// Protocol17x.cpp /* Implements the 1.7.x protocol classes: - cProtocol172 - release 1.7.2 protocol (#4) (others may be added later in the future for the 1.7 release series) */ #include "Globals.h" #include "json/json.h" #include "Protocol17x.h" #include "ChunkDataSerializer.h" #include "PolarSSL++/Sha1Checksum.h" #include "../ClientHandle.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Server.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../StringCompression.h" #include "../CompositeChat.h" #include "../Statistics.h" #include "../WorldStorage/FastNBT.h" #include "../WorldStorage/EnchantmentSerializer.h" #include "../Entities/ExpOrb.h" #include "../Entities/Minecart.h" #include "../Entities/FallingBlock.h" #include "../Entities/Painting.h" #include "../Entities/Pickup.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" #include "../Entities/ItemFrame.h" #include "../Entities/ArrowEntity.h" #include "../Entities/FireworkEntity.h" #include "../Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h" #include "../Mobs/NewMonster.h" #include "../UI/Window.h" #include "../BlockEntities/BeaconEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/CommandBlockEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/MobHeadEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/FlowerPotEntity.h" #define HANDLE_READ(ByteBuf, Proc, Type, Var) \ Type Var; \ if (!ByteBuf.Proc(Var))\ {\ return;\ } #define HANDLE_PACKET_READ(ByteBuf, Proc, Type, Var) \ Type Var; \ { \ if (!ByteBuf.Proc(Var)) \ { \ ByteBuf.CheckValid(); \ return false; \ } \ ByteBuf.CheckValid(); \ } const int MAX_ENC_LEN = 512; // Maximum size of the encrypted message; should be 128, but who knows... // fwd: main.cpp: extern bool g_ShouldLogCommIn, g_ShouldLogCommOut; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol172: cProtocol172::cProtocol172(cClientHandle * a_Client, const AString & a_ServerAddress, UInt16 a_ServerPort, UInt32 a_State) : super(a_Client), m_ServerAddress(a_ServerAddress), m_ServerPort(a_ServerPort), m_State(a_State), m_ReceivedData(32 KiB), m_OutPacketBuffer(64 KiB), m_OutPacketLenBuffer(20), // 20 bytes is more than enough for one VarInt m_IsEncrypted(false), m_LastSentDimension(dimNotSet) { // Create the comm log file, if so requested: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn || g_ShouldLogCommOut) { static int sCounter = 0; cFile::CreateFolder("CommLogs"); AString FileName = Printf("CommLogs/%x_%d__%s.log", (unsigned)time(NULL), sCounter++, a_Client->GetIPString().c_str()); m_CommLogFile.Open(FileName, cFile::fmWrite); } } void cProtocol172::DataReceived(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { if (m_IsEncrypted) { Byte Decrypted[512]; while (a_Size > 0) { size_t NumBytes = (a_Size > sizeof(Decrypted)) ? sizeof(Decrypted) : a_Size; m_Decryptor.ProcessData(Decrypted, (Byte *)a_Data, NumBytes); AddReceivedData((const char *)Decrypted, NumBytes); a_Size -= NumBytes; a_Data += NumBytes; } } else { AddReceivedData(a_Data, a_Size); } } void cProtocol172::SendAttachEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity, const cEntity * a_Vehicle) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1b); // Attach Entity packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteInt((a_Vehicle != NULL) ? a_Vehicle->GetUniqueID() : 0); Pkt.WriteBool(false); } void cProtocol172::SendBlockAction(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x24); // Block Action packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteShort(a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockZ); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Byte1); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Byte2); Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_BlockType); } void cProtocol172::SendBlockBreakAnim(int a_EntityID, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Stage) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x25); // Block Break Animation packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_EntityID); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockZ); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Stage); } void cProtocol172::SendBlockChange(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x23); // Block Change packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteByte(a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockZ); Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_BlockType); Pkt.WriteByte(a_BlockMeta); } void cProtocol172::SendBlockChanges(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, const sSetBlockVector & a_Changes) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x22); // Multi Block Change packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_ChunkX); Pkt.WriteInt(a_ChunkZ); Pkt.WriteShort((short)a_Changes.size()); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_Changes.size() * 4); for (sSetBlockVector::const_iterator itr = a_Changes.begin(), end = a_Changes.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { unsigned int Coords = itr->y | (itr->z << 8) | (itr->x << 12); unsigned int Blocks = itr->BlockMeta | (itr->BlockType << 4); Pkt.WriteInt((Coords << 16) | Blocks); } // for itr - a_Changes[] } void cProtocol172::SendChat(const AString & a_Message) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x02); // Chat Message packet Pkt.WriteString(Printf("{\"text\":\"%s\"}", EscapeString(a_Message).c_str())); } void cProtocol172::SendChat(const cCompositeChat & a_Message) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? // Compose the complete Json string to send: Json::Value msg; cWorld * World = m_Client->GetPlayer()->GetWorld(); msg["text"] = cClientHandle::FormatMessageType((World == NULL) ? false : World->ShouldUseChatPrefixes(), a_Message.GetMessageType(), a_Message.GetAdditionalMessageTypeData()); // The client crashes without this field being present const cCompositeChat::cParts & Parts = a_Message.GetParts(); for (cCompositeChat::cParts::const_iterator itr = Parts.begin(), end = Parts.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Json::Value Part; switch ((*itr)->m_PartType) { case cCompositeChat::ptText: { Part["text"] = (*itr)->m_Text; AddChatPartStyle(Part, (*itr)->m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptClientTranslated: { const cCompositeChat::cClientTranslatedPart & p = (const cCompositeChat::cClientTranslatedPart &)**itr; Part["translate"] = p.m_Text; Json::Value With; for (AStringVector::const_iterator itrW = p.m_Parameters.begin(), endW = p.m_Parameters.end(); itrW != endW; ++itr) { With.append(*itrW); } if (!p.m_Parameters.empty()) { Part["with"] = With; } AddChatPartStyle(Part, p.m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptUrl: { const cCompositeChat::cUrlPart & p = (const cCompositeChat::cUrlPart &)**itr; Part["text"] = p.m_Text; Json::Value Url; Url["action"] = "open_url"; Url["value"] = p.m_Url; Part["clickEvent"] = Url; AddChatPartStyle(Part, p.m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptSuggestCommand: case cCompositeChat::ptRunCommand: { const cCompositeChat::cCommandPart & p = (const cCompositeChat::cCommandPart &)**itr; Part["text"] = p.m_Text; Json::Value Cmd; Cmd["action"] = (p.m_PartType == cCompositeChat::ptRunCommand) ? "run_command" : "suggest_command"; Cmd["value"] = p.m_Command; Part["clickEvent"] = Cmd; AddChatPartStyle(Part, p.m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptShowAchievement: { const cCompositeChat::cShowAchievementPart & p = (const cCompositeChat::cShowAchievementPart &)**itr; Part["translate"] = "chat.type.achievement"; Json::Value Ach; Ach["action"] = "show_achievement"; Ach["value"] = p.m_Text; Json::Value AchColourAndName; AchColourAndName["color"] = "green"; AchColourAndName["translate"] = p.m_Text; AchColourAndName["hoverEvent"] = Ach; Json::Value Extra; Extra.append(AchColourAndName); Json::Value Name; Name["text"] = p.m_PlayerName; Json::Value With; With.append(Name); With.append(Extra); Part["with"] = With; AddChatPartStyle(Part, p.m_Style); break; } } msg["extra"].append(Part); } // for itr - Parts[] // Send the message to the client: cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x02); Pkt.WriteString(msg.toStyledString()); } void cProtocol172::SendChunkData(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDataSerializer & a_Serializer) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? // Serialize first, before creating the Packetizer (the packetizer locks a CS) // This contains the flags and bitmasks, too const AString & ChunkData = a_Serializer.Serialize(cChunkDataSerializer::RELEASE_1_3_2); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x21); // Chunk Data packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_ChunkX); Pkt.WriteInt(a_ChunkZ); Pkt.WriteBuf(ChunkData.data(), ChunkData.size()); } void cProtocol172::SendCollectEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity, const cPlayer & a_Player) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0d); // Collect Item packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Player.GetUniqueID()); } void cProtocol172::SendDestroyEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x13); // Destroy Entities packet Pkt.WriteByte(1); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); } void cProtocol172::SendDisconnect(const AString & a_Reason) { switch (m_State) { case 2: { // During login: cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0); Pkt.WriteString(Printf("{\"text\":\"%s\"}", EscapeString(a_Reason).c_str())); break; } case 3: { // In-game: cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x40); Pkt.WriteString(Printf("{\"text\":\"%s\"}", EscapeString(a_Reason).c_str())); break; } } } void cProtocol172::SendEditSign(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x36); // Sign Editor Open packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockZ); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityEffect(const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_EffectID, int a_Amplifier, short a_Duration) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1D); // Entity Effect packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(a_EffectID); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Amplifier); Pkt.WriteShort(a_Duration); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityEquipment(const cEntity & a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x04); // Entity Equipment packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteShort(a_SlotNum); Pkt.WriteItem(a_Item); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityHeadLook(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x19); // Entity Head Look packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetHeadYaw()); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityLook(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x16); // Entity Look packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityMetadata(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1c); // Entity Metadata packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteEntityMetadata(a_Entity); Pkt.WriteByte(0x7f); // The termination byte } void cProtocol172::SendEntityProperties(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x20); // Entity Properties packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteEntityProperties(a_Entity); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityRelMove(const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x15); // Entity Relative Move packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(a_RelX); Pkt.WriteByte(a_RelY); Pkt.WriteByte(a_RelZ); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityRelMoveLook(const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x17); // Entity Look And Relative Move packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(a_RelX); Pkt.WriteByte(a_RelY); Pkt.WriteByte(a_RelZ); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityStatus(const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Status) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1a); // Entity Status packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Status); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityVelocity(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x12); // Entity Velocity packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); // 400 = 8000 / 20 ... Conversion from our speed in m/s to 8000 m/tick Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Entity.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Entity.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Entity.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); } void cProtocol172::SendExplosion(double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, float a_Radius, const cVector3iArray & a_BlocksAffected, const Vector3d & a_PlayerMotion) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x27); // Explosion packet Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_BlockZ); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_Radius); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_BlocksAffected.size()); for (cVector3iArray::const_iterator itr = a_BlocksAffected.begin(), end = a_BlocksAffected.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Pkt.WriteChar((char)itr->x); Pkt.WriteChar((char)itr->y); Pkt.WriteChar((char)itr->z); } // for itr - a_BlockAffected[] Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_PlayerMotion.x); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_PlayerMotion.y); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_PlayerMotion.z); } void cProtocol172::SendGameMode(eGameMode a_GameMode) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2b); // Change Game State packet Pkt.WriteByte(3); // Reason: Change game mode Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_GameMode); } void cProtocol172::SendHealth(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x06); // Update Health packet cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)Player->GetHealth()); Pkt.WriteShort(Player->GetFoodLevel()); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)Player->GetFoodSaturationLevel()); } void cProtocol172::SendInventorySlot(char a_WindowID, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2f); // Set Slot packet Pkt.WriteChar(a_WindowID); Pkt.WriteShort(a_SlotNum); Pkt.WriteItem(a_Item); } void cProtocol172::SendKeepAlive(int a_PingID) { // Drop the packet if the protocol is not in the Game state yet (caused a client crash): if (m_State != 3) { LOGWARNING("Trying to send a KeepAlive packet to a player who's not yet fully logged in (%d). The protocol class prevented the packet.", m_State); return; } cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x00); // Keep Alive packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_PingID); } void cProtocol172::SendLogin(const cPlayer & a_Player, const cWorld & a_World) { // Send the Join Game packet: { cServer * Server = cRoot::Get()->GetServer(); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x01); // Join Game packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Player.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte((Byte)a_Player.GetEffectiveGameMode() | (Server->IsHardcore() ? 0x08 : 0)); // Hardcore flag bit 4 Pkt.WriteChar((char)a_World.GetDimension()); Pkt.WriteByte(2); // TODO: Difficulty (set to Normal) Pkt.WriteByte(std::min(Server->GetMaxPlayers(), 60)); Pkt.WriteString("default"); // Level type - wtf? } m_LastSentDimension = a_World.GetDimension(); // Send the spawn position: { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x05); // Spawn Position packet Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_World.GetSpawnX()); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_World.GetSpawnY()); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_World.GetSpawnZ()); } // Send player abilities: SendPlayerAbilities(); } void cProtocol172::SendLoginSuccess(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 2); // State: login? { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x02); // Login success packet Pkt.WriteString(cMojangAPI::MakeUUIDDashed(m_Client->GetUUID())); Pkt.WriteString(m_Client->GetUsername()); } m_State = 3; // State = Game } void cProtocol172::SendPaintingSpawn(const cPainting & a_Painting) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x10); // Spawn Painting packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Painting.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteString(a_Painting.GetName().c_str()); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_Painting.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_Painting.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_Painting.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Painting.GetDirection()); } void cProtocol172::SendMapColumn(int a_ID, int a_X, int a_Y, const Byte * a_Colors, unsigned int a_Length) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x34); Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_ID); Pkt.WriteShort (3 + a_Length); Pkt.WriteByte(0); Pkt.WriteByte(a_X); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Y); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a_Length; ++i) { Pkt.WriteByte(a_Colors[i]); } } void cProtocol172::SendMapDecorators(int a_ID, const cMapDecoratorList & a_Decorators) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x34); Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_ID); Pkt.WriteShort ((short)(1 + (3 * a_Decorators.size()))); Pkt.WriteByte(1); for (cMapDecoratorList::const_iterator it = a_Decorators.begin(); it != a_Decorators.end(); ++it) { Pkt.WriteByte((it->GetType() << 4) | (it->GetRot() & 0xf)); Pkt.WriteByte(it->GetPixelX()); Pkt.WriteByte(it->GetPixelZ()); } } void cProtocol172::SendMapInfo(int a_ID, unsigned int a_Scale) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x34); Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_ID); Pkt.WriteShort (2); Pkt.WriteByte(2); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Scale); } void cProtocol172::SendPickupSpawn(const cPickup & a_Pickup) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0e); // Spawn Object packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Pickup.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(2); // Type = Pickup Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Pickup.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Pickup.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Pickup.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Pickup.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Pickup.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteInt(0); // No object data } { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1c); // Entity Metadata packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_Pickup.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte((0x05 << 5) | 10); // Slot type + index 10 Pkt.WriteItem(a_Pickup.GetItem()); Pkt.WriteByte(0x7f); // End of metadata } } void cProtocol172::SendPlayerAbilities(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x39); // Player Abilities packet Byte Flags = 0; cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); if (Player->IsGameModeCreative()) { Flags |= 0x01; Flags |= 0x08; // Godmode, used for creative } if (Player->IsFlying()) { Flags |= 0x02; } if (Player->CanFly()) { Flags |= 0x04; } Pkt.WriteByte(Flags); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)(0.05 * Player->GetFlyingMaxSpeed())); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)(0.1 * Player->GetNormalMaxSpeed())); } void cProtocol172::SendEntityAnimation(const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Animation) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0b); // Animation packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Animation); } void cProtocol172::SendParticleEffect(const AString & a_ParticleName, float a_SrcX, float a_SrcY, float a_SrcZ, float a_OffsetX, float a_OffsetY, float a_OffsetZ, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmmount) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2A); Pkt.WriteString(a_ParticleName); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_SrcX); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_SrcY); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_SrcZ); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_OffsetX); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_OffsetY); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_OffsetZ); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_ParticleData); Pkt.WriteInt(a_ParticleAmmount); } void cProtocol172::SendPlayerListItem(const cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_IsOnline) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x38); // Playerlist Item packet Pkt.WriteString(a_Player.GetName()); Pkt.WriteBool(a_IsOnline); Pkt.WriteShort(a_IsOnline ? a_Player.GetClientHandle()->GetPing() : 0); } void cProtocol172::SendPlayerMaxSpeed(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x20); // Entity Properties cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteInt(Player->GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteInt(1); // Count Pkt.WriteString("generic.movementSpeed"); // The default game speed is 0.1, multiply that value by the relative speed: Pkt.WriteDouble(0.1 * Player->GetNormalMaxSpeed()); if (Player->IsSprinting()) { Pkt.WriteShort(1); // Modifier count Pkt.WriteInt64(0x662a6b8dda3e4c1c); Pkt.WriteInt64(0x881396ea6097278d); // UUID of the modifier Pkt.WriteDouble(Player->GetSprintingMaxSpeed() - Player->GetNormalMaxSpeed()); Pkt.WriteByte(2); } else { Pkt.WriteShort(0); // Modifier count } } void cProtocol172::SendPlayerMoveLook(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x08); // Player Position And Look packet cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteDouble(Player->GetPosX()); // Protocol docs say this is PosY, but #323 says this is eye-pos // Moreover, the "+ 0.001" is there because otherwise the player falls through the block they were standing on. Pkt.WriteDouble(Player->GetStance() + 0.001); Pkt.WriteDouble(Player->GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)Player->GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteFloat((float)Player->GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteBool(Player->IsOnGround()); } void cProtocol172::SendPlayerPosition(void) { // There is no dedicated packet for this, send the whole thing: SendPlayerMoveLook(); } void cProtocol172::SendPlayerSpawn(const cPlayer & a_Player) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? // Called to spawn another player for the client cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0c); // Spawn Player packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Player.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteString(cMojangAPI::MakeUUIDDashed(a_Player.GetClientHandle()->GetUUID())); Pkt.WriteString(a_Player.GetName()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Player.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Player.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Player.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Player.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Player.GetPitch()); short ItemType = a_Player.GetEquippedItem().IsEmpty() ? 0 : a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType; Pkt.WriteShort(ItemType); Pkt.WriteByte((3 << 5) | 6); // Metadata: float + index 6 Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_Player.GetHealth()); Pkt.WriteByte(0x7f); // Metadata: end } void cProtocol172::SendPluginMessage(const AString & a_Channel, const AString & a_Message) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x3f); Pkt.WriteString(a_Channel); Pkt.WriteShort((short)a_Message.size()); Pkt.WriteBuf(a_Message.data(), a_Message.size()); } void cProtocol172::SendRemoveEntityEffect(const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_EffectID) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1e); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(a_EffectID); } void cProtocol172::SendRespawn(eDimension a_Dimension, bool a_ShouldIgnoreDimensionChecks) { if ((m_LastSentDimension == a_Dimension) && !a_ShouldIgnoreDimensionChecks) { // Must not send a respawn for the world with the same dimension, the client goes cuckoo if we do (unless we are respawning from death) return; } cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x07); // Respawn packet cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteInt((int)a_Dimension); Pkt.WriteByte(2); // TODO: Difficulty (set to Normal) Pkt.WriteByte((Byte)Player->GetEffectiveGameMode()); Pkt.WriteString("default"); m_LastSentDimension = a_Dimension; } void cProtocol172::SendExperience (void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x1f); // Experience Packet cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteFloat(Player->GetXpPercentage()); Pkt.WriteShort(Player->GetXpLevel()); Pkt.WriteShort(Player->GetCurrentXp()); } void cProtocol172::SendExperienceOrb(const cExpOrb & a_ExpOrb) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x11); Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_ExpOrb.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteInt((int) a_ExpOrb.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteInt((int) a_ExpOrb.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteInt((int) a_ExpOrb.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteShort(a_ExpOrb.GetReward()); } void cProtocol172::SendScoreboardObjective(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, Byte a_Mode) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x3b); Pkt.WriteString(a_Name); Pkt.WriteString(a_DisplayName); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Mode); } void cProtocol172::SendScoreUpdate(const AString & a_Objective, const AString & a_Player, cObjective::Score a_Score, Byte a_Mode) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x3c); Pkt.WriteString(a_Player); Pkt.WriteByte(a_Mode); if (a_Mode != 1) { Pkt.WriteString(a_Objective); Pkt.WriteInt((int) a_Score); } } void cProtocol172::SendDisplayObjective(const AString & a_Objective, cScoreboard::eDisplaySlot a_Display) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x3d); Pkt.WriteByte((int) a_Display); Pkt.WriteString(a_Objective); } void cProtocol172::SendSoundEffect(const AString & a_SoundName, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x29); // Sound Effect packet Pkt.WriteString(a_SoundName); Pkt.WriteInt((int)(a_X * 8.0)); Pkt.WriteInt((int)(a_Y * 8.0)); Pkt.WriteInt((int)(a_Z * 8.0)); Pkt.WriteFloat(a_Volume); Pkt.WriteByte((Byte)(a_Pitch * 63)); } void cProtocol172::SendSoundParticleEffect(int a_EffectID, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, int a_Data) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x28); // Effect packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_EffectID); Pkt.WriteInt(a_SrcX); Pkt.WriteByte(a_SrcY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_SrcZ); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Data); Pkt.WriteBool(false); } void cProtocol172::SendSpawnFallingBlock(const cFallingBlock & a_FallingBlock) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0e); // Spawn Object packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_FallingBlock.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(70); // Falling block Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_FallingBlock.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_FallingBlock.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_FallingBlock.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_FallingBlock.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_FallingBlock.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteInt(((int)a_FallingBlock.GetBlockType()) | (((int)a_FallingBlock.GetBlockMeta()) << 16)); // Or 0x10 Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_FallingBlock.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_FallingBlock.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_FallingBlock.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); } void cProtocol172::SendSpawnMob(const cMonster & a_Mob) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0f); // Spawn Mob packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Mob.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte((Byte)a_Mob.GetMobType()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Mob.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Mob.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Mob.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetHeadYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Mob.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Mob.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Mob.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); Pkt.WriteEntityMetadata(a_Mob); Pkt.WriteByte(0x7f); // Metadata terminator } void cProtocol172::SendSpawnMob(const cNewMonster & a_Mob) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0f); // Spawn Mob packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Mob.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte((Byte)a_Mob.GetMobType()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Mob.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Mob.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Mob.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetHeadYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Mob.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Mob.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Mob.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); Pkt.WriteEntityMetadata(a_Mob); Pkt.WriteByte(0x7f); // Metadata terminator } void cProtocol172::SendSpawnObject(const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_ObjectType, int a_ObjectData, Byte a_Yaw, Byte a_Pitch) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0xe); // Spawn Object packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(a_ObjectType); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Entity.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Entity.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Entity.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteInt(a_ObjectData); if (a_ObjectData != 0) { Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Entity.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Entity.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Entity.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); } } void cProtocol172::SendSpawnVehicle(const cEntity & a_Vehicle, char a_VehicleType, char a_VehicleSubType) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0xe); // Spawn Object packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Vehicle.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteByte(a_VehicleType); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Vehicle.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Vehicle.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Vehicle.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Vehicle.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Vehicle.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteInt(a_VehicleSubType); if (a_VehicleSubType != 0) { Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Vehicle.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Vehicle.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteShort((short)(a_Vehicle.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); } } void cProtocol172::SendStatistics(const cStatManager & a_Manager) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x37); Pkt.WriteVarInt(statCount); // TODO 2014-05-11 xdot: Optimization: Send "dirty" statistics only for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)statCount; ++i) { StatValue Value = a_Manager.GetValue((eStatistic) i); const AString & StatName = cStatInfo::GetName((eStatistic) i); Pkt.WriteString(StatName); Pkt.WriteVarInt(Value); } } void cProtocol172::SendTabCompletionResults(const AStringVector & a_Results) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x3a); // Tab-Complete packet Pkt.WriteVarInt((int)a_Results.size()); for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = a_Results.begin(), end = a_Results.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Pkt.WriteString(*itr); } } void cProtocol172::SendTeleportEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x18); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Entity.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Entity.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Entity.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); } void cProtocol172::SendThunderbolt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2c); // Spawn Global Entity packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(0); // EntityID = 0, always Pkt.WriteByte(1); // Type = Thunderbolt Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_BlockZ); } void cProtocol172::SendTimeUpdate(Int64 a_WorldAge, Int64 a_TimeOfDay, bool a_DoDaylightCycle) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? if (!a_DoDaylightCycle) { // When writing a "-" before the number the client ignores it but it will stop the client-side time expiration. a_TimeOfDay = std::min(-a_TimeOfDay, -1LL); } cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x03); Pkt.WriteInt64(a_WorldAge); Pkt.WriteInt64(a_TimeOfDay); } void cProtocol172::SendUnloadChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x21); // Chunk Data packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_ChunkX); Pkt.WriteInt(a_ChunkZ); Pkt.WriteBool(true); Pkt.WriteShort(0); // Primary bitmap Pkt.WriteShort(0); // Add bitmap Pkt.WriteInt(0); // Compressed data size } void cProtocol172::SendUpdateBlockEntity(cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x35); // Update tile entity packet Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockEntity.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteShort(a_BlockEntity.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockEntity.GetPosZ()); Byte Action = 0; switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType()) { case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: Action = 1; break; // Update mob spawner spinny mob thing case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: Action = 2; break; // Update command block text case E_BLOCK_BEACON: Action = 3; break; // Update beacon entity case E_BLOCK_HEAD: Action = 4; break; // Update Mobhead entity case E_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT: Action = 5; break; // Update flower pot default: ASSERT(!"Unhandled or unimplemented BlockEntity update request!"); break; } Pkt.WriteByte(Action); Pkt.WriteBlockEntity(a_BlockEntity); } void cProtocol172::SendUpdateSign(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const AString & a_Line1, const AString & a_Line2, const AString & a_Line3, const AString & a_Line4) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x33); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteShort((short)a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockZ); // Need to send only up to 15 chars, otherwise the client crashes (#598) Pkt.WriteString(a_Line1.substr(0, 15)); Pkt.WriteString(a_Line2.substr(0, 15)); Pkt.WriteString(a_Line3.substr(0, 15)); Pkt.WriteString(a_Line4.substr(0, 15)); } void cProtocol172::SendUseBed(const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0a); Pkt.WriteInt(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteByte((Byte)a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteInt(a_BlockZ); } void cProtocol172::SendWeather(eWeather a_Weather) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2b); // Change Game State packet Pkt.WriteByte((a_Weather == wSunny) ? 1 : 2); // End rain / begin rain Pkt.WriteFloat(0); // Unused for weather } // TODO: Fade effect, somehow } void cProtocol172::SendWholeInventory(const cWindow & a_Window) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x30); // Window Items packet Pkt.WriteChar(a_Window.GetWindowID()); Pkt.WriteShort(a_Window.GetNumSlots()); cItems Slots; a_Window.GetSlots(*(m_Client->GetPlayer()), Slots); for (cItems::const_iterator itr = Slots.begin(), end = Slots.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Pkt.WriteItem(*itr); } // for itr - Slots[] } void cProtocol172::SendWindowClose(const cWindow & a_Window) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2e); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Window.GetWindowID()); } void cProtocol172::SendWindowOpen(const cWindow & a_Window) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? if (a_Window.GetWindowType() < 0) { // Do not send this packet for player inventory windows return; } cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x2d); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Window.GetWindowID()); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Window.GetWindowType()); Pkt.WriteString(a_Window.GetWindowTitle()); Pkt.WriteChar(a_Window.GetNumNonInventorySlots()); Pkt.WriteBool(true); if (a_Window.GetWindowType() == cWindow::wtAnimalChest) { Pkt.WriteInt(0); // TODO: The animal's EntityID } } void cProtocol172::SendWindowProperty(const cWindow & a_Window, int a_Property, int a_Value) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x31); // Window Property packet Pkt.WriteChar(a_Window.GetWindowID()); Pkt.WriteShort(a_Property); Pkt.WriteShort(a_Value); } void cProtocol172::AddReceivedData(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { // Write the incoming data into the comm log file: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn) { if (m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace() > 0) { AString AllData; size_t OldReadableSpace = m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace(); m_ReceivedData.ReadAll(AllData); m_ReceivedData.ResetRead(); m_ReceivedData.SkipRead(m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace() - OldReadableSpace); ASSERT(m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace() == OldReadableSpace); AString Hex; CreateHexDump(Hex, AllData.data(), AllData.size(), 16); m_CommLogFile.Printf("Incoming data, " SIZE_T_FMT " (0x" SIZE_T_FMT_HEX ") unparsed bytes already present in buffer:\n%s\n", AllData.size(), AllData.size(), Hex.c_str() ); } AString Hex; CreateHexDump(Hex, a_Data, a_Size, 16); m_CommLogFile.Printf("Incoming data: %d (0x%x) bytes: \n%s\n", (unsigned)a_Size, (unsigned)a_Size, Hex.c_str() ); m_CommLogFile.Flush(); } if (!m_ReceivedData.Write(a_Data, a_Size)) { // Too much data in the incoming queue, report to caller: m_Client->PacketBufferFull(); return; } // Handle all complete packets: for (;;) { UInt32 PacketLen; if (!m_ReceivedData.ReadVarInt(PacketLen)) { // Not enough data m_ReceivedData.ResetRead(); break; } if (!m_ReceivedData.CanReadBytes(PacketLen)) { // The full packet hasn't been received yet m_ReceivedData.ResetRead(); break; } cByteBuffer bb(PacketLen + 1); VERIFY(m_ReceivedData.ReadToByteBuffer(bb, (int)PacketLen)); m_ReceivedData.CommitRead(); // Write one NUL extra, so that we can detect over-reads bb.Write("\0", 1); UInt32 PacketType; if (!bb.ReadVarInt(PacketType)) { // Not enough data break; } // Log the packet info into the comm log file: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn) { AString PacketData; bb.ReadAll(PacketData); bb.ResetRead(); bb.ReadVarInt(PacketType); ASSERT(PacketData.size() > 0); PacketData.resize(PacketData.size() - 1); AString PacketDataHex; CreateHexDump(PacketDataHex, PacketData.data(), PacketData.size(), 16); m_CommLogFile.Printf("Next incoming packet is type %u (0x%x), length %u (0x%x) at state %d. Payload:\n%s\n", PacketType, PacketType, PacketLen, PacketLen, m_State, PacketDataHex.c_str() ); } if (!HandlePacket(bb, PacketType)) { // Unknown packet, already been reported, but without the length. Log the length here: LOGWARNING("Unhandled packet: type 0x%x, state %d, length %u", PacketType, m_State, PacketLen); #ifdef _DEBUG // Dump the packet contents into the log: bb.ResetRead(); AString Packet; bb.ReadAll(Packet); Packet.resize(Packet.size() - 1); // Drop the final NUL pushed there for over-read detection AString Out; CreateHexDump(Out, Packet.data(), (int)Packet.size(), 24); LOGD("Packet contents:\n%s", Out.c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG // Put a message in the comm log: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn) { m_CommLogFile.Printf("^^^^^^ Unhandled packet ^^^^^^\n\n\n"); } return; } if (bb.GetReadableSpace() != 1) { // Read more or less than packet length, report as error LOGWARNING("Protocol 1.7: Wrong number of bytes read for packet 0x%x, state %d. Read " SIZE_T_FMT " bytes, packet contained %u bytes", PacketType, m_State, bb.GetUsedSpace() - bb.GetReadableSpace(), PacketLen ); // Put a message in the comm log: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn) { m_CommLogFile.Printf("^^^^^^ Wrong number of bytes read for this packet (exp %d left, got " SIZE_T_FMT " left) ^^^^^^\n\n\n", 1, bb.GetReadableSpace() ); m_CommLogFile.Flush(); } ASSERT(!"Read wrong number of bytes!"); m_Client->PacketError(PacketType); } } // for (ever) // Log any leftover bytes into the logfile: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn && (m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace() > 0)) { AString AllData; size_t OldReadableSpace = m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace(); m_ReceivedData.ReadAll(AllData); m_ReceivedData.ResetRead(); m_ReceivedData.SkipRead(m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace() - OldReadableSpace); ASSERT(m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace() == OldReadableSpace); AString Hex; CreateHexDump(Hex, AllData.data(), AllData.size(), 16); m_CommLogFile.Printf("There are " SIZE_T_FMT " (0x" SIZE_T_FMT_HEX ") bytes of non-parse-able data left in the buffer:\n%s", m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace(), m_ReceivedData.GetReadableSpace(), Hex.c_str() ); m_CommLogFile.Flush(); } } bool cProtocol172::HandlePacket(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer, UInt32 a_PacketType) { switch (m_State) { case 1: { // Status switch (a_PacketType) { case 0x00: HandlePacketStatusRequest(a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x01: HandlePacketStatusPing (a_ByteBuffer); return true; } break; } case 2: { // Login switch (a_PacketType) { case 0x00: HandlePacketLoginStart (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x01: HandlePacketLoginEncryptionResponse(a_ByteBuffer); return true; } break; } case 3: { // Game switch (a_PacketType) { case 0x00: HandlePacketKeepAlive (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x01: HandlePacketChatMessage (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x02: HandlePacketUseEntity (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x03: HandlePacketPlayer (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x04: HandlePacketPlayerPos (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x05: HandlePacketPlayerLook (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x06: HandlePacketPlayerPosLook (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x07: HandlePacketBlockDig (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x08: HandlePacketBlockPlace (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x09: HandlePacketSlotSelect (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0a: HandlePacketAnimation (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0b: HandlePacketEntityAction (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0c: HandlePacketSteerVehicle (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0d: HandlePacketWindowClose (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0e: HandlePacketWindowClick (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0f: // Confirm transaction - not used in MCS case 0x10: HandlePacketCreativeInventoryAction(a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x11: HandlePacketEnchantItem (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x12: HandlePacketUpdateSign (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x13: HandlePacketPlayerAbilities (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x14: HandlePacketTabComplete (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x15: HandlePacketClientSettings (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x16: HandlePacketClientStatus (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x17: HandlePacketPluginMessage (a_ByteBuffer); return true; } break; } default: { // Received a packet in an unknown state, report: LOGWARNING("Received a packet in an unknown protocol state %d. Ignoring further packets.", m_State); // Cannot kick the client - we don't know this state and thus the packet number for the kick packet // Switch to a state when all further packets are silently ignored: m_State = 255; return false; } case 255: { // This is the state used for "not processing packets anymore" when we receive a bad packet from a client. // Do not output anything (the caller will do that for us), just return failure return false; } } // switch (m_State) // Unknown packet type, report to the ClientHandle: m_Client->PacketUnknown(a_PacketType); return false; } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketStatusPing(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt64, Int64, Timestamp); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x01); // Ping packet Pkt.WriteInt64(Timestamp); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketStatusRequest(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { // Send the response: AString Response = "{\"version\":{\"name\":\"1.7.2\", \"protocol\":4}, \"players\":{"; cServer * Server = cRoot::Get()->GetServer(); AppendPrintf(Response, "\"max\":%u, \"online\":%u, \"sample\":[]},", Server->GetMaxPlayers(), Server->GetNumPlayers() ); AppendPrintf(Response, "\"description\":{\"text\":\"%s\"},", Server->GetDescription().c_str() ); AppendPrintf(Response, "\"favicon\": \"data:image/png;base64,%s\"", Server->GetFaviconData().c_str() ); Response.append("}"); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x00); // Response packet Pkt.WriteString(Response); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketLoginEncryptionResponse(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { short EncKeyLength, EncNonceLength; a_ByteBuffer.ReadBEShort(EncKeyLength); AString EncKey; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadString(EncKey, EncKeyLength)) { return; } a_ByteBuffer.ReadBEShort(EncNonceLength); AString EncNonce; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadString(EncNonce, EncNonceLength)) { return; } if ((EncKeyLength > MAX_ENC_LEN) || (EncNonceLength > MAX_ENC_LEN)) { LOGD("Too long encryption"); m_Client->Kick("Hacked client"); return; } // Decrypt EncNonce using privkey cRsaPrivateKey & rsaDecryptor = cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetPrivateKey(); Int32 DecryptedNonce[MAX_ENC_LEN / sizeof(Int32)]; int res = rsaDecryptor.Decrypt((const Byte *)EncNonce.data(), EncNonce.size(), (Byte *)DecryptedNonce, sizeof(DecryptedNonce)); if (res != 4) { LOGD("Bad nonce length: got %d, exp %d", res, 4); m_Client->Kick("Hacked client"); return; } if (ntohl(DecryptedNonce[0]) != (unsigned)(uintptr_t)this) { LOGD("Bad nonce value"); m_Client->Kick("Hacked client"); return; } // Decrypt the symmetric encryption key using privkey: Byte DecryptedKey[MAX_ENC_LEN]; res = rsaDecryptor.Decrypt((const Byte *)EncKey.data(), EncKey.size(), DecryptedKey, sizeof(DecryptedKey)); if (res != 16) { LOGD("Bad key length"); m_Client->Kick("Hacked client"); return; } StartEncryption(DecryptedKey); m_Client->HandleLogin(4, m_Client->GetUsername()); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketLoginStart(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { AString Username; a_ByteBuffer.ReadVarUTF8String(Username); if (!m_Client->HandleHandshake(Username)) { // The client is not welcome here, they have been sent a Kick packet already return; } cServer * Server = cRoot::Get()->GetServer(); // If auth is required, then send the encryption request: if (Server->ShouldAuthenticate()) { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x01); Pkt.WriteString(Server->GetServerID()); const AString & PubKeyDer = Server->GetPublicKeyDER(); Pkt.WriteShort((short)PubKeyDer.size()); Pkt.WriteBuf(PubKeyDer.data(), PubKeyDer.size()); Pkt.WriteShort(4); Pkt.WriteInt((int)(intptr_t)this); // Using 'this' as the cryptographic nonce, so that we don't have to generate one each time :) m_Client->SetUsername(Username); return; } m_Client->HandleLogin(4, Username); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketAnimation(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, EntityID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Animation); m_Client->HandleAnimation(Animation); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketBlockDig(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Status); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, BlockX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, BlockY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, BlockZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadChar, char, Face); m_Client->HandleLeftClick(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, static_cast(Face), Status); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketBlockPlace(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, BlockX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, BlockY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, BlockZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadChar, char, Face); cItem Item; ReadItem(a_ByteBuffer, Item); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, CursorX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, CursorY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, CursorZ); m_Client->HandleRightClick(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, static_cast(Face), CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ, m_Client->GetPlayer()->GetEquippedItem()); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketChatMessage(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Message); m_Client->HandleChat(Message); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketClientSettings(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Locale); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, ViewDistance); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, ChatFlags); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, ChatColors); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Difficulty); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, ShowCape); m_Client->SetLocale(Locale); // TODO: handle in m_Client } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketClientStatus(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, ActionID); switch (ActionID) { case 0: { // Respawn m_Client->HandleRespawn(); break; } case 1: { // Request stats const cStatManager & Manager = m_Client->GetPlayer()->GetStatManager(); SendStatistics(Manager); break; } case 2: { // Open Inventory achievement m_Client->GetPlayer()->AwardAchievement(achOpenInv); break; } } } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketCreativeInventoryAction(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, SlotNum); cItem Item; if (!ReadItem(a_ByteBuffer, Item)) { return; } m_Client->HandleCreativeInventory(SlotNum, Item); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketEntityAction(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, PlayerID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Action); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, JumpBoost); switch (Action) { case 1: m_Client->HandleEntityCrouch(PlayerID, true); break; // Crouch case 2: m_Client->HandleEntityCrouch(PlayerID, false); break; // Uncrouch case 3: m_Client->HandleEntityLeaveBed(PlayerID); break; // Leave Bed case 4: m_Client->HandleEntitySprinting(PlayerID, true); break; // Start sprinting case 5: m_Client->HandleEntitySprinting(PlayerID, false); break; // Stop sprinting } } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketKeepAlive(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, KeepAliveID); m_Client->HandleKeepAlive(KeepAliveID); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketPlayer(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, IsOnGround); // TODO: m_Client->HandlePlayerOnGround(IsOnGround); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketPlayerAbilities(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Flags); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, FlyingSpeed); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, WalkingSpeed); bool IsFlying = false, CanFly = false; if ((Flags & 2) != 0) { IsFlying = true; } if ((Flags & 4) != 0) { CanFly = true; } m_Client->HandlePlayerAbilities(CanFly, IsFlying, FlyingSpeed, WalkingSpeed); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketPlayerLook(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Yaw); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Pitch); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, IsOnGround); m_Client->HandlePlayerLook(Yaw, Pitch, IsOnGround); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketPlayerPos(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, Stance); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, IsOnGround); m_Client->HandlePlayerPos(PosX, PosY, PosZ, Stance, IsOnGround); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketPlayerPosLook(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, Stance); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Yaw); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Pitch); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, IsOnGround); m_Client->HandlePlayerMoveLook(PosX, PosY, PosZ, Stance, Yaw, Pitch, IsOnGround); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketPluginMessage(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Channel); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, Length); AString Data; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadString(Data, Length)) { return; } m_Client->HandlePluginMessage(Channel, Data); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketSlotSelect(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, SlotNum); m_Client->HandleSlotSelected(SlotNum); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketSteerVehicle(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Forward); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Sideways); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, ShouldJump); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, ShouldUnmount); if (ShouldUnmount) { m_Client->HandleUnmount(); } else { m_Client->HandleSteerVehicle(Forward, Sideways); } } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketTabComplete(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Text); m_Client->HandleTabCompletion(Text); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketUpdateSign(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, BlockX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, BlockY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, BlockZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Line1); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Line2); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Line3); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Line4); m_Client->HandleUpdateSign(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketUseEntity(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt, int, EntityID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, MouseButton); m_Client->HandleUseEntity(EntityID, (MouseButton == 1)); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketEnchantItem(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, WindowID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Enchantment); m_Client->HandleEnchantItem(WindowID, Enchantment); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketWindowClick(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadChar, char, WindowID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, SlotNum); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Button); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, TransactionID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadByte, Byte, Mode); cItem Item; ReadItem(a_ByteBuffer, Item); // Convert Button, Mode, SlotNum and HeldItem into eClickAction: eClickAction Action; switch ((Mode << 8) | Button) { case 0x0000: Action = (SlotNum != -999) ? caLeftClick : caLeftClickOutside; break; case 0x0001: Action = (SlotNum != -999) ? caRightClick : caRightClickOutside; break; case 0x0100: Action = caShiftLeftClick; break; case 0x0101: Action = caShiftRightClick; break; case 0x0200: Action = caNumber1; break; case 0x0201: Action = caNumber2; break; case 0x0202: Action = caNumber3; break; case 0x0203: Action = caNumber4; break; case 0x0204: Action = caNumber5; break; case 0x0205: Action = caNumber6; break; case 0x0206: Action = caNumber7; break; case 0x0207: Action = caNumber8; break; case 0x0208: Action = caNumber9; break; case 0x0300: Action = caMiddleClick; break; case 0x0400: Action = (SlotNum == -999) ? caLeftClickOutsideHoldNothing : caDropKey; break; case 0x0401: Action = (SlotNum == -999) ? caRightClickOutsideHoldNothing : caCtrlDropKey; break; case 0x0500: Action = (SlotNum == -999) ? caLeftPaintBegin : caUnknown; break; case 0x0501: Action = (SlotNum != -999) ? caLeftPaintProgress : caUnknown; break; case 0x0502: Action = (SlotNum == -999) ? caLeftPaintEnd : caUnknown; break; case 0x0504: Action = (SlotNum == -999) ? caRightPaintBegin : caUnknown; break; case 0x0505: Action = (SlotNum != -999) ? caRightPaintProgress : caUnknown; break; case 0x0506: Action = (SlotNum == -999) ? caRightPaintEnd : caUnknown; break; case 0x0600: Action = caDblClick; break; default: { LOGWARNING("Unhandled window click mode / button combination: %d (0x%x)", (Mode << 8) | Button, (Mode << 8) | Button); Action = caUnknown; break; } } m_Client->HandleWindowClick(WindowID, SlotNum, Action, Item); } void cProtocol172::HandlePacketWindowClose(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadChar, char, WindowID); m_Client->HandleWindowClose(WindowID); } void cProtocol172::WritePacket(cByteBuffer & a_Packet) { cCSLock Lock(m_CSPacket); AString Pkt; a_Packet.ReadAll(Pkt); WriteVarInt((UInt32)Pkt.size()); SendData(Pkt.data(), Pkt.size()); Flush(); } void cProtocol172::SendData(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { if (m_IsEncrypted) { Byte Encrypted[8192]; // Larger buffer, we may be sending lots of data (chunks) while (a_Size > 0) { size_t NumBytes = (a_Size > sizeof(Encrypted)) ? sizeof(Encrypted) : a_Size; m_Encryptor.ProcessData(Encrypted, (Byte *)a_Data, NumBytes); m_Client->SendData((const char *)Encrypted, NumBytes); a_Size -= NumBytes; a_Data += NumBytes; } } else { m_Client->SendData(a_Data, a_Size); } } bool cProtocol172::ReadItem(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer, cItem & a_Item) { HANDLE_PACKET_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, ItemType); if (ItemType == -1) { // The item is empty, no more data follows a_Item.Empty(); return true; } a_Item.m_ItemType = ItemType; HANDLE_PACKET_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadChar, char, ItemCount); HANDLE_PACKET_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, ItemDamage); a_Item.m_ItemCount = ItemCount; a_Item.m_ItemDamage = ItemDamage; if (ItemCount <= 0) { a_Item.Empty(); } HANDLE_PACKET_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEShort, short, MetadataLength); if (MetadataLength <= 0) { return true; } // Read the metadata AString Metadata; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadString(Metadata, MetadataLength)) { return false; } ParseItemMetadata(a_Item, Metadata); return true; } void cProtocol172::ParseItemMetadata(cItem & a_Item, const AString & a_Metadata) { // Uncompress the GZIPped data: AString Uncompressed; if (UncompressStringGZIP(a_Metadata.data(), a_Metadata.size(), Uncompressed) != Z_OK) { AString HexDump; CreateHexDump(HexDump, a_Metadata.data(), a_Metadata.size(), 16); LOGWARNING("Cannot unGZIP item metadata (" SIZE_T_FMT " bytes):\n%s", a_Metadata.size(), HexDump.c_str()); return; } // Parse into NBT: cParsedNBT NBT(Uncompressed.data(), Uncompressed.size()); if (!NBT.IsValid()) { AString HexDump; CreateHexDump(HexDump, Uncompressed.data(), Uncompressed.size(), 16); LOGWARNING("Cannot parse NBT item metadata: (" SIZE_T_FMT " bytes)\n%s", Uncompressed.size(), HexDump.c_str()); return; } // Load enchantments and custom display names from the NBT data: for (int tag = NBT.GetFirstChild(NBT.GetRoot()); tag >= 0; tag = NBT.GetNextSibling(tag)) { AString TagName = NBT.GetName(tag); switch (NBT.GetType(tag)) { case TAG_List: { if ((TagName == "ench") || (TagName == "StoredEnchantments")) // Enchantments tags { EnchantmentSerializer::ParseFromNBT(a_Item.m_Enchantments, NBT, tag); } break; } case TAG_Compound: { if (TagName == "display") // Custom name and lore tag { for (int displaytag = NBT.GetFirstChild(tag); displaytag >= 0; displaytag = NBT.GetNextSibling(displaytag)) { if ((NBT.GetType(displaytag) == TAG_String) && (NBT.GetName(displaytag) == "Name")) // Custon name tag { a_Item.m_CustomName = NBT.GetString(displaytag); } else if ((NBT.GetType(displaytag) == TAG_List) && (NBT.GetName(displaytag) == "Lore")) // Lore tag { AString Lore; for (int loretag = NBT.GetFirstChild(displaytag); loretag >= 0; loretag = NBT.GetNextSibling(loretag)) // Loop through array of strings { AppendPrintf(Lore, "%s`", NBT.GetString(loretag).c_str()); // Append the lore with a grave accent/backtick, used internally by MCS to display a new line in the client; don't forget to c_str ;) } a_Item.m_Lore = Lore; } } } else if ((TagName == "Fireworks") || (TagName == "Explosion")) { cFireworkItem::ParseFromNBT(a_Item.m_FireworkItem, NBT, tag, (ENUM_ITEM_ID)a_Item.m_ItemType); } break; } case TAG_Int: { if (TagName == "RepairCost") { a_Item.m_RepairCost = NBT.GetInt(tag); } } default: LOGD("Unimplemented NBT data when parsing!"); break; } } } void cProtocol172::StartEncryption(const Byte * a_Key) { m_Encryptor.Init(a_Key, a_Key); m_Decryptor.Init(a_Key, a_Key); m_IsEncrypted = true; // Prepare the m_AuthServerID: cSha1Checksum Checksum; cServer * Server = cRoot::Get()->GetServer(); const AString & ServerID = Server->GetServerID(); Checksum.Update((const Byte *)ServerID.c_str(), ServerID.length()); Checksum.Update(a_Key, 16); Checksum.Update((const Byte *)Server->GetPublicKeyDER().data(), Server->GetPublicKeyDER().size()); Byte Digest[20]; Checksum.Finalize(Digest); cSha1Checksum::DigestToJava(Digest, m_AuthServerID); } void cProtocol172::AddChatPartStyle(Json::Value & a_Value, const AString & a_PartStyle) { size_t len = a_PartStyle.length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (a_PartStyle[i]) { case 'b': { // bold a_Value["bold"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 'i': { // italic a_Value["italic"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 'u': { // Underlined a_Value["underlined"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 's': { // strikethrough a_Value["strikethrough"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 'o': { // obfuscated a_Value["obfuscated"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case '@': { // Color, specified by the next char: i++; if (i >= len) { // String too short, didn't contain a color break; } switch (a_PartStyle[i]) { case '0': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("black"); break; case '1': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_blue"); break; case '2': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_green"); break; case '3': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_aqua"); break; case '4': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_red"); break; case '5': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_purple"); break; case '6': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("gold"); break; case '7': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("gray"); break; case '8': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_gray"); break; case '9': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("blue"); break; case 'a': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("green"); break; case 'b': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("aqua"); break; case 'c': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("red"); break; case 'd': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("light_purple"); break; case 'e': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("yellow"); break; case 'f': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("white"); break; } // switch (color) } // case '@' } // switch (Style[i]) } // for i - a_PartStyle[] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol172::cPacketizer: cProtocol172::cPacketizer::~cPacketizer() { AString DataToSend; // Send the packet length UInt32 PacketLen = (UInt32)m_Out.GetUsedSpace(); m_Protocol.m_OutPacketLenBuffer.WriteVarInt(PacketLen); m_Protocol.m_OutPacketLenBuffer.ReadAll(DataToSend); m_Protocol.SendData(DataToSend.data(), DataToSend.size()); m_Protocol.m_OutPacketLenBuffer.CommitRead(); // Send the packet data: m_Out.ReadAll(DataToSend); m_Protocol.SendData(DataToSend.data(), DataToSend.size()); m_Out.CommitRead(); // Log the comm into logfile: if (g_ShouldLogCommOut) { AString Hex; ASSERT(DataToSend.size() > 0); CreateHexDump(Hex, DataToSend.data() + 1, DataToSend.size() - 1, 16); m_Protocol.m_CommLogFile.Printf("Outgoing packet: type %d (0x%x), length %u (0x%x), state %d. Payload:\n%s\n", DataToSend[0], DataToSend[0], PacketLen, PacketLen, m_Protocol.m_State, Hex.c_str() ); } } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteItem(const cItem & a_Item) { short ItemType = a_Item.m_ItemType; ASSERT(ItemType >= -1); // Check validity of packets in debug runtime if (ItemType <= 0) { // Fix, to make sure no invalid values are sent. ItemType = -1; } if (a_Item.IsEmpty()) { WriteShort(-1); return; } WriteShort(ItemType); WriteByte (a_Item.m_ItemCount); WriteShort(a_Item.m_ItemDamage); if (a_Item.m_Enchantments.IsEmpty() && a_Item.IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty() && (a_Item.m_ItemType != E_ITEM_FIREWORK_ROCKET) && (a_Item.m_ItemType != E_ITEM_FIREWORK_STAR)) { WriteShort(-1); return; } // Send the enchantments and custom names: cFastNBTWriter Writer; if (a_Item.m_RepairCost != 0) { Writer.AddInt("RepairCost", a_Item.m_RepairCost); } if (!a_Item.m_Enchantments.IsEmpty()) { const char * TagName = (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BOOK) ? "StoredEnchantments" : "ench"; EnchantmentSerializer::WriteToNBTCompound(a_Item.m_Enchantments, Writer, TagName); } if (!a_Item.IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty()) { Writer.BeginCompound("display"); if (!a_Item.IsCustomNameEmpty()) { Writer.AddString("Name", a_Item.m_CustomName.c_str()); } if (!a_Item.IsLoreEmpty()) { Writer.BeginList("Lore", TAG_String); AStringVector Decls = StringSplit(a_Item.m_Lore, "`"); for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Decls.begin(), end = Decls.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { if (itr->empty()) { // The decl is empty (two `s), ignore continue; } Writer.AddString("", itr->c_str()); } Writer.EndList(); } Writer.EndCompound(); } if ((a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FIREWORK_ROCKET) || (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FIREWORK_STAR)) { cFireworkItem::WriteToNBTCompound(a_Item.m_FireworkItem, Writer, (ENUM_ITEM_ID)a_Item.m_ItemType); } Writer.Finish(); AString Compressed; CompressStringGZIP(Writer.GetResult().data(), Writer.GetResult().size(), Compressed); WriteShort((short)Compressed.size()); WriteBuf(Compressed.data(), Compressed.size()); } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteBlockEntity(const cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity) { cFastNBTWriter Writer; switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType()) { case E_BLOCK_BEACON: { cBeaconEntity & BeaconEntity = (cBeaconEntity &)a_BlockEntity; Writer.AddInt("x", BeaconEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", BeaconEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", BeaconEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddInt("Primary", BeaconEntity.GetPrimaryEffect()); Writer.AddInt("Secondary", BeaconEntity.GetSecondaryEffect()); Writer.AddInt("Levels", BeaconEntity.GetBeaconLevel()); Writer.AddString("id", "Beacon"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though break; } case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: { cCommandBlockEntity & CommandBlockEntity = (cCommandBlockEntity &)a_BlockEntity; Writer.AddByte("TrackOutput", 1); // Neither I nor the MC wiki has any idea about this Writer.AddInt("SuccessCount", CommandBlockEntity.GetResult()); Writer.AddInt("x", CommandBlockEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", CommandBlockEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", CommandBlockEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddString("Command", CommandBlockEntity.GetCommand().c_str()); // You can set custom names for windows in Vanilla // For a command block, this would be the 'name' prepended to anything it outputs into global chat // MCS doesn't have this, so just leave it @ '@'. (geddit?) Writer.AddString("CustomName", "@"); Writer.AddString("id", "Control"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though if (!CommandBlockEntity.GetLastOutput().empty()) { AString Output; Printf(Output, "{\"text\":\"%s\"}", CommandBlockEntity.GetLastOutput().c_str()); Writer.AddString("LastOutput", Output.c_str()); } break; } case E_BLOCK_HEAD: { cMobHeadEntity & MobHeadEntity = (cMobHeadEntity &)a_BlockEntity; Writer.AddInt("x", MobHeadEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", MobHeadEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", MobHeadEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddByte("SkullType", MobHeadEntity.GetType() & 0xFF); Writer.AddByte("Rot", MobHeadEntity.GetRotation() & 0xFF); Writer.AddString("ExtraType", MobHeadEntity.GetOwner().c_str()); Writer.AddString("id", "Skull"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though break; } case E_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT: { cFlowerPotEntity & FlowerPotEntity = (cFlowerPotEntity &)a_BlockEntity; Writer.AddInt("x", FlowerPotEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", FlowerPotEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", FlowerPotEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddInt("Item", (Int32) FlowerPotEntity.GetItem().m_ItemType); Writer.AddInt("Data", (Int32) FlowerPotEntity.GetItem().m_ItemDamage); Writer.AddString("id", "FlowerPot"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though break; } default: break; } Writer.Finish(); AString Compressed; CompressStringGZIP(Writer.GetResult().data(), Writer.GetResult().size(), Compressed); WriteShort((short)Compressed.size()); WriteBuf(Compressed.data(), Compressed.size()); } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteByteAngle(double a_Angle) { WriteByte((char)(255 * a_Angle / 360)); } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteFPInt(double a_Value) { int Value = (int)(a_Value * 32); WriteInt(Value); } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteEntityMetadata(const cEntity & a_Entity) { // Common metadata: Byte Flags = 0; if (a_Entity.IsOnFire()) { Flags |= 0x01; } if (a_Entity.IsCrouched()) { Flags |= 0x02; } if (a_Entity.IsSprinting()) { Flags |= 0x08; } if (a_Entity.IsRclking()) { Flags |= 0x10; } if (a_Entity.IsInvisible()) { Flags |= 0x20; } WriteByte(0); // Byte(0) + index 0 WriteByte(Flags); switch (a_Entity.GetEntityType()) { case cEntity::etPlayer: break; // TODO? case cEntity::etPickup: { WriteByte((5 << 5) | 10); // Slot(5) + index 10 WriteItem(((const cPickup &)a_Entity).GetItem()); break; } case cEntity::etMinecart: { WriteByte(0x51); // The following expression makes Minecarts shake more with less health or higher damage taken // It gets half the maximum health, and takes it away from the current health minus the half health: /* Health: 5 | 3 - (5 - 3) = 1 (shake power) Health: 3 | 3 - (3 - 3) = 3 Health: 1 | 3 - (1 - 3) = 5 */ WriteInt((((a_Entity.GetMaxHealth() / 2) - (a_Entity.GetHealth() - (a_Entity.GetMaxHealth() / 2))) * ((const cMinecart &)a_Entity).LastDamage()) * 4); WriteByte(0x52); WriteInt(1); // Shaking direction, doesn't seem to affect anything WriteByte(0x73); WriteFloat((float)(((const cMinecart &)a_Entity).LastDamage() + 10)); // Damage taken / shake effect multiplyer if (((cMinecart &)a_Entity).GetPayload() == cMinecart::mpNone) { cRideableMinecart & RideableMinecart = ((cRideableMinecart &)a_Entity); const cItem & MinecartContent = RideableMinecart.GetContent(); if (!MinecartContent.IsEmpty()) { WriteByte(0x54); int Content = MinecartContent.m_ItemType; Content |= MinecartContent.m_ItemDamage << 8; WriteInt(Content); WriteByte(0x55); WriteInt(RideableMinecart.GetBlockHeight()); WriteByte(0x56); WriteByte(1); } } else if (((cMinecart &)a_Entity).GetPayload() == cMinecart::mpFurnace) { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cMinecartWithFurnace &)a_Entity).IsFueled() ? 1 : 0); } break; } case cEntity::etProjectile: { cProjectileEntity & Projectile = (cProjectileEntity &)a_Entity; switch (Projectile.GetProjectileKind()) { case cProjectileEntity::pkArrow: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cArrowEntity &)a_Entity).IsCritical() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cProjectileEntity::pkFirework: { WriteByte(0xA8); WriteItem(((const cFireworkEntity &)a_Entity).GetItem()); break; } default: break; } break; } case cEntity::etMonster: { WriteMobMetadata((const cMonster &)a_Entity); break; } case cEntity::etItemFrame: { cItemFrame & Frame = (cItemFrame &)a_Entity; WriteByte(0xA2); WriteItem(Frame.GetItem()); WriteByte(0x3); WriteByte(Frame.GetRotation()); break; } default: break; } } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteMobMetadata(const cMonster & a_Mob) { switch (a_Mob.GetMobType()) { case cMonster::mtCreeper: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cCreeper &)a_Mob).IsBlowing() ? 1 : -1); WriteByte(0x11); WriteByte(((const cCreeper &)a_Mob).IsCharged() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtBat: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cBat &)a_Mob).IsHanging() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtPig: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cPig &)a_Mob).IsSaddled() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtVillager: { WriteByte(0x50); WriteInt(((const cVillager &)a_Mob).GetVilType()); break; } case cMonster::mtZombie: { WriteByte(0x0c); WriteByte(((const cZombie &)a_Mob).IsBaby() ? 1 : 0); WriteByte(0x0d); WriteByte(((const cZombie &)a_Mob).IsVillagerZombie() ? 1 : 0); WriteByte(0x0e); WriteByte(((const cZombie &)a_Mob).IsConverting() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtGhast: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cGhast &)a_Mob).IsCharging()); break; } case cMonster::mtWolf: { const cWolf & Wolf = (const cWolf &)a_Mob; Byte WolfStatus = 0; if (Wolf.IsSitting()) { WolfStatus |= 0x1; } if (Wolf.IsAngry()) { WolfStatus |= 0x2; } if (Wolf.IsTame()) { WolfStatus |= 0x4; } WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(WolfStatus); WriteByte(0x72); WriteFloat((float)(a_Mob.GetHealth())); WriteByte(0x13); WriteByte(Wolf.IsBegging() ? 1 : 0); WriteByte(0x14); WriteByte(Wolf.GetCollarColor()); break; } case cMonster::mtSheep: { WriteByte(0x10); Byte SheepMetadata = 0; SheepMetadata = ((const cSheep &)a_Mob).GetFurColor(); if (((const cSheep &)a_Mob).IsSheared()) { SheepMetadata |= 0x10; } WriteByte(SheepMetadata); break; } case cMonster::mtEnderman: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte((Byte)(((const cEnderman &)a_Mob).GetCarriedBlock())); WriteByte(0x11); WriteByte((Byte)(((const cEnderman &)a_Mob).GetCarriedMeta())); WriteByte(0x12); WriteByte(((const cEnderman &)a_Mob).IsScreaming() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtSkeleton: { WriteByte(0x0d); WriteByte(((const cSkeleton &)a_Mob).IsWither() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtWitch: { WriteByte(0x15); WriteByte(((const cWitch &)a_Mob).IsAngry() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtWither: { WriteByte(0x54); // Int at index 20 WriteInt(((const cWither &)a_Mob).GetWitherInvulnerableTicks()); WriteByte(0x66); // Float at index 6 WriteFloat((float)(a_Mob.GetHealth())); break; } case cMonster::mtSlime: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cSlime &)a_Mob).GetSize()); break; } case cMonster::mtMagmaCube: { WriteByte(0x10); WriteByte(((const cMagmaCube &)a_Mob).GetSize()); break; } case cMonster::mtHorse: { const cHorse & Horse = (const cHorse &)a_Mob; int Flags = 0; if (Horse.IsTame()) { Flags |= 0x02; } if (Horse.IsSaddled()) { Flags |= 0x04; } if (Horse.IsChested()) { Flags |= 0x08; } if (Horse.IsBaby()) { Flags |= 0x10; } if (Horse.IsEating()) { Flags |= 0x20; } if (Horse.IsRearing()) { Flags |= 0x40; } if (Horse.IsMthOpen()) { Flags |= 0x80; } WriteByte(0x50); // Int at index 16 WriteInt(Flags); WriteByte(0x13); // Byte at index 19 WriteByte(Horse.GetHorseType()); WriteByte(0x54); // Int at index 20 int Appearance = 0; Appearance = Horse.GetHorseColor(); Appearance |= Horse.GetHorseStyle() << 8; WriteInt(Appearance); WriteByte(0x56); // Int at index 22 WriteInt(Horse.GetHorseArmour()); break; } } // switch (a_Mob.GetType()) } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteMobMetadata(const cNewMonster & a_Mob) { switch (a_Mob.GetMobType()) { case cMonster::mtCreeper: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(((const cCreeper &)a_Mob).IsBlowing() ? 1 : -1); // WriteByte(0x11); // WriteByte(((const cCreeper &)a_Mob).IsCharged() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtBat: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(((const cBat &)a_Mob).IsHanging() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtPig: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(((const cPig &)a_Mob).IsSaddled() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtVillager: { // WriteByte(0x50); // WriteInt(((const cVillager &)a_Mob).GetVilType()); break; } case cMonster::mtZombie: { // WriteByte(0x0c); // WriteByte(((const cZombie &)a_Mob).IsBaby() ? 1 : 0); // WriteByte(0x0d); // WriteByte(((const cZombie &)a_Mob).IsVillagerZombie() ? 1 : 0); // WriteByte(0x0e); // WriteByte(((const cZombie &)a_Mob).IsConverting() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtGhast: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(((const cGhast &)a_Mob).IsCharging()); break; } case cMonster::mtWolf: { // const cWolf & Wolf = (const cWolf &)a_Mob; // Byte WolfStatus = 0; // if (Wolf.IsSitting()) // { // WolfStatus |= 0x1; // } // if (Wolf.IsAngry()) // { // WolfStatus |= 0x2; // } // if (Wolf.IsTame()) // { // WolfStatus |= 0x4; // } // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(WolfStatus); // WriteByte(0x72); // WriteFloat((float)(a_Mob.GetHealth())); // WriteByte(0x13); // WriteByte(Wolf.IsBegging() ? 1 : 0); // WriteByte(0x14); // WriteByte(Wolf.GetCollarColor()); break; } case cMonster::mtSheep: { // WriteByte(0x10); // Byte SheepMetadata = 0; // SheepMetadata = ((const cSheep &)a_Mob).GetFurColor(); // if (((const cSheep &)a_Mob).IsSheared()) // { // SheepMetadata |= 0x10; // } // WriteByte(SheepMetadata); break; } case cMonster::mtEnderman: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte((Byte)(((const cEnderman &)a_Mob).GetCarriedBlock())); // WriteByte(0x11); // WriteByte((Byte)(((const cEnderman &)a_Mob).GetCarriedMeta())); // WriteByte(0x12); // WriteByte(((const cEnderman &)a_Mob).IsScreaming() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtSkeleton: { // WriteByte(0x0d); // WriteByte(((const cSkeleton &)a_Mob).IsWither() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtWitch: { // WriteByte(0x15); // WriteByte(((const cWitch &)a_Mob).IsAngry() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cMonster::mtWither: { // WriteByte(0x54); // Int at index 20 // WriteInt(((const cWither &)a_Mob).GetWitherInvulnerableTicks()); // WriteByte(0x66); // Float at index 6 // WriteFloat((float)(a_Mob.GetHealth())); break; } case cMonster::mtSlime: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(((const cSlime &)a_Mob).GetSize()); break; } case cMonster::mtMagmaCube: { // WriteByte(0x10); // WriteByte(((const cMagmaCube &)a_Mob).GetSize()); break; } case cMonster::mtHorse: { // const cHorse & Horse = (const cHorse &)a_Mob; // int Flags = 0; // if (Horse.IsTame()) // { // Flags |= 0x02; // } // if (Horse.IsSaddled()) // { // Flags |= 0x04; // } // if (Horse.IsChested()) // { // Flags |= 0x08; // } // if (Horse.IsBaby()) // { // Flags |= 0x10; // } // if (Horse.IsEating()) // { // Flags |= 0x20; // } // if (Horse.IsRearing()) // { // Flags |= 0x40; // } // if (Horse.IsMthOpen()) // { // Flags |= 0x80; // } // WriteByte(0x50); // Int at index 16 // WriteInt(Flags); // WriteByte(0x13); // Byte at index 19 // WriteByte(Horse.GetHorseType()); // WriteByte(0x54); // Int at index 20 // int Appearance = 0; // Appearance = Horse.GetHorseColor(); // Appearance |= Horse.GetHorseStyle() << 8; // WriteInt(Appearance); // WriteByte(0x56); // Int at index 22 // WriteInt(Horse.GetHorseArmour()); break; } } // switch (a_Mob.GetType()) } void cProtocol172::cPacketizer::WriteEntityProperties(const cEntity & a_Entity) { if (!a_Entity.IsMob()) { // No properties for anything else than mobs WriteInt(0); return; } // const cMonster & Mob = (const cMonster &)a_Entity; // TODO: Send properties and modifiers based on the mob type WriteInt(0); // NumProperties } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol176: cProtocol176::cProtocol176(cClientHandle * a_Client, const AString &a_ServerAddress, UInt16 a_ServerPort, UInt32 a_State) : super(a_Client, a_ServerAddress, a_ServerPort, a_State) { } void cProtocol176::SendPlayerSpawn(const cPlayer & a_Player) { // Called to spawn another player for the client cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x0c); // Spawn Player packet Pkt.WriteVarInt(a_Player.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteString(cMojangAPI::MakeUUIDDashed(a_Player.GetClientHandle()->GetUUID())); Pkt.WriteString(a_Player.GetName()); const Json::Value & Properties = a_Player.GetClientHandle()->GetProperties(); Pkt.WriteVarInt(Properties.size()); for (Json::Value::iterator itr = Properties.begin(), end = Properties.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Pkt.WriteString(((Json::Value)*itr).get("name", "").asString()); Pkt.WriteString(((Json::Value)*itr).get("value", "").asString()); Pkt.WriteString(((Json::Value)*itr).get("signature", "").asString()); } Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Player.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Player.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteFPInt(a_Player.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Player.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Player.GetPitch()); short ItemType = a_Player.GetEquippedItem().IsEmpty() ? 0 : a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType; Pkt.WriteShort(ItemType); Pkt.WriteByte((3 << 5) | 6); // Metadata: float + index 6 Pkt.WriteFloat((float)a_Player.GetHealth()); Pkt.WriteByte(0x7f); // Metadata: end } void cProtocol176::HandlePacketStatusRequest(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { // Send the response: AString Response = "{\"version\": {\"name\": \"1.7.6\", \"protocol\":5}, \"players\": {"; AppendPrintf(Response, "\"max\": %u, \"online\": %u, \"sample\": []},", cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetMaxPlayers(), cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetNumPlayers() ); AppendPrintf(Response, "\"description\": {\"text\": \"%s\"},", cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetDescription().c_str() ); AppendPrintf(Response, "\"favicon\": \"data:image/png;base64,%s\"", cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetFaviconData().c_str() ); Response.append("}"); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, 0x00); // Response packet Pkt.WriteString(Response); }