// TCPLinkImpl.cpp // Implements the cTCPLinkImpl class implementing the TCP link functionality #include "Globals.h" #include "TCPLinkImpl.h" #include "NetworkSingleton.h" #include "ServerHandleImpl.h" #include "event2/buffer.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cTCPLinkImpl: cTCPLinkImpl::cTCPLinkImpl(cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks): super(a_LinkCallbacks), m_BufferEvent(bufferevent_socket_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetEventBase(), -1, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE)), m_LocalPort(0), m_RemotePort(0), m_ShouldShutdown(false) { } cTCPLinkImpl::cTCPLinkImpl(evutil_socket_t a_Socket, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks, cServerHandleImplPtr a_Server, const sockaddr * a_Address, socklen_t a_AddrLen): super(a_LinkCallbacks), m_BufferEvent(bufferevent_socket_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetEventBase(), a_Socket, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE)), m_Server(a_Server), m_LocalPort(0), m_RemotePort(0), m_ShouldShutdown(false) { // Update the endpoint addresses: UpdateLocalAddress(); UpdateAddress(a_Address, a_AddrLen, m_RemoteIP, m_RemotePort); } cTCPLinkImpl::~cTCPLinkImpl() { bufferevent_free(m_BufferEvent); } cTCPLinkImplPtr cTCPLinkImpl::Connect(const AString & a_Host, UInt16 a_Port, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks, cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks) { ASSERT(a_LinkCallbacks != nullptr); ASSERT(a_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr); // Create a new link: cTCPLinkImplPtr res{new cTCPLinkImpl(a_LinkCallbacks)}; // Cannot use std::make_shared here, constructor is not accessible res->m_ConnectCallbacks = a_ConnectCallbacks; cNetworkSingleton::Get().AddLink(res); res->m_Callbacks->OnLinkCreated(res); res->Enable(res); // If a_Host is an IP address, schedule a connection immediately: sockaddr_storage sa; int salen = static_cast<int>(sizeof(sa)); if (evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(a_Host.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen) == 0) { // Insert the correct port: if (sa.ss_family == AF_INET6) { reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *>(&sa)->sin6_port = htons(a_Port); } else { reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *>(&sa)->sin_port = htons(a_Port); } // Queue the connect request: if (bufferevent_socket_connect(res->m_BufferEvent, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), salen) == 0) { // Success return res; } // Failure cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(res.get()); return nullptr; } // a_Host is a hostname, connect after a lookup: if (bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(res->m_BufferEvent, cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetDNSBase(), AF_UNSPEC, a_Host.c_str(), a_Port) == 0) { // Success return res; } // Failure cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(res.get()); return nullptr; } void cTCPLinkImpl::Enable(cTCPLinkImplPtr a_Self) { // Take hold of a shared copy of self, to keep as long as the callbacks are coming: m_Self = a_Self; // Set the LibEvent callbacks and enable processing: bufferevent_setcb(m_BufferEvent, ReadCallback, WriteCallback, EventCallback, this); bufferevent_enable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE); } bool cTCPLinkImpl::Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Length) { if (m_ShouldShutdown) { LOGD("%s: Cannot send data, the link is already shut down.", __FUNCTION__); return false; } return (bufferevent_write(m_BufferEvent, a_Data, a_Length) == 0); } void cTCPLinkImpl::Shutdown(void) { // If there's no outgoing data, shutdown the socket directly: if (evbuffer_get_length(bufferevent_get_output(m_BufferEvent)) == 0) { DoActualShutdown(); return; } // There's still outgoing data in the LibEvent buffer, schedule a shutdown when it's written to OS's TCP stack: m_ShouldShutdown = true; } void cTCPLinkImpl::Close(void) { // Disable all events on the socket, but keep it alive: bufferevent_disable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE); if (m_Server == nullptr) { cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(this); } else { m_Server->RemoveLink(this); } m_Self.reset(); } void cTCPLinkImpl::ReadCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, void * a_Self) { ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr); cTCPLinkImpl * Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self); ASSERT(Self->m_Callbacks != nullptr); // Read all the incoming data, in 1024-byte chunks: char data[1024]; size_t length; while ((length = bufferevent_read(a_BufferEvent, data, sizeof(data))) > 0) { Self->m_Callbacks->OnReceivedData(data, length); } } void cTCPLinkImpl::WriteCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, void * a_Self) { ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr); auto Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self); ASSERT(Self->m_Callbacks != nullptr); // If there's no more data to write and the link has been scheduled for shutdown, do the shutdown: auto OutLen = evbuffer_get_length(bufferevent_get_output(Self->m_BufferEvent)); if ((OutLen == 0) && (Self->m_ShouldShutdown)) { Self->DoActualShutdown(); } } void cTCPLinkImpl::EventCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, short a_What, void * a_Self) { ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr); cTCPLinkImplPtr Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self)->m_Self; // If an error is reported, call the error callback: if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_ERROR) { // Choose the proper callback to call based on whether we were waiting for connection or not: int err = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR(); if (Self->m_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr) { if (err == 0) { // This could be a DNS failure err = bufferevent_socket_get_dns_error(a_BufferEvent); } Self->m_ConnectCallbacks->OnError(err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err)); } else { Self->m_Callbacks->OnError(err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err)); if (Self->m_Server == nullptr) { cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(Self.get()); } else { Self->m_Server->RemoveLink(Self.get()); } } Self->m_Self.reset(); return; } // Pending connection succeeded, call the connection callback: if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED) { Self->UpdateLocalAddress(); Self->UpdateRemoteAddress(); if (Self->m_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr) { Self->m_ConnectCallbacks->OnConnected(*Self); // Reset the connect callbacks so that later errors get reported through the link callbacks: Self->m_ConnectCallbacks.reset(); return; } } // If the connection has been closed, call the link callback and remove the connection: if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_EOF) { Self->m_Callbacks->OnRemoteClosed(); if (Self->m_Server != nullptr) { Self->m_Server->RemoveLink(Self.get()); } else { cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(Self.get()); } Self->m_Self.reset(); return; } // Unknown event, report it: LOGWARNING("cTCPLinkImpl: Unhandled LibEvent event %d (0x%x)", a_What, a_What); ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl: Unhandled LibEvent event"); } void cTCPLinkImpl::UpdateAddress(const sockaddr * a_Address, socklen_t a_AddrLen, AString & a_IP, UInt16 & a_Port) { // Based on the family specified in the address, use the correct datastructure to convert to IP string: char IP[128]; switch (a_Address->sa_family) { case AF_INET: // IPv4: { const sockaddr_in * sin = reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in *>(a_Address); evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(sin->sin_addr), IP, sizeof(IP)); a_Port = ntohs(sin->sin_port); break; } case AF_INET6: // IPv6 { const sockaddr_in6 * sin = reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in6 *>(a_Address); evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(sin->sin6_addr), IP, sizeof(IP)); a_Port = ntohs(sin->sin6_port); break; } default: { LOGWARNING("%s: Unknown socket address family: %d", __FUNCTION__, a_Address->sa_family); ASSERT(!"Unknown socket address family"); break; } } a_IP.assign(IP); } void cTCPLinkImpl::UpdateLocalAddress(void) { sockaddr_storage sa; socklen_t salen = static_cast<socklen_t>(sizeof(sa)); getsockname(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen); UpdateAddress(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&sa), salen, m_LocalIP, m_LocalPort); } void cTCPLinkImpl::UpdateRemoteAddress(void) { sockaddr_storage sa; socklen_t salen = static_cast<socklen_t>(sizeof(sa)); getpeername(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen); UpdateAddress(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&sa), salen, m_RemoteIP, m_RemotePort); } void cTCPLinkImpl::DoActualShutdown(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 shutdown(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), SD_SEND); #else shutdown(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), SHUT_WR); #endif bufferevent_disable(m_BufferEvent, EV_WRITE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cNetwork API: bool cNetwork::Connect( const AString & a_Host, UInt16 a_Port, cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks ) { // Add a connection request to the queue: cTCPLinkImplPtr Conn = cTCPLinkImpl::Connect(a_Host, a_Port, a_LinkCallbacks, a_ConnectCallbacks); return (Conn != nullptr); }