path: root/
blob: 0e05e88e427672ea987eb49f8a35fe7736631674 (plain) (tree)
































title: Technicolor AFM0002
has_children: false
parent: ONT

# Hardware Specifications

|             |                                                 |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| Vendor      | Technicolor                                     |
| Model       | AFM0002TIM/FWB/WND                              |
| Chipset     | Realtek RTL9601B                                |
| Flash       |                                                 |
| RAM         |                                                 |
| System      | Linux (Luna SDK)                                |
| HSGMII      | NO                                              |
| Optics      |                                                 |
| IP address  | /                         |
| Web Gui     | Can be enabled, user `admin`, password `system` |
| SSH         | ✅ user `admin`, password `system`              |
| Form Factor | miniONT SFP                                     |

{% include image.html file="afm0002tim.jpg" alt="AFM0002TIM" caption="AFM0002TIM" %}
{% include image.html file="afm0002fwb.jpg" alt="AFM0002FWB" caption="AFM0002FWB" %}

## Serial

Configuration: asc0=0 115200 8-N-1

# Hardware Revisions

- AFM0002TIM (IP address:
- AFM0002FWB (IP address:
- AFM0002WND (IP address:

{% include alert.html content="The version used to obtain the info shown on this page is the AFM0002TIM" alert="Info"  icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
{% include alert.html content="The AFM0002FWB can be transformed into AFM0002TIM. The AFM0002FWB has an older software version." alert="Warning"  icon="svg-warning" color="red" %}

# List of software versions
- V1_7_8_180122 
- V1_7_8_180725
- V1_7_8_181123
- V1_7_8_210412
- V1_7_8_210928

# List of partitions

| dev   | size     | erasesize | name            |
| ----- | -------- | --------- | --------------- |
| mtd0  | 00040000 | 00001000  | "boot"          |
| mtd1  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "env"           |
| mtd2  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "env2"          |
| mtd3  | 0003c000 | 00001000  | "config"        |
| mtd4  | 00300000 | 00001000  | "k0"            |
| mtd5  | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "r0"            |
| mtd6  | 00300000 | 00001000  | "k1"            |
| mtd7  | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "r1"            |
| mtd8  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_008" |
| mtd9  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_009" |
| mtd10 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_010" |
| mtd11 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_011" |
| mtd12 | 00300000 | 00001000  | "linux"         |
| mtd13 | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "rootfs"        |

This stick supports dual boot. 

`k0` and `r0` respectively contain the kernel and firmware of the first image, `k1` and `r1` the kernel and the firmware of the second one

# List of firmwares and files
## Useful files
- `/var/config/lastgood.xml` - Contains the user portion of the configuration
- `/var/config/lastgood-hs.xml` - Contains the "hardware" configuration (i.e. that _should_ not be changed)
- `/tmp/omcilog` - OMCI messages logs (must be enabeled, see below)

## Useful binaries
- `/etc/scripts/flash`  - Used to manipulate the config files in a samewhat safe manner
- `xmlconfig` - Used to low-level manipulate the XML config files. Called by `flash`
- `nv` - Used to manipulate the nvram storage, including persistent config entries via `nv setenv`/`nv getenv`
- `omcicli` - Used to interact with the running OMCI daemon
- `omci_app` - The OMCI daemon
- `diag` - Used to run low-level diagnostics commands on the stick

# Useful Commands

## Getting/Setting the ONT's S/N
# /etc/scripts/bin flash get GPON_SN
# /etc/scripts/bin flash set GPON_SN TMBB0A1B2C3D

## Getting/Setting the ONT's PLOAM password

{% include alert.html content="The PLOAM password is stored in ASCII format" %}

# /etc/scripts/bin flash get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD
# /etc/scripts/bin flash set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD AAAAAAAAAA

## Enabling the Web UI
# /bin/iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP

## Checking the currently active image
# nv getenv sw_active
# nv getenv sw_version0
# nv getenv sw_version1

## Booting to a different image
# nv setenv sw_commit 0|1
# reboot

## Querying a particular OMCI ME
# omcicli mib get MIB_IDX

# Low Level Modding

{% include alert.html content="This section is based on `V1_7_8_210412` firmware version of the stick" %}

## Transfering files from/to the stick
Works with binary files too, just run md5sum on source and destination to make sure you are not corrupting anything...
From the stick to the PC:
# ssh admin@ "cat /tmp/omcilog" > omcilog.log
From the PC to the stick
# cat lastgood.xml | ssh admin@  "cat > /var/config/lastgood.xml"

{% include alert.html content="If a Windows system is used replace type with cat and run the commands from cmd (not Powershell)" %}

## Extracting and repacking the rootfs
{% include alert.html content="Make sure you run both commands as root, otherwise you might get a damaged rootfs image" alert="Warning" icon="svg-warning" color="red" %}

# unsquashfs mtd5.bin
# mksquashfs squashfs-root rootfs -b 131072 -comp lzma -no-recovery
## Flashing a new rootfs

{% include alert.html content="Only the inactive image can be flashed" %}

So mtd4/5 if you are on image1, mtd6/7 if you are on image0.

The follwing examples flashes a new rootfs to image1 and boots to it
# flash_eraseall /dev/mtd7
# cat /tmp/ > /dev/mtd7
# nv setenv sw_commit=1
# reboot
## Adding support to configurable SW and HW versions, VENDOR ID and much more
`/etc/scripts/flash` can be flashed in order to add support for some variables implemented in `omci_app` but removed from `xmlconfig`. The patch is below (change the values to suit your needs)
--- squashfs-root/etc/scripts/flash     2021-09-28 10:38:52.000000000 +0200
+++ 2022-08-04 00:00:29.769605000 +0200
@@ -62,7 +62,26 @@
                if [ `echo $para | egrep $specific_mib_patten` ]; then
                        /bin/xmlconfig -g $para | sed -r "s/$rename_mib_name+/$2/g" | sed -r "s/,+//g"
-                       /bin/xmlconfig -g $para | sed -r "s/$rename_mib_name+/$2/g"
+                       case "$para" in
+                               "OMCI_EQID")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_EQID"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_VENDOR_ID")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_VENDOR"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_SW_VER1")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_SW_VER1"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_SW_VER2")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_SW_VER2"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_ONT_VER")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_HW_VER"
+                                       ;;
+                               *)
+                                       /bin/xmlconfig -g $para | sed -r "s/$rename_mib_name+/$2/g"
+                                       ;;
+                       esac
                if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                        exit 0
## Increasing the length of the software version from 13 to 14 characters
`omci_app` has an hard-coded limit of 13 characters for the software version, which is too low. We can binary patch it to increase it to 14 (or more, if you dare/need)
Save it as `omci_app.xdelta.base64`, then run:	
# base64 -d omci_app.xdelta.base64 > omci_app.xdelta
# xdelta patch omci_app.xdelta bin/omci_app bin/
# mv bin/ bin/omci_app
For reference, the patch changes the follwing section of the omci_app:
-00408c24 24 05 00 0e     li         a1,0xe
+00408c24 24 05 00 0f     li         a1,0xf
-00408cf0 24 05 00 0f     li         a1,0xe
+00408cf0 24 05 00 0f     li         a1,0xf
(It's inside the function referecing the string `OMCI_SW_VER1`)

The original file md5sum is: `4aea2f72bacc11256b7e2c1583d2ad4f`
The patched file md5sum is: `da20327c4c002e4c27f82f6ee63dbc1a`
## Enabling PLOAM logging
/etc/scripts/bin flash set OMCI_DBGLVL 1
/etc/scripts/bin flash set OMCI_DBGLOGFILE 1
/bin/omcicli set logfile 1 ffffffff
1. The binary log will be placed inside: `/tmp/omcilog`
2. You can convert it into .pcap using
3. You can then open it with Wireshark by installing the OMCI plugin from
If you want to log everything since the stick boots, you can create a custom rootfs. Place the last command inside `etc/` as the last line of the file

# Known Bugs

# Miscellaneous Links

- [omcilog2pcap](