// RoughRavines.h // Declares the cRoughRavines class representing the rough ravine generator #pragma once #include "GridStructGen.h" class cRoughRavines : public cGridStructGen { typedef cGridStructGen super; public: cRoughRavines( int a_Seed, int a_MaxSize, int a_MinSize, float a_MaxCenterWidth, float a_MinCenterWidth, float a_MaxRoughness, float a_MinRoughness, float a_MaxFloorHeightEdge, float a_MinFloorHeightEdge, float a_MaxFloorHeightCenter, float a_MinFloorHeightCenter, float a_MaxCeilingHeightEdge, float a_MinCeilingHeightEdge, float a_MaxCeilingHeightCenter, float a_MinCeilingHeightCenter, int a_GridSize, int a_MaxOffset ); protected: int m_Seed; /** Maximum size of the ravine, in each of the X / Z axis */ int m_MaxSize; /** Minimum size of the ravine */ int m_MinSize; /** Maximum width of the ravine's center, in blocks */ float m_MaxCenterWidth; /** Minimum width of the ravine's center, in blocks */ float m_MinCenterWidth; /** Maximum roughness of the ravine */ float m_MaxRoughness; /** Minimum roughness of the ravine */ float m_MinRoughness; /** Maximum floor height at the ravine's edge */ float m_MaxFloorHeightEdge; /** Minimum floor height at the ravine's edge */ float m_MinFloorHeightEdge; /** Maximum floor height at the ravine's center */ float m_MaxFloorHeightCenter; /** Minimum floor height at the ravine's center */ float m_MinFloorHeightCenter; /** Maximum ceiling height at the ravine's edge */ float m_MaxCeilingHeightEdge; /** Minimum ceiling height at the ravine's edge */ float m_MinCeilingHeightEdge; /** Maximum ceiling height at the ravine's center */ float m_MaxCeilingHeightCenter; /** Minimum ceiling height at the ravine's center */ float m_MinCeilingHeightCenter; // cGridStructGen /*override*/s: virtual cStructurePtr CreateStructure(int a_GridX, int a_GridZ, int a_OriginX, int a_OriginZ) /*override*/; };