// StringUtils.h // Interfaces to various string helper functions #pragma once typedef std::string AString; typedef std::vector<AString> AStringVector; typedef std::list<AString> AStringList; /** A string dictionary, used for key-value pairs. */ typedef std::map<AString, AString> AStringMap; /** Output the formatted text into the string. Returns a_Dst. */ extern AString & Printf(AString & a_Dst, const char * format, fmt::ArgList args); FMT_VARIADIC(AString &, Printf, AString &, const char *) /** Output the formatted text into string Returns the formatted string by value. */ extern AString Printf(const char * format, fmt::ArgList args); FMT_VARIADIC(AString, Printf, const char *) /** Add the formated string to the existing data in the string. Returns a_Dst. */ template <typename... Args> extern AString & AppendPrintf(AString & a_Dst, const char * format, const Args & ... args) { a_Dst += Printf(format, args...); return a_Dst; } /** Split the string at any of the listed delimiters. Return the splitted strings as a stringvector. */ extern AStringVector StringSplit(const AString & str, const AString & delim); /** Split the string at any of the listed delimiters. Keeps quoted content together Resolves issue #490 Return the splitted strings as a stringvector. */ extern AStringVector StringSplitWithQuotes(const AString & str, const AString & delim); /** Join a list of strings with the given delimiter between entries. */ AString StringJoin(const AStringVector & a_Strings, const AString & a_Delimiter); /** Split the string at any of the listed delimiters and trim each value. Returns the splitted strings as a stringvector. */ extern AStringVector StringSplitAndTrim(const AString & str, const AString & delim); /** Trims whitespace at both ends of the string. Returns a trimmed copy of the original string. */ extern AString TrimString(const AString & str); // tolua_export /** In-place string conversion to uppercase. Returns the same string object. */ extern AString & InPlaceUppercase(AString & s); /** In-place string conversion to lowercase. Returns the same string object. */ extern AString & InPlaceLowercase(AString & s); /** Returns an upper-cased copy of the string */ extern AString StrToUpper(const AString & s); /** Returns a lower-cased copy of the string */ extern AString StrToLower(const AString & s); /** Case-insensitive string comparison. Returns 0 if the strings are the same, <0 if s1 < s2 and >0 if s1 > s2. */ extern int NoCaseCompare(const AString & s1, const AString & s2); // tolua_export /** Case-insensitive string comparison that returns a rating of equal-ness between [0 - s1.length()]. */ extern size_t RateCompareString(const AString & s1, const AString & s2); /** Replaces each occurence of iNeedle in iHayStack with iReplaceWith */ extern void ReplaceString(AString & iHayStack, const AString & iNeedle, const AString & iReplaceWith); // tolua_export /** Converts a stream of BE shorts into UTF-8 string; returns a_UTF8. */ extern AString & RawBEToUTF8(const char * a_RawData, size_t a_NumShorts, AString & a_UTF8); /** Converts a unicode character to its UTF8 representation. */ extern AString UnicodeCharToUtf8(unsigned a_UnicodeChar); /** Converts a UTF-8 string into a UTF-16 BE string. */ extern std::u16string UTF8ToRawBEUTF16(const AString & a_String); /** Creates a nicely formatted HEX dump of the given memory block. */ extern AString & CreateHexDump(AString & a_Out, const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size, size_t a_BytesPerLine); /** Returns a copy of a_Message with all quotes and backslashes escaped by a backslash. */ extern AString EscapeString(const AString & a_Message); // tolua_export /** Removes all control codes used by MC for colors and styles. */ extern AString StripColorCodes(const AString & a_Message); // tolua_export /** URL-Decodes the given string. The first value specifies whether the decoding was successful. The second value is the decoded string, if successful. */ extern std::pair<bool, AString> URLDecode(const AString & a_String); // Exported to Lua as cUrlParser::UrlDecode() /** URL-encodes the given string. */ extern AString URLEncode(const AString & a_Text); /** Replaces all occurrences of char a_From inside a_String with char a_To. */ extern AString ReplaceAllCharOccurrences(const AString & a_String, char a_From, char a_To); // Needn't export to Lua, since Lua doesn't have chars anyway /** Decodes a Base64-encoded string into the raw data */ extern AString Base64Decode(const AString & a_Base64String); // Exported manually due to embedded NULs and extra parameter /** Encodes a string into Base64 */ extern AString Base64Encode(const AString & a_Input); // Exported manually due to embedded NULs and extra parameter /** Reads two bytes from the specified memory location and interprets them as BigEndian short */ extern short GetBEShort(const char * a_Mem); /** Reads two bytes from the specified memory location and interprets them as BigEndian unsigned short */ extern unsigned short GetBEUShort(const char * a_Mem); /** Reads four bytes from the specified memory location and interprets them as BigEndian int */ extern int GetBEInt(const char * a_Mem); /** Writes four bytes to the specified memory location so that they interpret as BigEndian int */ extern void SetBEInt(char * a_Mem, Int32 a_Value); /** Splits a string that has embedded \0 characters, on those characters. a_Output is first cleared and then each separate string is pushed back into a_Output. Returns true if there are at least two strings in a_Output (there was at least one \0 separator). */ extern bool SplitZeroTerminatedStrings(const AString & a_Strings, AStringVector & a_Output); /** Merges the two vectors of strings, removing duplicate entries from the second vector. The resulting vector contains items from a_Strings1 first, then from a_Strings2. The order of items doesn't change, only the duplicates are removed. If a_Strings1 contains duplicates, the result will still contain those duplicates. */ extern AStringVector MergeStringVectors(const AStringVector & a_Strings1, const AStringVector & a_Strings2); /** Concatenates the specified strings into a single string, separated by the specified separator character. Use StringJoin() if you need multiple separator characters. */ extern AString StringsConcat(const AStringVector & a_Strings, char a_Separator); /** Converts a string into a float. Returns false if the conversion fails. */ extern bool StringToFloat(const AString & a_String, float & a_Num); /** Returns true if only whitespace characters are present in the string */ bool IsOnlyWhitespace(const AString & a_String); /** Parses any integer type. Checks bounds and returns errors out of band. */ template <class T> bool StringToInteger(const AString & a_str, T & a_Num) { size_t i = 0; bool positive = true; T result = 0; if (a_str[0] == '+') { i++; } else if (a_str[0] == '-') { i++; positive = false; } if (positive) { for (size_t size = a_str.size(); i < size; i++) { if ((a_str[i] < '0') || (a_str[i] > '9')) { return false; } if (std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 10 < result) { return false; } result *= 10; T digit = static_cast<T>(a_str[i] - '0'); if (std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - digit < result) { return false; } result += digit; } } else { // Unsigned result cannot be signed! if (!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) { return false; } for (size_t size = a_str.size(); i < size; i++) { if ((a_str[i] < '0') || (a_str[i] > '9')) { return false; } if (std::numeric_limits<T>::min() / 10 > result) { return false; } result *= 10; T digit = static_cast<T>(a_str[i] - '0'); if (std::numeric_limits<T>::min() + digit > result) { return false; } result -= digit; } } a_Num = result; return true; } /** Returns a number (of any integer type T) from a key-value string map. Returns a_Default if the key is not present or the value is not a number representable in type T. */ template <typename T> T GetStringMapInteger(const AStringMap & a_Map, const AString & a_Key, T a_Default) { // Try to locate the key: auto itr = a_Map.find(a_Key); if (itr == a_Map.end()) { return a_Default; } // Try to convert the value to a number: T res = a_Default; if (!StringToInteger<T>(itr->second, res)) { return a_Default; } return res; } // If you have any other string helper functions, declare them here