// ItemGrid.h // Declares the cItemGrid class representing a storage for items in a XY grid (chests, dispensers, inventory etc.) #pragma once #include "Item.h" // tolua_begin class cItemGrid { public: // tolua_end /** This class is used as a callback for when a slot changes */ class cListener { public: virtual ~cListener() {} /** Called whenever a slot changes */ virtual void OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum) = 0; } ; typedef std::vector<cListener *> cListeners; cItemGrid(int a_Width, int a_Height); ~cItemGrid(); // tolua_begin int GetWidth (void) const { return m_Width; } int GetHeight (void) const { return m_Height; } int GetNumSlots(void) const { return m_NumSlots; } /** Converts XY coords into slot number; returns -1 on invalid coords */ int GetSlotNum(int a_X, int a_Y) const; // tolua_end /** Converts slot number into XY coords; sets coords to -1 on invalid slot number. Exported in ManualBindings.cpp */ void GetSlotCoords(int a_SlotNum, int & a_X, int & a_Y) const; // tolua_begin // Retrieve slots by coords or slot number; Logs warning and returns the first slot on invalid coords / slotnum const cItem & GetSlot(int a_X, int a_Y) const; const cItem & GetSlot(int a_SlotNum) const; // Set slot by coords or slot number; Logs warning and doesn't set on invalid coords / slotnum void SetSlot(int a_X, int a_Y, const cItem & a_Item); void SetSlot(int a_X, int a_Y, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage); void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item); void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage); // Empty the specified slot; Logs warning and doesn't set on invalid coords / slotnum void EmptySlot(int a_X, int a_Y); void EmptySlot(int a_SlotNum); /** Returns true if the specified slot is empty or the slot doesn't exist */ bool IsSlotEmpty(int a_SlotNum) const; /** Returns true if the specified slot is empty or the slot doesn't exist */ bool IsSlotEmpty(int a_X, int a_Y) const; /** Sets all items as empty */ void Clear(void); /** Returns number of items out of a_ItemStack that can fit in the storage */ int HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack, bool a_AllowNewStacks = true); /** Adds as many items out of a_ItemStack as can fit. If a_AllowNewStacks is set to false, only existing stacks can be topped up; if a_AllowNewStacks is set to true, empty slots can be used for the rest. If a_PrioritarySlot is set to a positive value, then the corresponding slot will be used in first (if empty or compatible with added items) if a_PrioritarySlot is set to -1, regular order apply Returns the number of items that fit. */ int AddItem(cItem & a_ItemStack, bool a_AllowNewStacks = true, int a_PrioritarySlot = -1); /** Same as AddItem, but works on an entire list of item stacks. The a_ItemStackList is modified to reflect the leftover items. If a_AllowNewStacks is set to false, only existing stacks can be topped up; if a_AllowNewStacks is set to true, empty slots can be used for the rest. If a_PrioritarySlot is set to a positive value, then the corresponding slot will be used in first (if empty or compatible with added items) if a_PrioritarySlot is set to -1, regular order apply Returns the total number of items that fit. */ int AddItems(cItems & a_ItemStackList, bool a_AllowNewStacks = true, int a_PrioritarySlot = -1); /** Adds (or subtracts, if a_AddToCount is negative) to the count of items in the specified slot. If the slot is empty, ignores the call. Returns the new count. */ int ChangeSlotCount(int a_SlotNum, int a_AddToCount); /** Adds (or subtracts, if a_AddToCount is negative) to the count of items in the specified slot. If the slot is empty, ignores the call. Returns the new count. */ int ChangeSlotCount(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_AddToCount); /** Removes one item from the stack in the specified slot, and returns it. If the slot was empty, returns an empty item */ cItem RemoveOneItem(int a_SlotNum); /** Removes one item from the stack in the specified slot, and returns it. If the slot was empty, returns an empty item */ cItem RemoveOneItem(int a_X, int a_Y); /** Returns the number of items of type a_Item that are stored */ int HowManyItems(const cItem & a_Item); /** Returns true if there are at least as many items of type a_ItemStack as in a_ItemStack */ bool HasItems(const cItem & a_ItemStack); /** Returns the index of the first empty slot; -1 if all full */ int GetFirstEmptySlot(void) const; /** Returns the index of the first non-empty slot; -1 if all empty */ int GetFirstUsedSlot(void) const; /** Returns the index of the last empty slot; -1 if all full */ int GetLastEmptySlot(void) const; /** Returns the index of the last used slot; -1 if all empty */ int GetLastUsedSlot(void) const; /** Returns the index of the first empty slot following a_StartFrom (a_StartFrom is not checked) */ int GetNextEmptySlot(int a_StartFrom) const; /** Returns the index of the first used slot following a_StartFrom (a_StartFrom is not checked) */ int GetNextUsedSlot(int a_StartFrom) const; /** Copies the contents into a cItems object; preserves the original a_Items contents */ void CopyToItems(cItems & a_Items) const; /** Adds the specified damage to the specified item; returns true if the item broke (but the item is left intact) */ bool DamageItem(int a_SlotNum, short a_Amount); /** Adds the specified damage to the specified item; returns true if the item broke (but the item is left intact) */ bool DamageItem(int a_X, int a_Y, short a_Amount); // tolua_end /** Generates random loot from the specified loot probability table, with a chance of enchanted books added. A total of a_NumSlots are taken by the loot. Cannot export to Lua due to raw array a_LootProbabs. TODO: Make this exportable / export through ManualBindings.cpp with a Lua table as LootProbabs */ void GenerateRandomLootWithBooks(const cLootProbab * a_LootProbabs, size_t a_CountLootProbabs, int a_NumSlots, int a_Seed); /** Adds a callback that gets called whenever a slot changes. Must not be called from within the listener callback! */ void AddListener(cListener & a_Listener); /** Removes a slot-change-callback. Must not be called from within the listener callback! */ void RemoveListener(cListener & a_Listener); // tolua_begin protected: int m_Width; int m_Height; int m_NumSlots; // m_Width * m_Height, for easier validity checking in the access functions cItem * m_Slots; // x + m_Width * y cListeners m_Listeners; ///< Listeners which should be notified on slot changes; the pointers are not owned by this object cCriticalSection m_CSListeners; ///< CS that guards the m_Listeners against multi-thread access bool m_IsInTriggerListeners; ///< Set to true while TriggerListeners is running, to detect attempts to manipulate listener list while triggerring /** Calls all m_Listeners for the specified slot number */ void TriggerListeners(int a_SlotNum); /** Adds up to a_Num items out of a_ItemStack, as many as can fit, in specified slot Returns the number of items that did fit. */ int AddItemToSlot(const cItem & a_ItemStack, int a_Slot, int a_Num, int a_MaxStack); } ; // tolua_end