// Item.h // Declares the cItem class representing an item (in the inventory sense) #pragma once #include "Defines.h" #include "Enchantments.h" // fwd: class cItemHandler; namespace Json { class Value; } // tolua_begin class cItem { public: /// Creates an empty item cItem(void) : m_ItemType(E_ITEM_EMPTY), m_ItemCount(0), m_ItemDamage(0), m_CustomName(""), m_Lore("") { } /// Creates an item of the specified type, by default 1 piece with no damage and no enchantments cItem( short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount = 1, short a_ItemDamage = 0, const AString & a_Enchantments = "", const AString & a_CustomName = "", const AString & a_Lore = "" ) : m_ItemType (a_ItemType), m_ItemCount (a_ItemCount), m_ItemDamage (a_ItemDamage), m_CustomName (a_CustomName), m_Lore (a_Lore), m_Enchantments(a_Enchantments) { if (!IsValidItem(m_ItemType)) { if (m_ItemType != E_BLOCK_AIR) { LOGWARNING("%s: creating an invalid item type (%d), resetting to empty.", __FUNCTION__, a_ItemType); } Empty(); } } /// Creates an exact copy of the item cItem(const cItem & a_CopyFrom) : m_ItemType (a_CopyFrom.m_ItemType), m_ItemCount (a_CopyFrom.m_ItemCount), m_ItemDamage (a_CopyFrom.m_ItemDamage), m_CustomName (a_CopyFrom.m_CustomName), m_Lore (a_CopyFrom.m_Lore), m_Enchantments(a_CopyFrom.m_Enchantments) { } void Empty(void) { m_ItemType = E_ITEM_EMPTY; m_ItemCount = 0; m_ItemDamage = 0; m_Enchantments.Clear(); m_CustomName = ""; m_Lore = ""; } void Clear(void) { m_ItemType = E_ITEM_EMPTY; m_ItemCount = 0; m_ItemDamage = 0; } bool IsEmpty(void) const { return ((m_ItemType <= 0) || (m_ItemCount <= 0)); } /* Returns true if this itemstack can stack with the specified stack (types match, enchantments etc.) ItemCounts are ignored! */ bool IsEqual(const cItem & a_Item) const { return ( IsSameType(a_Item) && (m_ItemDamage == a_Item.m_ItemDamage) && (m_Enchantments == a_Item.m_Enchantments) && (m_CustomName == a_Item.m_CustomName) && (m_Lore == a_Item.m_Lore) ); } bool IsSameType(const cItem & a_Item) const { return (m_ItemType == a_Item.m_ItemType) || (IsEmpty() && a_Item.IsEmpty()); } bool IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty(void) const { return (m_CustomName.empty() && m_Lore.empty()); } bool IsCustomNameEmpty(void) const { return (m_CustomName.empty()); } bool IsLoreEmpty(void) const { return (m_Lore.empty()); } /// Returns a copy of this item with m_ItemCount set to 1. Useful to preserve enchantments etc. on stacked items cItem CopyOne(void) const; /// Adds the specified count to this object and returns the reference to self (useful for chaining) cItem & AddCount(char a_AmountToAdd); /// Returns the maximum damage value that this item can have; zero if damage is not applied short GetMaxDamage(void) const; /// Damages a weapon / tool. Returns true when damage reaches max value and the item should be destroyed bool DamageItem(short a_Amount = 1); inline bool IsDamageable(void) const { return (GetMaxDamage() > 0); } /// Returns true if the item is stacked up to its maximum stacking. bool IsFullStack(void) const; /// Returns the maximum amount of stacked items of this type. char GetMaxStackSize(void) const; // tolua_end /// Returns the cItemHandler responsible for this item type cItemHandler * GetHandler(void) const; /// Saves the item data into JSON representation void GetJson(Json::Value & a_OutValue) const; /// Loads the item data from JSON representation void FromJson(const Json::Value & a_Value); /// Returns true if the specified item type is enchantable (as per 1.2.5 protocol requirements) static bool IsEnchantable(short a_ItemType); // tolua_export // tolua_begin short m_ItemType; char m_ItemCount; short m_ItemDamage; cEnchantments m_Enchantments; AString m_CustomName; AString m_Lore; }; // tolua_end /** This class bridges a vector of cItem for safe access via Lua. It checks boundaries for all accesses Note that this class is zero-indexed! */ class cItems // tolua_export : public std::vector<cItem> { // tolua_export public: // tolua_begin /// Need a Lua-accessible constructor cItems(void) {} cItem * Get (int a_Idx); void Set (int a_Idx, const cItem & a_Item); void Add (const cItem & a_Item) {push_back(a_Item); } void Delete(int a_Idx); void Clear (void) {clear(); } int Size (void) {return size(); } void Set (int a_Idx, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage); void Add (short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage) { push_back(cItem(a_ItemType, a_ItemCount, a_ItemDamage)); } // tolua_end } ; // tolua_export /// Used to store loot probability tables class cLootProbab { public: cItem m_Item; int m_MinAmount; int m_MaxAmount; int m_Weight; } ;