// VillageGen.cpp

// Implements the cVillageGen class representing the village generator

#include "Globals.h"
#include "VillageGen.h"
#include "PieceGeneratorBFSTree.h"
#include "../BlockInfo.h"

How village generating works:
By descending from a cGridStructGen, a semi-random (jitter) grid is generated. A village may be generated for each
of the grid's cells. Each cell checks the biomes in an entire chunk around its center, only generating a village if
all biomes are village-friendly. If yes, the entire village structure is built for that cell. If not, the cell
is left village-less.

A village is generated using the regular BFS piece generator. The well piece is used as the starting piece,
the roads and houses are then used as the following pieces. Only the houses are read from the prefabs,
though, the roads are generated by code and their content is ignored. A special subclass of the cPiecePool
class is used, so that the roads connect to each other and to the well only in predefined manners.

The well has connectors of type "2". The houses have connectors of type "-1". The roads have connectors of
both types' opposites, type "-2" at the far ends and type "1" on the long edges. Additionally, there are
type "2" connectors along the long edges of the roads as well, so that the roads create T junctions.

When the village is about to be drawn into a chunk, it queries the heights for each piece intersecting the
chunk. The pieces are shifted so that their first connector lies on the surface, and the roads are drawn
directly by turning the surface blocks into gravel / sandstone.

The village prefabs are stored in global piecepools (one pool per village type). In order to support
per-village density setting, the cVillage class itself implements the cPiecePool interface, relaying the
calls to the underlying cVillagePiecePool, after processing the density check.

class cVillagePiecePool:
	public cPrefabPiecePool
	using Super = cPrefabPiecePool;


		const cPrefab::sDef * a_PieceDefs,         size_t a_NumPieceDefs,
		const cPrefab::sDef * a_StartingPieceDefs, size_t a_NumStartingPieceDefs
		Super(a_PieceDefs, a_NumPieceDefs, a_StartingPieceDefs, a_NumStartingPieceDefs)


	void AddRoadPieces(void)
		// Add the road pieces:
		for (int len = 27; len < 60; len += 12)
			cBlockArea BA;
			BA.Create(len, 1, 3, cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas);
			BA.Fill(cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas, E_BLOCK_GRAVEL, 0);
			cPrefab * RoadPiece = new cPrefab(BA, 1);
			RoadPiece->AddConnector(0,       0, 1, cPiece::cConnector::dirXM, -2);
			RoadPiece->AddConnector(len - 1, 0, 1, cPiece::cConnector::dirXP, -2);

			// Add the road connectors:
			for (int x = 1; x < len; x += 12)
				RoadPiece->AddConnector(x, 0, 0, cPiece::cConnector::dirZM, 2);
				RoadPiece->AddConnector(x, 0, 2, cPiece::cConnector::dirZP, 2);

			// Add the buildings connectors:
			for (int x = 7; x < len; x += 12)
				RoadPiece->AddConnector(x, 0, 0, cPiece::cConnector::dirZM, 1);
				RoadPiece->AddConnector(x, 0, 2, cPiece::cConnector::dirZP, 1);
		}  // for len - roads of varying length

	// cPrefabPiecePool overrides:
	virtual int GetPieceWeight(const cPlacedPiece & a_PlacedPiece, const cPiece::cConnector & a_ExistingConnector, const cPiece & a_NewPiece) override
		// Roads cannot branch T-wise (appending -2 connector to a +2 connector on a 1-high piece):
		if ((a_ExistingConnector.m_Type == 2) && (a_PlacedPiece.GetDepth() > 0) && (a_PlacedPiece.GetPiece().GetSize().y == 1))
			return 0;

		return static_cast<const cPrefab &>(a_NewPiece).GetPieceWeight(a_PlacedPiece, a_ExistingConnector);

class cVillageGen::cVillage:
	public cGridStructGen::cStructure,
	protected cPiecePool
	using Super = cGridStructGen::cStructure;


		int a_Seed,
		int a_GridX, int a_GridZ,
		int a_OriginX, int a_OriginZ,
		int a_MaxRoadDepth,
		int a_MaxSize,
		int a_Density,
		cVillagePiecePool & a_Prefabs,
		cTerrainHeightGen & a_HeightGen
		Super(a_GridX, a_GridZ, a_OriginX, a_OriginZ),
			{a_OriginX - a_MaxSize, 0, a_OriginZ - a_MaxSize},
			{a_OriginX + a_MaxSize, cChunkDef::Height - 1, a_OriginZ + a_MaxSize}
		// Generate the pieces for this village; don't care about the Y coord:
		cPieceGeneratorBFSTree pg(*this, a_Seed);
		pg.PlacePieces(a_OriginX, a_OriginZ, a_MaxRoadDepth + 1, m_Pieces);
		if (m_Pieces.empty())

	/** Seed for the random functions */
	int m_Seed;

	/** The noise used as a pseudo-random generator */
	cNoise m_Noise;

	/** Maximum size, in X / Z blocks, of the village (radius from the origin) */
	int m_MaxSize;

	/** The density for this village. Used to refrain from populating all house connectors. Range [0, 100] */
	int m_Density;

	/** Borders of the village - no item may reach out of this cuboid. */
	cCuboid m_Borders;

	/** Prefabs to use for buildings */
	cVillagePiecePool & m_Prefabs;

	/** The underlying height generator, used for placing the structures on top of the terrain. */
	cTerrainHeightGen & m_HeightGen;

	/** The village pieces, placed by the generator. */
	cPlacedPieces m_Pieces;

	// cGridStructGen::cStructure overrides:
	virtual void DrawIntoChunk(cChunkDesc & a_Chunk) override
		// Iterate over all items
		// Each intersecting prefab is placed on ground, then drawn
		// Each intersecting road is drawn by replacing top soil blocks with gravel / sandstone blocks
		cChunkDef::HeightMap HeightMap;  // Heightmap for this chunk, used by roads
		m_HeightGen.GenHeightMap(a_Chunk.GetChunkCoords(), HeightMap);
		for (cPlacedPieces::iterator itr = m_Pieces.begin(), end = m_Pieces.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			const cPrefab & Prefab = static_cast<const cPrefab &>((*itr)->GetPiece());
			if ((*itr)->GetPiece().GetSize().y == 1)
				// It's a road, special handling (change top terrain blocks to m_RoadBlock)
				DrawRoad(a_Chunk, **itr, HeightMap);
			if (Prefab.ShouldMoveToGround() && !(*itr)->HasBeenMovedToGround())
			Prefab.Draw(a_Chunk, itr->get());
		}  // for itr - m_PlacedPieces[]

	/**  Adjusts the Y coord of the given piece so that the piece is on the ground.
	Ground level is assumed to be represented by the first connector in the piece. */
	void PlacePieceOnGround(cPlacedPiece & a_Piece)
		cPiece::cConnector FirstConnector = a_Piece.GetRotatedConnector(0);
		int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
		int BlockX = FirstConnector.m_Pos.x;
		int BlockZ = FirstConnector.m_Pos.z;
		int BlockY;
		cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ);
		cChunkDef::HeightMap HeightMap;
		m_HeightGen.GenHeightMap({ChunkX, ChunkZ}, HeightMap);
		int TerrainHeight = cChunkDef::GetHeight(HeightMap, BlockX, BlockZ);
		a_Piece.MoveToGroundBy(TerrainHeight - FirstConnector.m_Pos.y + 1);

	/** Draws the road into the chunk.
	The heightmap is not queried from the heightgen, but is given via parameter, so that it may be queried just
	once for all roads in a chunk. */
	void DrawRoad(cChunkDesc & a_Chunk, cPlacedPiece & a_Road, cChunkDef::HeightMap & a_HeightMap)
		cCuboid RoadCoords = a_Road.GetHitBox();
		int MinX = std::max(RoadCoords.p1.x - a_Chunk.GetChunkX() * cChunkDef::Width, 0);
		int MaxX = std::min(RoadCoords.p2.x - a_Chunk.GetChunkX() * cChunkDef::Width, cChunkDef::Width - 1);
		int MinZ = std::max(RoadCoords.p1.z - a_Chunk.GetChunkZ() * cChunkDef::Width, 0);
		int MaxZ = std::min(RoadCoords.p2.z - a_Chunk.GetChunkZ() * cChunkDef::Width, cChunkDef::Width - 1);
		auto WaterRoadBlockType = m_Prefabs.GetVillageWaterRoadBlockType();
		auto WaterRoadBlockMeta = m_Prefabs.GetVillageWaterRoadBlockMeta();
		auto RoadBlockType = m_Prefabs.GetVillageRoadBlockType();
		auto RoadBlockMeta = m_Prefabs.GetVillageRoadBlockMeta();
		for (int z = MinZ; z <= MaxZ; z++)
			for (int x = MinX; x <= MaxX; x++)
				auto height = cChunkDef::GetHeight(a_HeightMap, x, z);
				if (IsBlockWater(a_Chunk.GetBlockType(x, height, z)))
					a_Chunk.SetBlockTypeMeta(x, height, z, WaterRoadBlockType, WaterRoadBlockMeta);
					a_Chunk.SetBlockTypeMeta(x, height, z, RoadBlockType, RoadBlockMeta);

	// cPiecePool overrides:
	virtual cPieces GetPiecesWithConnector(int a_ConnectorType) override
		return m_Prefabs.GetPiecesWithConnector(a_ConnectorType);

	virtual cPieces GetStartingPieces(void) override
		return m_Prefabs.GetStartingPieces();

	virtual int GetPieceWeight(
		const cPlacedPiece & a_PlacedPiece,
		const cPiece::cConnector & a_ExistingConnector,
		const cPiece & a_NewPiece
	) override
		// Check against the density:
		if (a_ExistingConnector.m_Type == 1)
			const Vector3i & Coords = a_PlacedPiece.GetRotatedConnector(a_ExistingConnector).m_Pos;
			int rnd = (m_Noise.IntNoise3DInt(Coords.x, Coords.y, Coords.z) / 7) % 100;
			if (rnd > m_Density)
				return 0;

		// Density check passed, relay to m_Prefabs:
		return m_Prefabs.GetPieceWeight(a_PlacedPiece, a_ExistingConnector, a_NewPiece);

	virtual int GetStartingPieceWeight(const cPiece & a_NewPiece) override
		return m_Prefabs.GetStartingPieceWeight(a_NewPiece);

	virtual void PiecePlaced(const cPiece & a_Piece) override

	virtual void Reset(void) override

	void MoveAllDescendants(cPlacedPieces & a_PlacedPieces, size_t a_Pivot, int a_HeightDifference)
		size_t num = a_PlacedPieces.size();
		auto & Pivot = a_PlacedPieces[a_Pivot];
		for (size_t i = a_Pivot + 1; i < num; i++)
			if (
				(a_PlacedPieces[i]->GetParent() == Pivot.get()) &&  // It is a direct dependant of the pivot
				!(static_cast<const cPrefab &>(a_PlacedPieces[i]->GetPiece())).ShouldMoveToGround()  // It attaches strictly by connectors
				MoveAllDescendants(a_PlacedPieces, i, a_HeightDifference);
		}  // for i - a_PlacedPieces[]
} ;

// cVillageGen:

	int a_Seed,
	int a_GridSize,
	int a_MaxOffset,
	int a_MaxDepth,
	int a_MaxSize,
	int a_MinDensity,
	int a_MaxDensity,
	cBiomeGen & a_BiomeGen,
	cTerrainHeightGen & a_HeightGen,
	int a_SeaLevel,
	const AStringVector & a_PrefabsToLoad
) :
	Super(a_Seed, a_GridSize, a_GridSize, a_MaxOffset, a_MaxOffset, a_MaxSize, a_MaxSize, 100),
	m_RandNoise(a_Seed + 1000),
	for (const auto & toLoad: a_PrefabsToLoad)
		auto prefabs = std::make_shared<cVillagePiecePool>();
		auto fileName = Printf("Prefabs%sVillages%s%s.cubeset", cFile::GetPathSeparator().c_str(), cFile::GetPathSeparator().c_str(), toLoad.c_str());
		if (prefabs->LoadFromFile(fileName, true))
			if (NoCaseCompare(prefabs->GetIntendedUse(), "village") != 0)
				LOGWARNING("Village generator: File %s is intended for use in \"%s\", rather than villages. Loading the file, but the generator may behave unexpectedly.",
					fileName.c_str(), prefabs->GetIntendedUse().c_str()
			prefabs->AssignGens(a_Seed, m_BiomeGen, m_HeightGen, a_SeaLevel);

cGridStructGen::cStructurePtr cVillageGen::CreateStructure(int a_GridX, int a_GridZ, int a_OriginX, int a_OriginZ)
	// Generate the biomes for the chunk surrounding the origin:
	int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
	cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(a_OriginX, a_OriginZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ);
	cChunkDef::BiomeMap Biomes;
	m_BiomeGen.GenBiomes({ChunkX, ChunkZ}, Biomes);

	// Get a list of pools that support each biome within the chunk:
	// If just one column's biome is not allowed, the pool is not used because it's likely that an unfriendly biome is too close
	auto availablePools = m_Pools;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Biomes); i++)
		auto biome = Biomes[i];
		availablePools.erase(std::remove_if(availablePools.begin(), availablePools.end(),
			[biome](std::shared_ptr<cVillagePiecePool> & a_Pool)
				return !a_Pool->IsBiomeAllowed(biome);
		// Bail out if no compatible pools left:
		if (availablePools.empty())
			return cStructurePtr();

	// Pick one pool from the available pools:
	if (availablePools.empty())
		return cStructurePtr();
	auto rnd = m_RandNoise.IntNoise2DInt(a_OriginX, a_OriginZ) / 11;
	auto pool = availablePools[static_cast<size_t>(rnd) % availablePools.size()];
	rnd /= 137;

	// Choose density for the village, random between m_MinDensity and m_MaxDensity:
	int Density;
	if (pool->GetMaxDensity() > pool->GetMinDensity())
		Density = pool->GetMinDensity() + rnd % (pool->GetMaxDensity() - pool->GetMinDensity());
		Density = pool->GetMinDensity();

	// Create a village based on the chosen prefabs:
	return cStructurePtr(new cVillage(m_Seed, a_GridX, a_GridZ, a_OriginX, a_OriginZ, m_MaxDepth, m_MaxSize, Density, *pool.get(), m_HeightGen));