// Crypto.h // Declares classes that wrap the cryptographic code library #pragma once #include "polarssl/rsa.h" #include "polarssl/aes.h" #include "polarssl/entropy.h" #include "polarssl/ctr_drbg.h" #include "polarssl/sha1.h" #include "polarssl/pk.h" /** Encapsulates an RSA private key used in PKI cryptography */ class cRSAPrivateKey { public: /** Creates a new empty object, the key is not assigned */ cRSAPrivateKey(void); /** Deep-copies the key from a_Other */ cRSAPrivateKey(const cRSAPrivateKey & a_Other); ~cRSAPrivateKey(); /** Generates a new key within this object, with the specified size in bits. Returns true on success, false on failure. */ bool Generate(unsigned a_KeySizeBits = 1024); /** Returns the public key part encoded in ASN1 DER encoding */ AString GetPubKeyDER(void); /** Decrypts the data using RSAES-PKCS#1 algorithm. Both a_EncryptedData and a_DecryptedData must be at least <KeySizeBytes> bytes large. Returns the number of bytes decrypted, or negative number for error. */ int Decrypt(const Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedLength, Byte * a_DecryptedData, size_t a_DecryptedMaxLength); /** Encrypts the data using RSAES-PKCS#1 algorithm. Both a_EncryptedData and a_DecryptedData must be at least <KeySizeBytes> bytes large. Returns the number of bytes decrypted, or negative number for error. */ int Encrypt(const Byte * a_PlainData, size_t a_PlainLength, Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedMaxLength); protected: rsa_context m_Rsa; entropy_context m_Entropy; ctr_drbg_context m_Ctr_drbg; /** Initializes the m_Entropy and m_Ctr_drbg contexts Common part of this object's construction, called from all constructors. */ void InitRnd(void); } ; class cPublicKey { public: cPublicKey(const AString & a_PublicKeyDER); ~cPublicKey(); /** Decrypts the data using the stored public key Both a_EncryptedData and a_DecryptedData must be at least <KeySizeBytes> bytes large. Returns the number of bytes decrypted, or negative number for error. */ int Decrypt(const Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedLength, Byte * a_DecryptedData, size_t a_DecryptedMaxLength); /** Encrypts the data using the stored public key Both a_EncryptedData and a_DecryptedData must be at least <KeySizeBytes> bytes large. Returns the number of bytes decrypted, or negative number for error. */ int Encrypt(const Byte * a_PlainData, size_t a_PlainLength, Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedMaxLength); protected: pk_context m_Pk; entropy_context m_Entropy; ctr_drbg_context m_Ctr_drbg; /** Initializes the m_Entropy and m_Ctr_drbg contexts Common part of this object's construction, called from all constructors. */ void InitRnd(void); } ; /** Decrypts data using the AES / CFB (128) algorithm */ class cAESCFBDecryptor { public: Byte test; cAESCFBDecryptor(void); ~cAESCFBDecryptor(); /** Initializes the decryptor with the specified Key / IV */ void Init(const Byte a_Key[16], const Byte a_IV[16]); /** Decrypts a_Length bytes of the encrypted data; produces a_Length output bytes */ void ProcessData(Byte * a_DecryptedOut, const Byte * a_EncryptedIn, size_t a_Length); /** Returns true if the object has been initialized with the Key / IV */ bool IsValid(void) const { return m_IsValid; } protected: aes_context m_Aes; /** The InitialVector, used by the CFB mode decryption */ Byte m_IV[16]; /** Current offset in the m_IV, used by the CFB mode decryption */ size_t m_IVOffset; /** Indicates whether the object has been initialized with the Key / IV */ bool m_IsValid; } ; /** Encrypts data using the AES / CFB (128) algorithm */ class cAESCFBEncryptor { public: cAESCFBEncryptor(void); ~cAESCFBEncryptor(); /** Initializes the decryptor with the specified Key / IV */ void Init(const Byte a_Key[16], const Byte a_IV[16]); /** Encrypts a_Length bytes of the plain data; produces a_Length output bytes */ void ProcessData(Byte * a_EncryptedOut, const Byte * a_PlainIn, size_t a_Length); /** Returns true if the object has been initialized with the Key / IV */ bool IsValid(void) const { return m_IsValid; } protected: aes_context m_Aes; /** The InitialVector, used by the CFB mode encryption */ Byte m_IV[16]; /** Current offset in the m_IV, used by the CFB mode encryption */ size_t m_IVOffset; /** Indicates whether the object has been initialized with the Key / IV */ bool m_IsValid; } ; /** Calculates a SHA1 checksum for data stream */ class cSHA1Checksum { public: typedef Byte Checksum[20]; // The type used for storing the checksum cSHA1Checksum(void); /** Adds the specified data to the checksum */ void Update(const Byte * a_Data, size_t a_Length); /** Calculates and returns the final checksum */ void Finalize(Checksum & a_Output); /** Returns true if the object is accepts more input data, false if Finalize()-d (need to Restart()) */ bool DoesAcceptInput(void) const { return m_DoesAcceptInput; } /** Converts a raw 160-bit SHA1 digest into a Java Hex representation According to http://wiki.vg/wiki/index.php?title=Protocol_Encryption&oldid=2802 */ static void DigestToJava(const Checksum & a_Digest, AString & a_JavaOut); /** Clears the current context and start a new checksum calculation */ void Restart(void); protected: /** True if the object is accepts more input data, false if Finalize()-d (need to Restart()) */ bool m_DoesAcceptInput; sha1_context m_Sha1; } ;