#pragma once #include "../Entities/Floater.h" #include "../Entities/Entity.h" #include "../Item.h" #include "../Root.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cFloaterCallback class cFloaterCallback { public: cFloaterCallback(void) : m_CanPickup(false), m_AttachedMobID(cEntity::INVALID_ID) { } bool operator()(cEntity & a_Entity) { auto & Floater = static_cast(a_Entity); m_CanPickup = Floater.CanPickup(); m_Pos = Floater.GetPosition(); m_BitePos = Floater.GetBitePos(); m_AttachedMobID = Floater.GetAttachedMobID(); Floater.Destroy(); return true; } bool CanPickup(void) const { return m_CanPickup; } bool IsAttached(void) const { return (m_AttachedMobID != cEntity::INVALID_ID); } UInt32 GetAttachedMobID(void) const { return m_AttachedMobID; } Vector3d GetPos(void) const { return m_Pos; } Vector3d GetBitePos(void) const { return m_BitePos; } protected: bool m_CanPickup; UInt32 m_AttachedMobID; Vector3d m_Pos; Vector3d m_BitePos; }; class cItemFishingRodHandler final : public cItemHandler { using Super = cItemHandler; public: using Super::Super; virtual bool OnItemUse( cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, cBlockPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, const cItem & a_HeldItem, const Vector3i a_ClickedBlockPos, eBlockFace a_ClickedBlockFace ) const override { if (a_ClickedBlockFace != BLOCK_FACE_NONE) { return false; } if (a_Player->IsFishing()) { ReelIn(*a_World, *a_Player); } else { // Cast a hook: auto & Random = GetRandomProvider(); auto CountDownTime = Random.RandInt(100, 900) - static_cast(a_Player->GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLure) * 100); auto Floater = std::make_unique( a_Player->GetEyePosition(), a_Player->GetLookVector() * 15, a_Player->GetUniqueID(), CountDownTime ); auto FloaterPtr = Floater.get(); if (!FloaterPtr->Initialize(std::move(Floater), *a_World)) { return false; } a_Player->SetIsFishing(true, FloaterPtr->GetUniqueID()); } return true; } /** Reels back the fishing line, reeling any attached mob, or creating fished loot, or just breaking the fishing * rod. */ void ReelIn(cWorld & a_World, cPlayer & a_Player) const { cFloaterCallback FloaterInfo; a_World.DoWithEntityByID(a_Player.GetFloaterID(), FloaterInfo); a_Player.SetIsFishing(false); // If attached to an entity, reel it in: if (FloaterInfo.IsAttached()) { ReelInEntity(a_World, a_Player, FloaterInfo.GetAttachedMobID()); return; } // If loot can be caught, get it: if (FloaterInfo.CanPickup()) { ReelInLoot(a_World, a_Player, FloaterInfo.GetBitePos()); return; } // Empty fishing rod, just damage it: auto BlockType = a_World.GetBlock(FloaterInfo.GetPos() - Vector3d(0, 0.1, 0)); if ((BlockType != E_BLOCK_AIR) && !IsBlockWater(BlockType)) { a_Player.UseEquippedItem(2); } } /** Reels back the entity, specified by the ID, and damages the fishing rod accordingly. */ void ReelInEntity(cWorld & a_World, cPlayer & a_Player, UInt32 a_EntityID) const { auto PlayerPos = a_Player.GetPosition(); a_World.DoWithEntityByID( a_EntityID, [=](cEntity & a_Entity) { auto Speed = PlayerPos - a_Entity.GetPosition(); a_Entity.AddSpeed(Speed); return true; } ); a_Player.UseEquippedItem(5); } void ReelInLoot(cWorld & a_World, cPlayer & a_Player, const Vector3d a_FloaterBitePos) const { auto LotSLevel = std::min(a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLuckOfTheSea), 3u); // Chances for getting an item from the category for each level of Luck of the Sea (0 - 3) const int TreasureChances[] = {50, 71, 92, 113}; // 5% | 7.1% | 9.2% | 11.3% const int JunkChances[] = {100, 81, 61, 42}; // 10% | 8.1% | 6.1% | 4.2% cItems Drops; auto & Random = GetRandomProvider(); int ItemCategory = Random.RandInt(999); if (ItemCategory < TreasureChances[LotSLevel]) { switch (Random.RandInt(5)) // Each piece of treasure has an equal chance of 1 / 6 { case 0: { cItem Bow(E_ITEM_BOW, 1, Random.RandInt(50)); Bow.EnchantByXPLevels(Random.RandInt(22U, 30U), GetRandomProvider()); Drops.Add(Bow); break; } case 1: { cItem Book(E_ITEM_BOOK); Book.EnchantByXPLevels(30, GetRandomProvider()); Drops.Add(Book); break; } case 2: { cItem Rod(E_ITEM_FISHING_ROD, 1, Random.RandInt(50)); Rod.EnchantByXPLevels(Random.RandInt(22U, 30U), GetRandomProvider()); Drops.Add(Rod); break; } case 3: { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_NAME_TAG)); break; } case 4: { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_SADDLE)); break; } case 5: { Drops.Add(cItem(E_BLOCK_LILY_PAD)); break; } } a_Player.GetStatistics().Custom[CustomStatistic::TreasureFished]++; } else if (ItemCategory < JunkChances[LotSLevel]) { int Junk = Random.RandInt(82); if (Junk < 10) // 10 / 83 chance of spawning a bowl { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_BOWL)); } else if (Junk < 12) // 2 / 83 chance of spawning a fishing rod { // Fishing Rods caught from the Junk category will be 10% .. 100% damaged, and always unenchanted. Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_FISHING_ROD, 1, Random.RandInt(7, 65))); } else if (Junk < 22) // 10 / 83 chance of spawning leather { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_LEATHER)); } else if (Junk < 32) // 10 / 83 chance of spawning leather boots { // Leather boots caught from the Junk category will be 10% .. 100% damaged, and always unenchanted. Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_LEATHER_BOOTS, 1, Random.RandInt(7, 66))); } else if (Junk < 42) // 10 / 83 chance of spawning rotten flesh { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_ROTTEN_FLESH)); } else if (Junk < 47) // 5 / 83 chance of spawning a stick { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_STICK)); } else if (Junk < 52) // 5 / 83 chance of spawning string { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_STRING)); } else if (Junk < 62) // 10 / 83 chance of spawning a water bottle { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_POTION)); } else if (Junk < 72) // 10 / 83 chance of spawning a bone { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_BONE)); } else if (Junk < 73) // 1 / 83 chance of spawning an ink sac { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_DYE)); } else // 10 / 83 chance of spawning a tripwire hook { Drops.Add(cItem(E_BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_HOOK)); } a_Player.GetStatistics().Custom[CustomStatistic::JunkFished]++; } else { int FishType = Random.RandInt(99); if (FishType <= 1) // Clownfish has a 2% chance of spawning { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_RAW_FISH, 1, E_META_RAW_FISH_CLOWNFISH)); } else if (FishType <= 12) // Pufferfish has a 13% chance of spawning { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_RAW_FISH, 1, E_META_RAW_FISH_PUFFERFISH)); } else if (FishType <= 24) // Raw salmon has a 25% chance of spawning { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_RAW_FISH, 1, E_META_RAW_FISH_SALMON)); } else // Raw fish has a 60% chance of spawning { Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_RAW_FISH, 1, E_META_RAW_FISH_FISH)); } a_Player.GetStatistics().Custom[CustomStatistic::FishCaught]++; } auto Experience = Random.RandInt(1, 6); // Check with plugins if this loot is acceptable: if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookPlayerFishing(a_Player, Drops, Experience)) { return; } // Spawn the loot and the experience orb: auto FloaterPos = a_FloaterBitePos.addedY(0.5); const float FISH_SPEED_MULT = 2.25f; Vector3d FlyDirection = (a_Player.GetEyePosition() - FloaterPos).addedY(1.0f) * FISH_SPEED_MULT; a_World.SpawnItemPickups(Drops, FloaterPos, FlyDirection); a_World.SpawnExperienceOrb(a_Player.GetPosition(), Experience); a_Player.UseEquippedItem(1); // Notify plugins cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookPlayerFished(a_Player, Drops, Experience); } };