#pragma once #include <set> class cChunk; class cEntity; // This class is used to collect, for each Mob, what is the distance of the closest player // it was first being designed in order to make mobs spawn / despawn / act // as the behaviour and even life of mobs depends on the distance to closest player class cMobProximityCounter { protected : // structs used for later maps (see m_MonsterToDistance and m_DistanceToMonster) struct sDistanceAndChunk { sDistanceAndChunk(double a_Distance, cChunk& a_Chunk) : m_Distance(a_Distance), m_Chunk(a_Chunk) {} double m_Distance; cChunk& m_Chunk; }; struct sMonsterAndChunk { sMonsterAndChunk(cEntity& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk) : m_Monster(a_Monster), m_Chunk(a_Chunk) {} cEntity& m_Monster; cChunk& m_Chunk; }; public : typedef std::map<cEntity*,sDistanceAndChunk> tMonsterToDistance; typedef std::multimap<double,sMonsterAndChunk> tDistanceToMonster; protected : // this map is filled during collection phase, it will be later transformed into DistanceToMonster tMonsterToDistance m_MonsterToDistance; // this map is generated after collection phase, in order to access monster by distance to player tDistanceToMonster m_DistanceToMonster; // this are the collected chunks. Used to determinate the number of elligible chunk for spawning. std::set<cChunk*> m_EligibleForSpawnChunks; protected : // transform monsterToDistance map (that was usefull for collecting) into distanceToMonster // that will be usefull for picking up. void convertMaps(); public : // count a mob on a specified chunk with specified distance to an unkown player // if the distance is shortest than the one collected, this become the new closest // distance and the chunk become the "hosting" chunk (that is the one that will perform the action) void CollectMob(cEntity& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk, double a_Distance); // return the mobs that are within the range of distance of the closest player they are // that means that if a mob is 30 m from a player and 150 m from another one. It will be // in the range [0..50] but not in [100..200] struct sIterablePair{ tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator m_Begin; tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator m_End; int m_Count; }; sIterablePair getMobWithinThosesDistances(double a_DistanceMin, double a_DistanceMax); };