192;
		Recipe->Ingredient.m_ItemType = (*FoundRecipe)->Ingredient.m_ItemType;

		auto RecipePtr = Recipe.get();
		return RecipePtr;
	return nullptr;

bool cBrewingRecipes::IsIngredient(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const
	// Check for gunpowder
	if (a_Ingredient.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_GUNPOWDER)
		return true;

	for (const auto & Recipe : m_Recipes)
		if (Recipe->Ingredient.IsEqual(a_Ingredient))
			return true;
	return false;

bool cBrewingRecipes::IsBottle(const cItem & a_Item) const
	return (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_POTION);

bool cBrewingRecipes::IsFuel(const cItem & a_Item) const
	return (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BLAZE_POWDER);