// ChunkData.h // Declares the cChunkData class that represents the block's type, meta, blocklight and skylight storage for a chunk #pragma once #include <cstring> #include "ChunkDef.h" #include "AllocationPool.h" #if __cplusplus < 201103L // auto_ptr style interface for memory management #else // unique_ptr style interface for memory management #endif class cChunkData { private: static const size_t SectionHeight = 16; static const size_t NumSections = (cChunkDef::Height / SectionHeight); static const size_t SectionBlockCount = SectionHeight * cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width; public: struct sChunkSection; cChunkData(cAllocationPool<cChunkData::sChunkSection> & a_Pool); ~cChunkData(); #if __cplusplus < 201103L // auto_ptr style interface for memory management cChunkData(const cChunkData & a_Other); cChunkData & operator =(const cChunkData & a_Other); #else // unique_ptr style interface for memory management cChunkData(cChunkData && a_Other); cChunkData & operator =(cChunkData && a_ther); #endif BLOCKTYPE GetBlock(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z) const; void SetBlock(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_Block); NIBBLETYPE GetMeta(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const; bool SetMeta(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, NIBBLETYPE a_Nibble); NIBBLETYPE GetBlockLight(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const; NIBBLETYPE GetSkyLight(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const; /** Creates a (deep) copy of self. */ cChunkData Copy(void) const; /** Copies the blocktype data into the specified flat array. Optionally, only a part of the data is copied, as specified by the a_Idx and a_Length parameters. */ void CopyBlockTypes(BLOCKTYPE * a_Dest, size_t a_Idx = 0, size_t a_Length = cChunkDef::NumBlocks) const; /** Copies the metadata into the specified flat array. */ void CopyMetas(NIBBLETYPE * a_Dest) const; /** Copies the block light data into the specified flat array. */ void CopyBlockLight(NIBBLETYPE * a_Dest) const; /** Copies the skylight data into the specified flat array. */ void CopySkyLight (NIBBLETYPE * a_Dest) const; /** Copies the blocktype data from the specified flat array into the internal representation. Allocates sections that are needed for the operation. Requires that a_Src is a valid pointer. */ void SetBlockTypes(const BLOCKTYPE * a_Src); /** Copies the metadata from the specified flat array into the internal representation. Allocates sectios that are needed for the operation. Requires that a_Src is a valid pointer. */ void SetMetas(const NIBBLETYPE * a_Src); /** Copies the blocklight data from the specified flat array into the internal representation. Allocates sectios that are needed for the operation. Allows a_Src to be NULL, in which case it doesn't do anything. */ void SetBlockLight(const NIBBLETYPE * a_Src); /** Copies the skylight data from the specified flat array into the internal representation. Allocates sectios that are needed for the operation. Allows a_Src to be NULL, in which case it doesn't do anything. */ void SetSkyLight(const NIBBLETYPE * a_Src); struct sChunkSection { BLOCKTYPE m_BlockTypes [SectionHeight * 16 * 16] ; NIBBLETYPE m_BlockMetas [SectionHeight * 16 * 16 / 2]; NIBBLETYPE m_BlockLight [SectionHeight * 16 * 16 / 2]; NIBBLETYPE m_BlockSkyLight[SectionHeight * 16 * 16 / 2]; }; private: #if __cplusplus < 201103L // auto_ptr style interface for memory management mutable bool m_IsOwner; #endif sChunkSection * m_Sections[NumSections]; cAllocationPool<cChunkData::sChunkSection> & m_Pool; /** Allocates a new section. Entry-point to custom allocators. */ sChunkSection * Allocate(void); /** Frees the specified section, previously allocated using Allocate(). Note that a_Section may be NULL. */ void Free(sChunkSection * a_Section); /** Sets the data in the specified section to their default values. */ void ZeroSection(sChunkSection * a_Section) const; };