#pragma once

#include "ItemHandler.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"

class cItemSpawnEggHandler : public cItemHandler
	cItemSpawnEggHandler(int a_ItemType) :


	virtual bool OnItemUse(cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, const cItem & a_Item, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, eBlockFace a_BlockFace) override
		if (a_BlockFace < 0)
			return false;
		AddFaceDirection(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockFace);

		if (a_BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_YM)

		eMonsterType MonsterType = ItemDamageToMonsterType(a_Item.m_ItemDamage);
		if (
			(MonsterType != mtInvalidType) &&  // Valid monster type
			(a_World->SpawnMob(a_BlockX + 0.5, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ + 0.5, MonsterType) >= 0))  // Spawning succeeded
			if (!a_Player->IsGameModeCreative())
				// The mob was spawned, "use" the item:
			return true;
		return false;

	/** Converts the Spawn egg item damage to the monster type to spawn.
	Returns mtInvalidType for invalid damage values. */
	static eMonsterType ItemDamageToMonsterType(short a_ItemDamage)
		switch (a_ItemDamage)
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_BAT:           return mtBat;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_BLAZE:         return mtBlaze;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_CAVE_SPIDER:   return mtCaveSpider;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_CHICKEN:       return mtChicken;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_COW:           return mtCow;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_CREEPER:       return mtCreeper;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ENDERMAN:      return mtEnderman;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_GHAST:         return mtGhast;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_HORSE:         return mtHorse;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_MAGMA_CUBE:    return mtMagmaCube;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_MOOSHROOM:     return mtMooshroom;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_OCELOT:        return mtOcelot;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_PIG:           return mtPig;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SHEEP:         return mtSheep;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SILVERFISH:    return mtSilverfish;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SKELETON:      return mtSkeleton;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SLIME:         return mtSlime;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SPIDER:        return mtSpider;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SQUID:         return mtSquid;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_VILLAGER:      return mtVillager;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_WITCH:         return mtWitch;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_WOLF:          return mtWolf;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ZOMBIE:        return mtZombie;
			case E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN: return mtZombiePigman;
		return mtInvalidType;
} ;