from __future__ import annotations import os import json from typing import AsyncIterator from aiohttp import ClientSession, FormData from ...typing import AsyncResult, Messages from ..base_provider import AsyncAuthedProvider, ProviderModelMixin, format_prompt from ..mini_max.crypt import CallbackResults, get_browser_callback, generate_yy_header, get_body_to_yy from ...requests import get_args_from_nodriver, raise_for_status from ...providers.response import AuthResult, JsonConversation, RequestLogin, TitleGeneration from ... import debug class Conversation(JsonConversation): def __init__(self, token: str, chatID: str, characterID: str = 1): self.token = token self.chatID = chatID self.characterID = characterID class HailuoAI(AsyncAuthedProvider, ProviderModelMixin): label = "Hailuo AI" url = "" working = True use_nodriver = True supports_stream = True default_model = "MiniMax" @classmethod async def on_auth_async(cls, proxy: str = None, **kwargs) -> AsyncIterator: login_url = os.environ.get("G4F_LOGIN_URL") if login_url: yield RequestLogin(cls.label, login_url) callback_results = CallbackResults() yield AuthResult( **await get_args_from_nodriver( cls.url, proxy=proxy, callback=await get_browser_callback(callback_results) ), **callback_results.get_dict() ) @classmethod async def create_authed( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, auth_result: AuthResult, return_conversation: bool = False, conversation: Conversation = None, **kwargs ) -> AsyncResult: args = auth_result.get_dict().copy() args.pop("impersonate") token = args.pop("token") path_and_query = args.pop("path_and_query") timestamp = args.pop("timestamp") async with ClientSession(**args) as session: if conversation is not None and conversation.token != token: conversation = None form_data = { "characterID": 1 if conversation is None else getattr(conversation, "characterID", 1), "msgContent": format_prompt(messages) if conversation is None else messages[-1]["content"], "chatID": 0 if conversation is None else getattr(conversation, "chatID", 0), "searchMode": 0 } data = FormData(default_to_multipart=True) for name, value in form_data.items(): form_data[name] = str(value) data.add_field(name, str(value)) headers = { "token": token, "yy": generate_yy_header(auth_result.path_and_query, get_body_to_yy(form_data), timestamp) } async with"{cls.url}{path_and_query}", data=data, headers=headers) as response: await raise_for_status(response) event = None yield_content_len = 0 async for line in response.content: if not line: continue if line.startswith(b"event:"): event = line[6:].decode(errors="replace").strip() if event == "close_chunk": break if line.startswith(b"data:"): try: data = json.loads(line[5:]) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: debug.log(f"Failed to decode JSON: {line}, error: {e}") continue if event == "send_result": send_result = data["data"]["sendResult"] if "chatTitle" in send_result: yield TitleGeneration(send_result["chatTitle"]) if "chatID" in send_result and return_conversation: yield Conversation(token, send_result["chatID"]) elif event == "message_result": message_result = data["data"]["messageResult"] if "content" in message_result: yield message_result["content"][yield_content_len:] yield_content_len = len(message_result["content"])