// NetworkLookup.cpp // Implements the cNetworkLookup class representing an executor for asynchronous lookup tasks #include "Globals.h" #include "NetworkLookup.h" cNetworkLookup::cNetworkLookup() : cIsThread("Network Lookup Executor") { } cNetworkLookup::~cNetworkLookup() { Stop(); } void cNetworkLookup::ScheduleLookup(std::function a_Lookup) { m_WorkQueue.EnqueueItem(std::move(a_Lookup)); } void cNetworkLookup::Stop() { m_ShouldTerminate = true; m_WorkQueue.Clear(); m_WorkQueue.EnqueueItem([]() {}); // Dummy work to wake up the thread cIsThread::Stop(); } void cNetworkLookup::Execute() { while (!m_ShouldTerminate) { // Execute the next task in the queue auto Work = m_WorkQueue.DequeueItem(); Work(); } }