#pragma once #include "PassiveAggressiveMonster.h" #include "../UUID.h" class cEntity; class cWolf : public cPassiveAggressiveMonster { using Super = cPassiveAggressiveMonster; public: cWolf(); CLASS_PROTODEF(cWolf) void NotifyAlliesOfFight(cPawn * a_Opponent); virtual bool DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI) override; virtual void OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player) override; virtual void Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override; virtual void TickFollowPlayer(); virtual bool Attack(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt) override; // Get functions bool IsSitting(void) const override { return m_IsSitting; } bool IsTame(void) const override { return m_IsTame; } bool IsBegging(void) const { return m_IsBegging; } bool IsAngry(void) const { return m_IsAngry; } AString GetOwnerName(void) const { return m_OwnerName; } cUUID GetOwnerUUID(void) const { return m_OwnerUUID; } int GetCollarColor(void) const { return m_CollarColor; } // Set functions void SetIsSitting(bool a_IsSitting) { m_IsSitting = a_IsSitting; } void SetIsTame(bool a_IsTame) { m_IsTame = a_IsTame; } void SetIsBegging(bool a_IsBegging) { m_IsBegging = a_IsBegging; } void SetIsAngry(bool a_IsAngry) { m_IsAngry = a_IsAngry; } void SetCollarColor(int a_CollarColor) { m_CollarColor = a_CollarColor; } void SetOwner(const AString & a_NewOwnerName, const cUUID & a_NewOwnerUUID) { m_OwnerName = a_NewOwnerName; m_OwnerUUID = a_NewOwnerUUID; } /** Notfies the wolf of a nearby fight. The wolf may then decide to attack a_Opponent. If a_IsPlayerInvolved is true, then the player whose UUID is a_PlayerUUID is fighting a_Opponent If false, then a wolf owned by the player whose UUID is a_PlayerUUID is fighting a_Opponent @param a_PlayerUUID The UUID of the fighting player, or the UUID of the owner whose wolf is fighting. @param a_Opponent The opponent who is being faught. @param a_IsPlayerInvolved Whether the fighter a player or a wolf. */ void ReceiveNearbyFightInfo(const cUUID & a_PlayerUUID, cPawn * a_Opponent, bool a_IsPlayerInvolved); virtual void InStateIdle(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override; virtual void InheritFromParents(cMonster * a_Parent1, cMonster * a_Parent2) override; virtual void GetBreedingItems(cItems & a_Items) override { a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_STEAK); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_RAW_PORKCHOP); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_COOKED_PORKCHOP); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_RAW_CHICKEN); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_COOKED_CHICKEN); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_RAW_MUTTON); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_COOKED_MUTTON); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_RAW_RABBIT); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_COOKED_RABBIT); a_Items.Add(E_ITEM_ROTTEN_FLESH); } protected: bool m_IsSitting; bool m_IsTame; bool m_IsBegging; bool m_IsAngry; AString m_OwnerName; cUUID m_OwnerUUID; int m_CollarColor; int m_NotificationCooldown; };