// ByteBuffer.cpp // Implements the cByteBuffer class representing a ringbuffer of bytes #include "Globals.h" #include "ByteBuffer.h" #include "Endianness.h" #include "UUID.h" #include "OSSupport/IsThread.h" /** When defined, each access to a cByteBuffer object is checked whether it's done in the same thread. cByteBuffer assumes that it is not used by multiple threads at once, this macro adds a runtime check for that. Unfortunately it is very slow, so it is disabled even for regular DEBUG builds. */ // #define DEBUG_SINGLE_THREAD_ACCESS // If a string sent over the protocol is larger than this, a warning is emitted to the console #define MAX_STRING_SIZE (512 KiB) #define NEEDBYTES(Num) if (!CanReadBytes(Num)) return false // Check if at least Num bytes can be read from the buffer, return false if not #define PUTBYTES(Num) if (!CanWriteBytes(Num)) return false // Check if at least Num bytes can be written to the buffer, return false if not #ifdef DEBUG_SINGLE_THREAD_ACCESS /** Simple RAII class that is used for checking that no two threads are using an object simultanously. It requires the monitored object to provide the storage for a thread ID. It uses that storage to check if the thread ID of consecutive calls is the same all the time. */ class cSingleThreadAccessChecker { public: cSingleThreadAccessChecker(std::thread::id * a_ThreadID) : m_ThreadID(a_ThreadID) { ASSERT( (*a_ThreadID == std::this_thread::get_id()) || // Either the object is used by current thread... (*a_ThreadID == m_EmptyThreadID) // ... or by no thread at all ); // Mark as being used by this thread: *m_ThreadID = std::this_thread::get_id(); } ~cSingleThreadAccessChecker() { // Mark as not being used by any thread: *m_ThreadID = std::thread::id(); } protected: /** Points to the storage used for ID of the thread using the object. */ std::thread::id * m_ThreadID; /** The value of an unassigned thread ID, used to speed up checking. */ static std::thread::id m_EmptyThreadID; }; std::thread::id cSingleThreadAccessChecker::m_EmptyThreadID; #define CHECK_THREAD cSingleThreadAccessChecker Checker(&m_ThreadID); #else #define CHECK_THREAD #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cByteBuffer: cByteBuffer::cByteBuffer(size_t a_BufferSize) : m_Buffer(new std::byte[a_BufferSize + 1]), m_BufferSize(a_BufferSize + 1), m_DataStart(0), m_WritePos(0), m_ReadPos(0) { // Allocating one byte more than the buffer size requested, so that we can distinguish between // completely-full and completely-empty states } cByteBuffer::~cByteBuffer() { CheckValid(); delete[] m_Buffer; m_Buffer = nullptr; } bool cByteBuffer::Write(const void * a_Bytes, size_t a_Count) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); // Store the current free space for a check after writing: size_t CurFreeSpace = GetFreeSpace(); #ifndef NDEBUG size_t CurReadableSpace = GetReadableSpace(); size_t WrittenBytes = 0; #endif if (CurFreeSpace < a_Count) { return false; } ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_WritePos); size_t TillEnd = m_BufferSize - m_WritePos; const char * Bytes = static_cast(a_Bytes); if (TillEnd <= a_Count) { // Need to wrap around the ringbuffer end if (TillEnd > 0) { memcpy(m_Buffer + m_WritePos, Bytes, TillEnd); Bytes += TillEnd; a_Count -= TillEnd; #ifndef NDEBUG WrittenBytes = TillEnd; #endif } m_WritePos = 0; } // We're guaranteed that we'll fit in a single write op if (a_Count > 0) { memcpy(m_Buffer + m_WritePos, Bytes, a_Count); m_WritePos += a_Count; #ifndef NDEBUG WrittenBytes += a_Count; #endif } ASSERT(GetFreeSpace() == CurFreeSpace - WrittenBytes); ASSERT(GetReadableSpace() == CurReadableSpace + WrittenBytes); return true; } size_t cByteBuffer::GetFreeSpace(void) const { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); if (m_WritePos >= m_DataStart) { // Wrap around the buffer end: ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_WritePos); ASSERT((m_BufferSize - m_WritePos + m_DataStart) >= 1); return m_BufferSize - m_WritePos + m_DataStart - 1; } // Single free space partition: ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_WritePos); ASSERT(m_BufferSize - m_WritePos >= 1); return m_DataStart - m_WritePos - 1; } size_t cByteBuffer::GetUsedSpace(void) const { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= GetFreeSpace()); ASSERT((m_BufferSize - GetFreeSpace()) >= 1); return m_BufferSize - GetFreeSpace() - 1; } size_t cByteBuffer::GetReadableSpace(void) const { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); if (m_ReadPos > m_WritePos) { // Wrap around the buffer end: ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_ReadPos); return m_BufferSize - m_ReadPos + m_WritePos; } // Single readable space partition: ASSERT(m_WritePos >= m_ReadPos); return m_WritePos - m_ReadPos; } bool cByteBuffer::CanBEInt8Represent(int a_Value) { return (-128 <= a_Value) && (a_Value <= 127); } bool cByteBuffer::CanBEInt16Represent(int a_Value) { return (-32768 <= a_Value) && (a_Value <= 32767); } bool cByteBuffer::CanReadBytes(size_t a_Count) const { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); return (a_Count <= GetReadableSpace()); } bool cByteBuffer::CanWriteBytes(size_t a_Count) const { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); return (a_Count <= GetFreeSpace()); } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEInt8(Int8 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(1); ReadBuf(&a_Value, 1); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEUInt8(UInt8 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(1); ReadBuf(&a_Value, 1); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEInt16(Int16 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(2); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEUInt16(UInt16 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(2); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEInt32(Int32 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(4); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEUInt32(UInt32 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(4); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEInt64(Int64 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(8); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEUInt64(UInt64 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(8); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEFloat(float & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(4); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBEDouble(double & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(8); Bytes bytes; ReadBuf(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); a_Value = NetworkToHost(bytes); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBool(bool & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(1); UInt8 Value = 0; ReadBuf(&Value, 1); a_Value = (Value != 0); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadVarInt32(UInt32 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); UInt32 Value = 0; int Shift = 0; unsigned char b = 0; do { NEEDBYTES(1); ReadBuf(&b, 1); Value = Value | ((static_cast(b & 0x7f)) << Shift); Shift += 7; } while ((b & 0x80) != 0); a_Value = Value; return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadVarInt64(UInt64 & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); UInt64 Value = 0; int Shift = 0; unsigned char b = 0; do { NEEDBYTES(1); ReadBuf(&b, 1); Value = Value | ((static_cast(b & 0x7f)) << Shift); Shift += 7; } while ((b & 0x80) != 0); a_Value = Value; return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadVarUTF8String(AString & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); UInt32 Size = 0; if (!ReadVarInt(Size)) { return false; } if (Size > MAX_STRING_SIZE) { LOGWARNING("%s: String too large: %u (%u KiB)", __FUNCTION__, Size, Size / 1024); } ContiguousByteBuffer Buffer; if (!ReadSome(Buffer, static_cast(Size))) { return false; } // "Convert" a UTF-8 encoded string into system-native char. // This isn't great, better would be to use codecvt: a_Value = { reinterpret_cast(Buffer.data()), Buffer.size() }; return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadLEInt(int & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(4); ReadBuf(&a_Value, 4); #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN // Convert: a_Value = ((a_Value >> 24) & 0xff) | ((a_Value >> 16) & 0xff00) | ((a_Value >> 8) & 0xff0000) | (a_Value & 0xff000000); #endif return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadXYZPosition64(int & a_BlockX, int & a_BlockY, int & a_BlockZ) { CHECK_THREAD UInt64 Value; if (!ReadBEUInt64(Value)) { return false; } // Convert the 64 received bits into 3 coords: UInt32 BlockXRaw = (Value >> 38) & 0x03ffffff; // Top 26 bits UInt32 BlockYRaw = (Value >> 26) & 0x0fff; // Middle 12 bits UInt32 BlockZRaw = (Value & 0x03ffffff); // Bottom 26 bits // If the highest bit in the number's range is set, convert the number into negative: a_BlockX = ((BlockXRaw & 0x02000000) == 0) ? static_cast(BlockXRaw) : -(0x04000000 - static_cast(BlockXRaw)); a_BlockY = ((BlockYRaw & 0x0800) == 0) ? static_cast(BlockYRaw) : -(0x01000 - static_cast(BlockYRaw)); a_BlockZ = ((BlockZRaw & 0x02000000) == 0) ? static_cast(BlockZRaw) : -(0x04000000 - static_cast(BlockZRaw)); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadXYZPosition64(Vector3i & a_Position) { return ReadXYZPosition64(a_Position.x, a_Position.y, a_Position.z); } bool cByteBuffer::ReadXZYPosition64(int & a_BlockX, int & a_BlockY, int & a_BlockZ) { CHECK_THREAD UInt64 Value; if (!ReadBEUInt64(Value)) { return false; } // Convert the 64 received bits into 3 coords: UInt32 BlockXRaw = (Value >> 38) & 0x03ffffff; // Top 26 bits UInt32 BlockZRaw = (Value >> 12) & 0x03ffffff; // Middle 26 bits UInt32 BlockYRaw = (Value & 0x0fff); // Bottom 12 bits // If the highest bit in the number's range is set, convert the number into negative: a_BlockX = ((BlockXRaw & 0x02000000) == 0) ? static_cast(BlockXRaw) : (static_cast(BlockXRaw) - 0x04000000); a_BlockY = ((BlockYRaw & 0x0800) == 0) ? static_cast(BlockYRaw) : (static_cast(BlockYRaw) - 0x01000); a_BlockZ = ((BlockZRaw & 0x02000000) == 0) ? static_cast(BlockZRaw) : (static_cast(BlockZRaw) - 0x04000000); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadXZYPosition64(Vector3i & a_Position) { return ReadXZYPosition64(a_Position.x, a_Position.y, a_Position.z); } bool cByteBuffer::ReadUUID(cUUID & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD std::array UUIDBuf; if (!ReadBuf(UUIDBuf.data(), UUIDBuf.size())) { return false; } a_Value.FromRaw(UUIDBuf); return true; } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEInt8(Int8 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(1); return WriteBuf(&a_Value, 1); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEInt8(const std::byte a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(1); return WriteBuf(&a_Value, 1); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEUInt8(UInt8 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(1); return WriteBuf(&a_Value, 1); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEInt16(Int16 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(2); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEUInt16(UInt16 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(2); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEInt32(Int32 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(4); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEUInt32(UInt32 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(4); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEInt64(Int64 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(8); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEUInt64(UInt64 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(8); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEFloat(float a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(4); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBEDouble(double a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(8); auto Converted = HostToNetwork(a_Value); return WriteBuf(Converted.data(), Converted.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBool(bool a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); UInt8 val = a_Value ? 1 : 0; return Write(&val, 1); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteVarInt32(UInt32 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); // A 32-bit integer can be encoded by at most 5 bytes: unsigned char b[5]; size_t idx = 0; do { b[idx] = (a_Value & 0x7f) | ((a_Value > 0x7f) ? 0x80 : 0x00); a_Value = a_Value >> 7; idx++; } while (a_Value > 0); return WriteBuf(b, idx); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteVarInt64(UInt64 a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); // A 64-bit integer can be encoded by at most 10 bytes: unsigned char b[10]; size_t idx = 0; do { b[idx] = (a_Value & 0x7f) | ((a_Value > 0x7f) ? 0x80 : 0x00); a_Value = a_Value >> 7; idx++; } while (a_Value > 0); return WriteBuf(b, idx); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteVarUTF8String(const AString & a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(a_Value.size() + 1); // This is a lower-bound on the bytes that will be actually written. Fail early. bool res = WriteVarInt32(static_cast(a_Value.size())); if (!res) { return false; } return WriteBuf(a_Value.data(), a_Value.size()); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteXYZPosition64(Int32 a_BlockX, Int32 a_BlockY, Int32 a_BlockZ) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); return WriteBEUInt64( ((static_cast(a_BlockX) & 0x3FFFFFF) << 38) | ((static_cast(a_BlockY) & 0xFFF) << 26) | (static_cast(a_BlockZ) & 0x3FFFFFF) ); } bool cByteBuffer::WriteXZYPosition64(Int32 a_BlockX, Int32 a_BlockY, Int32 a_BlockZ) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); return WriteBEUInt64( ((static_cast(a_BlockX) & 0x3FFFFFF) << 38) | ((static_cast(a_BlockZ) & 0x3FFFFFF) << 12) | (static_cast(a_BlockY) & 0xFFF) ); } bool cByteBuffer::ReadBuf(void * a_Buffer, size_t a_Count) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(a_Count); char * Dst = static_cast(a_Buffer); // So that we can do byte math ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_ReadPos); size_t BytesToEndOfBuffer = m_BufferSize - m_ReadPos; if (BytesToEndOfBuffer <= a_Count) { // Reading across the ringbuffer end, read the first part and adjust parameters: if (BytesToEndOfBuffer > 0) { memcpy(Dst, m_Buffer + m_ReadPos, BytesToEndOfBuffer); Dst += BytesToEndOfBuffer; a_Count -= BytesToEndOfBuffer; } m_ReadPos = 0; } // Read the rest of the bytes in a single read (guaranteed to fit): if (a_Count > 0) { memcpy(Dst, m_Buffer + m_ReadPos, a_Count); m_ReadPos += a_Count; } return true; } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBuf(const void * a_Buffer, size_t a_Count) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(a_Count); const char * Src = static_cast(a_Buffer); // So that we can do byte math ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_ReadPos); size_t BytesToEndOfBuffer = m_BufferSize - m_WritePos; if (BytesToEndOfBuffer <= a_Count) { // Reading across the ringbuffer end, read the first part and adjust parameters: memcpy(m_Buffer + m_WritePos, Src, BytesToEndOfBuffer); Src += BytesToEndOfBuffer; a_Count -= BytesToEndOfBuffer; m_WritePos = 0; } // Read the rest of the bytes in a single read (guaranteed to fit): if (a_Count > 0) { memcpy(m_Buffer + m_WritePos, Src, a_Count); m_WritePos += a_Count; } return true; } bool cByteBuffer::WriteBuf(size_t a_Count, unsigned char a_Value) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); PUTBYTES(a_Count); ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_ReadPos); size_t BytesToEndOfBuffer = m_BufferSize - m_WritePos; if (BytesToEndOfBuffer <= a_Count) { // Reading across the ringbuffer end, read the first part and adjust parameters: memset(m_Buffer + m_WritePos, a_Value, BytesToEndOfBuffer); a_Count -= BytesToEndOfBuffer; m_WritePos = 0; } // Read the rest of the bytes in a single read (guaranteed to fit): if (a_Count > 0) { memset(m_Buffer + m_WritePos, a_Value, a_Count); m_WritePos += a_Count; } return true; } bool cByteBuffer::ReadSome(ContiguousByteBuffer & a_String, size_t a_Count) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); NEEDBYTES(a_Count); a_String.clear(); a_String.reserve(a_Count); ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_ReadPos); size_t BytesToEndOfBuffer = m_BufferSize - m_ReadPos; if (BytesToEndOfBuffer <= a_Count) { // Reading across the ringbuffer end, read the first part and adjust parameters: if (BytesToEndOfBuffer > 0) { a_String.assign(m_Buffer + m_ReadPos, BytesToEndOfBuffer); ASSERT(a_Count >= BytesToEndOfBuffer); a_Count -= BytesToEndOfBuffer; } m_ReadPos = 0; } // Read the rest of the bytes in a single read (guaranteed to fit): if (a_Count > 0) { a_String.append(m_Buffer + m_ReadPos, a_Count); m_ReadPos += a_Count; } return true; } bool cByteBuffer::SkipRead(size_t a_Count) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); if (!CanReadBytes(a_Count)) { return false; } AdvanceReadPos(a_Count); return true; } void cByteBuffer::ReadAll(ContiguousByteBuffer & a_Data) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); ReadSome(a_Data, GetReadableSpace()); } bool cByteBuffer::ReadToByteBuffer(cByteBuffer & a_Dst, size_t a_NumBytes) { CHECK_THREAD if (!a_Dst.CanWriteBytes(a_NumBytes) || !CanReadBytes(a_NumBytes)) { // There's not enough source bytes or space in the dest BB return false; } char buf[1024]; // > 0 without generating warnings about unsigned comparisons where size_t is unsigned while (a_NumBytes != 0) { size_t num = (a_NumBytes > sizeof(buf)) ? sizeof(buf) : a_NumBytes; VERIFY(ReadBuf(buf, num)); VERIFY(a_Dst.Write(buf, num)); ASSERT(a_NumBytes >= num); a_NumBytes -= num; } return true; } void cByteBuffer::CommitRead(void) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); m_DataStart = m_ReadPos; } void cByteBuffer::ResetRead(void) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); m_ReadPos = m_DataStart; } void cByteBuffer::ReadAgain(ContiguousByteBuffer & a_Out) { // Return the data between m_DataStart and m_ReadPos (the data that has been read but not committed) // Used by ProtoProxy to repeat communication twice, once for parsing and the other time for the remote party CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); size_t DataStart = m_DataStart; if (m_ReadPos < m_DataStart) { // Across the ringbuffer end, read the first part and adjust next part's start: ASSERT(m_BufferSize >= m_DataStart); a_Out.append(m_Buffer + m_DataStart, m_BufferSize - m_DataStart); DataStart = 0; } ASSERT(m_ReadPos >= DataStart); a_Out.append(m_Buffer + DataStart, m_ReadPos - DataStart); } void cByteBuffer::AdvanceReadPos(size_t a_Count) { CHECK_THREAD CheckValid(); m_ReadPos += a_Count; if (m_ReadPos >= m_BufferSize) { m_ReadPos -= m_BufferSize; } } void cByteBuffer::CheckValid(void) const { ASSERT(m_ReadPos < m_BufferSize); ASSERT(m_WritePos < m_BufferSize); } size_t cByteBuffer::GetVarIntSize(UInt32 a_Value) { size_t Count = 0; do { // If the value cannot be expressed in 7 bits, it needs to take up another byte Count++; a_Value >>= 7; } while (a_Value != 0); return Count; }