#pragma once

class cLogger

	class cListener
		virtual void Log(std::string_view a_Message, eLogLevel a_LogLevel) = 0;

		virtual ~cListener(){}

	class cAttachment

		cAttachment() : m_listener(nullptr) {}
		cAttachment(cAttachment && a_other)
			: m_listener(a_other.m_listener)
			a_other.m_listener = nullptr;

			if (m_listener != nullptr)

		cAttachment & operator=(cAttachment && a_other)
			m_listener = a_other.m_listener;
			a_other.m_listener = nullptr;
			return *this;


		cListener * m_listener;

		friend class cLogger;

		cAttachment(cListener * a_listener) : m_listener(a_listener) {}

	/** Log a message formatted with a printf style formatting string. */
	void LogPrintf(std::string_view a_Format, eLogLevel a_LogLevel, fmt::printf_args a_ArgList);

	/** Log a message formatted with a python style formatting string. */
	void LogFormat(std::string_view a_Format, eLogLevel a_LogLevel, fmt::format_args a_ArgList);

	/** Logs the simple text message at the specified log level. */
	void LogSimple(std::string_view a_Message, eLogLevel a_LogLevel = eLogLevel::Regular);

	cAttachment AttachListener(std::unique_ptr<cListener> a_Listener);

	static cLogger & GetInstance(void);

	// Must be called before calling GetInstance in a multithreaded context
	static void InitiateMultithreading();


	cCriticalSection m_CriticalSection;
	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cListener>> m_LogListeners;

	void DetachListener(cListener * a_Listener);
	void LogLine(std::string_view a_Line, eLogLevel a_LogLevel);