// Item.h

// Declares the cItem class representing an item (in the inventory sense)

#pragma once

#include "Defines.h"
#include "Enchantments.h"
#include "WorldStorage/FireworksSerializer.h"
#include "Color.h"

// fwd:
class cItemHandler;
class cColor;

namespace Json
	class Value;

// tolua_begin
class cItem
	/** Creates an empty item */
	cItem(void) :

	/** Creates an item of the specified type, by default 1 piece with no damage and no enchantments */
		short a_ItemType,
		char a_ItemCount = 1,
		short a_ItemDamage = 0,
		const AString & a_Enchantments = "",
		const AString & a_CustomName = "",
		const AString & a_Lore = ""
	) :
		m_ItemType    (a_ItemType),
		m_ItemCount   (a_ItemCount),
		m_ItemDamage  (a_ItemDamage),
		m_CustomName  (a_CustomName),
		m_Lore        (a_Lore),
		m_RepairCost  (0),
		if (!IsValidItem(m_ItemType))
			if ((m_ItemType != E_BLOCK_AIR) && (m_ItemType != E_ITEM_EMPTY))
				LOGWARNING("%s: creating an invalid item type (%d), resetting to empty.", __FUNCTION__, a_ItemType);

	// The constructor is disabled in code, because the compiler generates it anyway,
	// but it needs to stay because ToLua needs to generate the binding for it
	#if 0

	/** Creates an exact copy of the item */
	cItem(const cItem & a_CopyFrom) :
		m_ItemType    (a_CopyFrom.m_ItemType),
		m_ItemCount   (a_CopyFrom.m_ItemCount),
		m_ItemDamage  (a_CopyFrom.m_ItemDamage),
		m_CustomName  (a_CopyFrom.m_CustomName),
		m_Lore        (a_CopyFrom.m_Lore),
		m_RepairCost  (a_CopyFrom.m_RepairCost),


	void Empty(void)
		m_ItemType = E_ITEM_EMPTY;
		m_ItemCount = 0;
		m_ItemDamage = 0;
		m_CustomName = "";
		m_Lore = "";
		m_RepairCost = 0;

	void Clear(void)
		m_ItemType = E_ITEM_EMPTY;
		m_ItemCount = 0;
		m_ItemDamage = 0;
		m_RepairCost = 0;

	bool IsEmpty(void) const
		return ((m_ItemType <= 0) || (m_ItemCount <= 0));

	/* Returns true if this itemstack can stack with the specified stack (types match, enchantments etc.)
	ItemCounts are ignored. */
	bool IsEqual(const cItem & a_Item) const
		return (
			IsSameType(a_Item) &&
			(m_ItemDamage == a_Item.m_ItemDamage) &&
			(m_Enchantments == a_Item.m_Enchantments) &&
			(m_CustomName == a_Item.m_CustomName) &&
			(m_Lore == a_Item.m_Lore) &&

	bool IsSameType(const cItem & a_Item) const
		return (m_ItemType == a_Item.m_ItemType) || (IsEmpty() && a_Item.IsEmpty());

	bool IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty(void) const
		return (m_CustomName.empty() && m_Lore.empty());

	bool IsCustomNameEmpty(void) const { return (m_CustomName.empty()); }
	bool IsLoreEmpty(void) const { return (m_Lore.empty()); }

	/** Returns a copy of this item with m_ItemCount set to 1. Useful to preserve enchantments etc. on stacked items */
	cItem CopyOne(void) const;

	/** Adds the specified count to this object and returns the reference to self (useful for chaining) */
	cItem & AddCount(char a_AmountToAdd);

	/** Returns the maximum damage value that this item can have; zero if damage is not applied */
	short GetMaxDamage(void) const;

	/** Damages a weapon / tool. Returns true when damage reaches max value and the item should be destroyed */
	bool DamageItem(short a_Amount = 1);

	inline bool IsDamageable(void) const { return (GetMaxDamage() > 0); }

	/** Returns true if the item is stacked up to its maximum stacking. */
	bool IsFullStack(void) const;

	/** Returns the maximum amount of stacked items of this type. */
	char GetMaxStackSize(void) const;

	// tolua_end

	/** Returns the cItemHandler responsible for this item type */
	cItemHandler * GetHandler(void) const;

	/** Saves the item data into JSON representation */
	void GetJson(Json::Value & a_OutValue) const;

	/** Loads the item data from JSON representation */
	void FromJson(const Json::Value & a_Value);

	/** Returns true if the specified item type is enchantable.
	If WithBook is true, the function is used in the anvil inventory with book enchantments.
	So it checks the "only book enchantments" too. Example: You can only enchant a hoe with a book. */
	static bool IsEnchantable(short a_ItemType, bool a_WithBook = false);  // tolua_export

	/** Returns the enchantability of the item. When the item hasn't a enchantability, it will returns 0 */
	int GetEnchantability();  // tolua_export

	/** Enchants the item using the specified number of XP levels.
	Returns true if item enchanted, false if not. */
	bool EnchantByXPLevels(int a_NumXPLevels);  // tolua_export

	// tolua_begin

	short          m_ItemType;
	char           m_ItemCount;
	short          m_ItemDamage;
	cEnchantments  m_Enchantments;
	AString        m_CustomName;
	AString        m_Lore;

	int            m_RepairCost;
	cFireworkItem  m_FireworkItem;
	cColor         m_ItemColor;
// tolua_end

/** This class bridges a vector of cItem for safe access via Lua. It checks boundaries for all accesses
Note that this class is zero-indexed!
class cItems  // tolua_export
	: public std::vector<cItem>
{  // tolua_export
	// tolua_begin

	/** Need a Lua-accessible constructor */
	cItems(void) {}

	cItem * Get   (int a_Idx);
	void    Set   (int a_Idx, const cItem & a_Item);
	void    Add   (const cItem & a_Item) {push_back(a_Item); }
	void    Delete(int a_Idx);
	void    Clear (void) {clear(); }
	size_t  Size  (void) const { return size(); }
	void    Set   (int a_Idx, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage);
	bool    Contains(const cItem & a_Item);
	bool    ContainsType(const cItem & a_Item);

	void    Add   (short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage)
		push_back(cItem(a_ItemType, a_ItemCount, a_ItemDamage));

	// tolua_end
} ;  // tolua_export

/** Used to store loot probability tables */
class cLootProbab
	cItem m_Item;
	int   m_MinAmount;
	int   m_MaxAmount;
	int   m_Weight;
} ;