// CommandOutput.h

// Declares various classes that process command output

/** Interface for a callback that receives command output
The Out() function is called for any output the command has produced.
Descendants override that function to provide specific processing of the output.
class cCommandOutputCallback
	virtual ~cCommandOutputCallback() {}  // Force a virtual destructor in subclasses
	/// Syntax sugar function, calls Out() with Printf()-ed parameters; appends a newline"
	void Out(const char * a_Fmt, ...) FORMATSTRING(2, 3);
	/// Called when the command wants to output anything; may be called multiple times
	virtual void Out(const AString & a_Text) = 0;
	/// Called when the command processing has been finished
	virtual void Finished(void) {}
} ;

/// Class that discards all command output
class cNullCommandOutputCallback :
	public cCommandOutputCallback
	// cCommandOutputCallback overrides:
	virtual void Out(const AString & a_Text) override
		// Do nothing
} ;

/** Accumulates all command output into a string. */
class cStringAccumCommandOutputCallback:
	public cCommandOutputCallback
	typedef cCommandOutputCallback super;

	// cCommandOutputCallback overrides:
	virtual void Out(const AString & a_Text) override;
	virtual void Finished(void) override {}

	/** Returns the accumulated command output in a string. */
	const AString & GetAccum(void) const { return m_Accum; }

	/** Output is stored here until the command finishes processing */
	AString m_Accum;
} ;

/// Sends all command output to a log, line by line, when the command finishes processing
class cLogCommandOutputCallback :
	public cStringAccumCommandOutputCallback
	// cStringAccumCommandOutputCallback overrides:
	virtual void Finished(void) override;
} ;

/// Sends all command output to a log, line by line; deletes self when command finishes processing
class cLogCommandDeleteSelfOutputCallback :
	public cLogCommandOutputCallback
	typedef cLogCommandOutputCallback super;
	virtual void Finished(void) override
		delete this;
} ;