from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from abc import abstractmethod import json from inspect import signature, Parameter from typing import Optional, Awaitable, _GenericAlias from pathlib import Path try: from types import NoneType except ImportError: NoneType = type(None) from ..typing import CreateResult, AsyncResult, Messages from .types import BaseProvider from .asyncio import get_running_loop, to_sync_generator from .response import BaseConversation, AuthResult from .helper import concat_chunks, async_concat_chunks from ..cookies import get_cookies_dir from ..errors import ModelNotSupportedError, ResponseError, MissingAuthError from .. import debug SAFE_PARAMETERS = [ "model", "messages", "stream", "timeout", "proxy", "images", "response_format", "prompt", "tools", "conversation", "history_disabled", "auto_continue", "temperature", "top_k", "top_p", "frequency_penalty", "presence_penalty", "max_tokens", "max_new_tokens", "stop", "api_key", "seed", "width", "height", "proof_token", "max_retries" ] BASIC_PARAMETERS = { "provider": None, "model": "", "messages": [], "stream": False, "timeout": 0, "response_format": None, "max_tokens": None, "stop": None, } PARAMETER_EXAMPLES = { "proxy": "http://user:password@", "temperature": 1, "top_k": 1, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 1, "presence_penalty": 1, "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": ""}, {"role": "user", "content": ""}], "images": [["data:image/jpeg;base64,...", "filename.jpg"]], "response_format": {"type": "json_object"}, "conversation": {"conversation_id": "550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-...", "message_id": "550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-..."}, "max_new_tokens": 1024, "max_tokens": 4096, "seed": 42, } class AbstractProvider(BaseProvider): """ Abstract class for providing asynchronous functionality to derived classes. """ @classmethod async def create_async( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, *, timeout: int = None, loop: AbstractEventLoop = None, executor: ThreadPoolExecutor = None, **kwargs ) -> str: """ Asynchronously creates a result based on the given model and messages. Args: cls (type): The class on which this method is called. model (str): The model to use for creation. messages (Messages): The messages to process. loop (AbstractEventLoop, optional): The event loop to use. Defaults to None. executor (ThreadPoolExecutor, optional): The executor for running async tasks. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: str: The created result as a string. """ loop = loop or asyncio.get_running_loop() def create_func() -> str: return concat_chunks(cls.create_completion(model, messages, False, **kwargs)) return await asyncio.wait_for( loop.run_in_executor(executor, create_func), timeout=timeout ) @classmethod def get_parameters(cls, as_json: bool = False) -> dict[str, Parameter]: params = {name: parameter for name, parameter in signature( cls.create_async_generator if issubclass(cls, AsyncGeneratorProvider) else cls.create_async if issubclass(cls, AsyncProvider) else cls.create_completion ).parameters.items() if name in SAFE_PARAMETERS and (name != "stream" or cls.supports_stream)} if as_json: def get_type_as_var(annotation: type, key: str, default): if key in PARAMETER_EXAMPLES: if key == "messages" and not cls.supports_system_message: return [PARAMETER_EXAMPLES[key][-1]] return PARAMETER_EXAMPLES[key] if isinstance(annotation, type): if issubclass(annotation, int): return 0 elif issubclass(annotation, float): return 0.0 elif issubclass(annotation, bool): return False elif issubclass(annotation, str): return "" elif issubclass(annotation, dict): return {} elif issubclass(annotation, list): return [] elif issubclass(annotation, BaseConversation): return {} elif issubclass(annotation, NoneType): return {} elif annotation is None: return None elif annotation == "str" or annotation == "list[str]": return default elif isinstance(annotation, _GenericAlias): if annotation.__origin__ is Optional: return get_type_as_var(annotation.__args__[0]) else: return str(annotation) return { name: ( param.default if isinstance(param, Parameter) and param.default is not Parameter.empty and param.default is not None else get_type_as_var(param.annotation, name, param.default) if isinstance(param, Parameter) else param ) for name, param in { **BASIC_PARAMETERS, **params, **{"provider": cls.__name__, "stream": cls.supports_stream, "model": getattr(cls, "default_model", "")}, }.items()} return params @classmethod @property def params(cls) -> str: """ Returns the parameters supported by the provider. Args: cls (type): The class on which this property is called. Returns: str: A string listing the supported parameters. """ def get_type_name(annotation: type) -> str: return getattr(annotation, "__name__", str(annotation)) if annotation is not Parameter.empty else "" args = "" for name, param in cls.get_parameters().items(): args += f"\n {name}" args += f": {get_type_name(param.annotation)}" default_value = getattr(cls, "default_model", "") if name == "model" else param.default default_value = f'"{default_value}"' if isinstance(default_value, str) else default_value args += f" = {default_value}" if param.default is not Parameter.empty else "" args += "," return f"g4f.Provider.{cls.__name__} supports: ({args}\n)" class AsyncProvider(AbstractProvider): """ Provides asynchronous functionality for creating completions. """ @classmethod def create_completion( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, stream: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> CreateResult: """ Creates a completion result synchronously. Args: cls (type): The class on which this method is called. model (str): The model to use for creation. messages (Messages): The messages to process. stream (bool): Indicates whether to stream the results. Defaults to False. loop (AbstractEventLoop, optional): The event loop to use. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: CreateResult: The result of the completion creation. """ get_running_loop(check_nested=False) yield, messages, **kwargs)) @staticmethod @abstractmethod async def create_async( model: str, messages: Messages, **kwargs ) -> str: """ Abstract method for creating asynchronous results. Args: model (str): The model to use for creation. messages (Messages): The messages to process. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Raises: NotImplementedError: If this method is not overridden in derived classes. Returns: str: The created result as a string. """ raise NotImplementedError() class AsyncGeneratorProvider(AsyncProvider): """ Provides asynchronous generator functionality for streaming results. """ supports_stream = True @classmethod def create_completion( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, stream: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> CreateResult: """ Creates a streaming completion result synchronously. Args: cls (type): The class on which this method is called. model (str): The model to use for creation. messages (Messages): The messages to process. stream (bool): Indicates whether to stream the results. Defaults to True. loop (AbstractEventLoop, optional): The event loop to use. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: CreateResult: The result of the streaming completion creation. """ return to_sync_generator( cls.create_async_generator(model, messages, stream=stream, **kwargs) ) @classmethod async def create_async( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, **kwargs ) -> str: """ Asynchronously creates a result from a generator. Args: cls (type): The class on which this method is called. model (str): The model to use for creation. messages (Messages): The messages to process. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: str: The created result as a string. """ return await async_concat_chunks(cls.create_async_generator(model, messages, stream=False, **kwargs)) @staticmethod @abstractmethod async def create_async_generator( model: str, messages: Messages, stream: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> AsyncResult: """ Abstract method for creating an asynchronous generator. Args: model (str): The model to use for creation. messages (Messages): The messages to process. stream (bool): Indicates whether to stream the results. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Raises: NotImplementedError: If this method is not overridden in derived classes. Returns: AsyncResult: An asynchronous generator yielding results. """ raise NotImplementedError() create_authed = create_completion create_authed_async = create_async create_async_authed = create_async_generator class ProviderModelMixin: default_model: str = None models: list[str] = [] model_aliases: dict[str, str] = {} image_models: list = None last_model: str = None @classmethod def get_models(cls, **kwargs) -> list[str]: if not cls.models and cls.default_model is not None: return [cls.default_model] return cls.models @classmethod def get_model(cls, model: str, **kwargs) -> str: if not model and cls.default_model is not None: model = cls.default_model elif model in cls.model_aliases: model = cls.model_aliases[model] else: if model not in cls.get_models(**kwargs) and cls.models: raise ModelNotSupportedError(f"Model is not supported: {model} in: {cls.__name__}") cls.last_model = model debug.last_model = model return model class RaiseErrorMixin(): @staticmethod def raise_error(data: dict): if "error_message" in data: raise ResponseError(data["error_message"]) elif "error" in data: if "code" in data["error"]: raise ResponseError(f'Error {data["error"]["code"]}: {data["error"]["message"]}') elif "message" in data["error"]: raise ResponseError(data["error"]["message"]) else: raise ResponseError(data["error"]) class AuthedMixin(): @classmethod def on_auth(cls, **kwargs) -> Optional[AuthResult]: if "api_key" not in kwargs: raise MissingAuthError(f"API key is required for {cls.__name__}") return None @classmethod def create_authed( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, **kwargs ) -> CreateResult: auth_result = {} cache_file = Path(get_cookies_dir()) / f"auth_{cls.__name__}.json" if cache_file.exists(): with"r") as f: auth_result = json.load(f) return cls.create_completion(model, messages, **kwargs, **auth_result) auth_result = cls.on_auth(**kwargs) try: return cls.create_completion(model, messages, **kwargs) finally: cache_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cache_file.write_text(json.dumps(auth_result.get_dict())) class AsyncAuthedMixin(AuthedMixin): @classmethod async def create_async_authed( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, **kwargs ) -> str: cache_file = Path(get_cookies_dir()) / f"auth_{cls.__name__}.json" if cache_file.exists(): auth_result = {} with"r") as f: auth_result = json.load(f) return cls.create_completion(model, messages, **kwargs, **auth_result) auth_result = cls.on_auth(**kwargs) try: return await cls.create_async(model, messages, **kwargs) finally: if auth_result is not None: cache_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cache_file.write_text(json.dumps(auth_result.get_dict())) class AsyncAuthedGeneratorMixin(AsyncAuthedMixin): @classmethod async def create_async_authed( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, **kwargs ) -> str: cache_file = Path(get_cookies_dir()) / f"auth_{cls.__name__}.json" if cache_file.exists(): auth_result = {} with"r") as f: auth_result = json.load(f) return cls.create_completion(model, messages, **kwargs, **auth_result) auth_result = cls.on_auth(**kwargs) try: return await async_concat_chunks(cls.create_async_generator(model, messages, stream=False, **kwargs)) finally: if auth_result is not None: cache_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cache_file.write_text(json.dumps(auth_result.get_dict())) @classmethod def create_async_authed_generator( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, stream: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Awaitable[AsyncResult]: cache_file = Path(get_cookies_dir()) / f"auth_{cls.__name__}.json" if cache_file.exists(): auth_result = {} with"r") as f: auth_result = json.load(f) return cls.create_completion(model, messages, **kwargs, **auth_result) auth_result = cls.on_auth(**kwargs) try: return cls.create_async_generator(model, messages, stream=stream, **kwargs) finally: if auth_result is not None: cache_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cache_file.write_text(json.dumps(auth_result.get_dict()))