// UUID.h // Declares the cUUID class representing a Universally Unique Identifier #pragma once // tolua_begin class cUUID { public: /** Default constructed "nil" UUID */ cUUID(): m_UUID() { } /** Lexicographically compare bytes with another UUID. Returns: 0 when equal to a_Other, < 0 when less than a_Other, > 0 when greater than a_Other */ int Compare(const cUUID & a_Other) const { return std::memcmp(m_UUID.data(), a_Other.m_UUID.data(), m_UUID.size()); } /** Returns true if this contains the "nil" UUID with all bits set to 0 */ bool IsNil() const { return (m_UUID == std::array<Byte, 16>{{0}}); } /** Tries to interpret the string as a short or long form UUID and assign from it. On error, returns false and does not set the value. */ bool FromString(const AString & a_StringUUID); /** Converts the UUID to a short form string (i.e without dashes). */ AString ToShortString() const; /** Converts the UUID to a long form string (i.e. with dashes). */ AString ToLongString() const; /** Returns the version number of the UUID. */ UInt8 Version() const; /** Returns the variant number of the UUID. */ UInt8 Variant() const; /** Generates a version 3, variant 1 UUID based on the md5 hash of a_Name. */ static cUUID GenerateVersion3(const AString & a_Name); // tolua_end /** Converts UUID to raw memory representation, respecting UUID variant. */ std::array<Byte, 16> ToRaw() const; /** Assigns from raw memory representation, respecting UUID variant. */ void FromRaw(const std::array<Byte, 16> & a_Raw); private: /** Binary UUID stored big-endian. */ std::array<Byte, 16> m_UUID; }; // tolua_export // Comparison operators: inline bool operator == (const cUUID & a_Lhs, const cUUID & a_Rhs) { return (a_Lhs.Compare(a_Rhs) == 0); } inline bool operator != (const cUUID & a_Lhs, const cUUID & a_Rhs) { return (a_Lhs.Compare(a_Rhs) != 0); } inline bool operator < (const cUUID & a_Lhs, const cUUID & a_Rhs) { return (a_Lhs.Compare(a_Rhs) < 0); } inline bool operator <= (const cUUID & a_Lhs, const cUUID & a_Rhs) { return (a_Lhs.Compare(a_Rhs) <= 0); } inline bool operator > (const cUUID & a_Lhs, const cUUID & a_Rhs) { return (a_Lhs.Compare(a_Rhs) > 0); } inline bool operator >= (const cUUID & a_Lhs, const cUUID & a_Rhs) { return (a_Lhs.Compare(a_Rhs) >= 0); }