path: root/main/survey/app/Controllers/AjaxController.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/survey/app/Controllers/AjaxController.php')
1 files changed, 708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/survey/app/Controllers/AjaxController.php b/main/survey/app/Controllers/AjaxController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33662e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/survey/app/Controllers/AjaxController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+ * Description:
+ * Autor: Robert Šmalc
+ * Created date: 09.03.2016
+ *****************************************/
+namespace App\Controllers;
+// Osnovni razredi
+use App\Controllers\StatisticController as Statistic;
+use App\Controllers\Vprasanja\VprasanjaController as Vprasanja;
+use App\Models\Model;
+use Common;
+use Branching;
+use SurveyAdvancedParadataLog;
+use SurveySetting;
+use MailAdapter;
+use GDPR;
+class AjaxController extends Controller
+ //ajax zahteve
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ if(empty($_GET['a'])){
+ return '';
+ }
+ if ($_GET['a'] == 'accept_droppable') {
+ $this->ajax_accept_droppable();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'accept_ranking') {
+ $this->ajax_accept_ranking();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'accept_dragdrop1') {
+ $this->ajax_accept_dragdrop1();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'get_dragdrop1_data') {
+ $this->ajax_get_dragdrop1_data();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'delete_dragdrop1_data') {
+ $this->ajax_delete_dragdrop1_data();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'delete_dragdrop2_data') {
+ $this->ajax_delete_dragdrop2_data();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'accept_dragdrop_grid') {
+ $this->ajax_accept_dragdrop_grid();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'accept_sortable_ranking') {
+ $this->ajax_accept_sortable_ranking();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'edit_size') {
+ $this->ajax_edit_size();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'dodaj_ime') {
+ $this->ajax_dodaj_ime();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'spol') {
+ $this->ajax_glasovanje_spol();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'vote_spol') {
+ $this->ajax_glasovanje_vote_spol();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'captcha') {
+ $this->ajax_captcha();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'skin') {
+ $this->ajax_skin();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'grupa_for_if') {
+ $this->ajax_grupa_for_if();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'enable_comments') {
+ $this->ajax_enable_comments();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'continue_later') {
+ $this->ajax_continue_later();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'continue_later_send') {
+ $this->ajax_continue_later_send();
+ } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'usr_id_data') {
+ $this->ajax_delete_signature_data();
+ }elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'get_tip_opozorila') {
+ $this->ajax_get_tip_opozorila();
+ } // genericna resitev za vse nadaljne
+ else {
+ $ajax = 'ajax_' . $_GET['a'];
+ if (method_exists($this, $ajax))
+ return $this->$ajax ();
+ else
+ echo 'method ' . $ajax . ' does not exist';
+ }
+ }
+ /************************************************
+ * Get instance
+ ************************************************/
+ private static $_instance;
+ public static function getInstance()
+ {
+ if (self::$_instance)
+ return self::$_instance;
+ return new AjaxController();
+ }
+ public function ajax_delete_signature_data()
+ {
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $spr_id = $_POST['spr_id'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ //$sqlsignaturefilename = sisplet_query("SELECT filename FROM srv_data_upload WHERE usr_id = '" . $usr_id . "'");
+ $sqlsignaturefilename = sisplet_query("SELECT filename FROM srv_data_upload WHERE usr_id = '" . $usr_id . "' AND code = '" . $spr_id . "' ");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlsignaturefilename) > 0) {
+ $rowSignatureFilename = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlsignaturefilename);
+ $file_2_delete = $rowSignatureFilename[0];
+ }
+ //echo $file_2_delete;
+ //$path = self::$site_url.'main/survey/uploads/'.$file_2_delete; //tale varianta ne omogoča brisanje na disku
+ $path = survey_path('uploads/' . $file_2_delete);
+ //echo $path;
+ if (is_file($path)) { //če slikovna datoteka podpisa obstaja
+ unlink($path); //zbriši datoteko
+ }
+ //sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_upload WHERE usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND ank_id='$anketa'");//zbriši iz baze info datoteki podpisa
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_upload WHERE usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND ank_id='$anketa' AND code='$spr_id'");//zbriši iz baze info datoteki podpisa
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_text" . get('db_table') . " WHERE usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND spr_id='$spr_id' AND vre_id='$vre_id'");//zbriši iz baze info o vnesenem imenu
+ }
+ // sprememba skina
+ public function ajax_skin()
+ {
+ $mobile = (int)$_GET['mobile'];
+ setcookie('mobile', $mobile, 0, '/');
+ header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
+ }
+ //za izris vprasanj pri antonucci designu 1
+ public function ajax_edit_size()
+ {
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $size = $_POST['size'];
+ //sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET size='$size' WHERE id='$spremenljivka'");
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
+ echo ' <p><input type="text" name="vrednost_' . $spremenljivka . '[]" id="vrednost_' . $spremenljivka . '" size="40" onkeyup="checkBranching();" value=""></p>' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //antonucci design 2
+ public function ajax_dodaj_ime()
+ {
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $ime = $_POST['ime'];
+ //sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET size='$size' WHERE id='$spremenljivka'");
+ echo ' <p><input type="text" value="' . $ime . '" disabled=true name="vrednost_' . $spremenljivka . '[]" id="vrednost_' . $spremenljivka . '" size="40" onkeyup="checkBranching();" value=""></p>' . "\n";
+ echo ' <p><input type="text" size="40" disabled=true></p>' . "\n";
+ echo ' <p><input type="text" size="40" disabled=true></p>' . "\n";
+ echo ' <p><input type="text" size="40" disabled=true></p>' . "\n";
+ }
+ public function ajax_accept_droppable()
+ {
+ $child = $_POST['child'];
+ $parent = $_POST['parent'];
+ if ($parent == 'half2_1') {
+ //poiscemo usr_id
+ $sql0 = sisplet_query("SELECT usr_id FROM srv_data_imena WHERE id='$child'");
+ $row0 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql0);
+ $usr_id = $row0[0];
+ //poiscemo najvecji count
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT MAX(countE) FROM srv_data_imena WHERE (usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND (emotion=1 AND emotionINT=0))");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $count = $row['MAX(countE)'];
+ }
+ $count++;
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET emotion=1, countE='$count' WHERE id='$child'");
+ } elseif ($parent == 'half2_2') {
+ //poiscemo usr_id
+ $sql0 = sisplet_query("SELECT usr_id FROM srv_data_imena WHERE id='$child'");
+ $row0 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql0);
+ $usr_id = $row0[0];
+ //poiscemo najvecji count
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT MAX(countS) FROM srv_data_imena WHERE (usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND (social=1 AND socialINT=0))");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $count = $row['MAX(countS)'];
+ }
+ $count++;
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET social=1, countS='$count' WHERE id='$child'");
+ } elseif ($parent == 'half2_3') {
+ $count = 1;
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET emotionINT=1, countE='$count' WHERE id='$child'");
+ } elseif ($parent == 'half2_4') {
+ $count = 1;
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET socialINT=1, countS='$count' WHERE id='$child'");
+ } //leva stran - brisemo iz baze (emotion)
+ elseif ($parent == 'half_1') {
+ //preuredimo ostale counterje
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT countE, usr_id FROM srv_data_imena WHERE id='$child'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $counter = $row[0];
+ $usr_id = $row[1];
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_data_imena WHERE usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND (countE > '$counter') ORDER BY countE");
+ while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) {
+ $count = $row1['countE'];
+ $count--;
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET countE='$count' WHERE id='$row1[id]'");
+ }
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET emotion=0, countE=0 WHERE id='$child'");
+ } //leva stran - brisemo iz baze (druzenje)
+ elseif ($parent == 'half_2') {
+ //preuredimo ostale counterje
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT countS, usr_id FROM srv_data_imena WHERE id='$child'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $counter = $row[0];
+ $usr_id = $row[1];
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_data_imena WHERE usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND (countS > '$counter') ORDER BY countS");
+ while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) {
+ $count = $row1['countS'];
+ $count--;
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET countS='$count' WHERE id='$row1[id]'");
+ }
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET social=0, countS=0 WHERE id='$child'");
+ } //leva stran - brisemo iz baze (emotionINT)
+ elseif ($parent == 'half_3') {
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET emotionINT=0, countE=0 WHERE id='$child'");
+ } //leva stran - brisemo iz baze (druzenjeINT)
+ elseif ($parent == 'half_4') {
+ //update baze
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_data_imena SET socialINT=0, countS=0 WHERE id='$child'");
+ }
+ //izpisemo ime v divu po loadu
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT text FROM srv_data_imena WHERE id='$child'");
+ $value = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ echo $value[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc poskrbi za shranjevanje vrednosti 99,98,97
+ */
+ //zapisovanje v bazo pri ranking dropih (n>k, n=k)
+ public function ajax_accept_ranking()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $order = $_POST['order'];
+ // Popravimo da se po ajax-u ohrani jezik
+ if (isset($_POST['lang_id'])) {
+ $lang_id = save('lang_id', $_POST['lang_id'], 1);
+ $file = lang_path($lang_id);
+ if (@include($file))
+ $_SESSION['langX'] = lang_path($lang_id, 1);
+ }
+ // Napredni parapodatki - za ranking je lažje če je kar tukaj
+ /*if (SurveyAdvancedParadataLog::getInstance()->paradataEnabled()){
+ SurveyAdvancedParadataLog::getInstance()->logData(0, $usr_id, 'data change', '', $spremenljivka, $order);
+ }*/
+ $exploded = explode('&', $order);
+ //najprej pobrisemo iz baze vse vnose
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_rating WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ //sortiranje (vnos v srv_data_rating)
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach ($exploded AS $key) {
+ $key = str_replace('handle_', '', $key);
+ $explode = explode('[]=', $key);
+ if ($explode[1] != 0)
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_rating (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, vrstni_red) VALUES ('$spremenljivka', '$explode[1]', '" . get('usr_id') . "', '$i')");
+ $i++;
+ }
+ Vprasanja::getInstance()->displayVnos($spremenljivka);
+ echo '<div id="clr" class="clr"></div>';
+ }
+ //zapisovanje v bazo in brisanje pri drag drop
+ public function ajax_accept_dragdrop1()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $data_calculation = $_POST['data_calculation'];
+ $tip = $_POST['tip'];
+ $cat_right = $_POST['cat_right'];
+ $other_present = $_POST['other_present'];
+ $other = $_POST['other'];
+ $row = Model::select_from_srv_spremenljivka($spremenljivka);
+ //( ( (tip == 1 && other == 0 && cat_right) ) || ( (tip == 2) && (other_present != 0) ) || ( (other != 0) ) )
+ if (($tip == 1 && $cat_right && $other == 0) || (($tip == 2) && ($other_present != 0)) || (($other != 0))) {
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_vrednost" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ }
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost" . get('db_table') . " (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES ('$spremenljivka', '$vre_id', '" . get('usr_id') . "')");
+ }
+ //asinhrono pobiranje podatkov za ureditev missing
+ public function ajax_get_dragdrop1_data()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $anketa = $_GET['anketa'];
+ $spremenljivka = $_GET['spremenljivka'];
+ $vre_id = array();
+ //echo 'Spremenljivka: '.$spremenljivka;
+ //echo 'Anketa: '.$anketa;
+ //$sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND other!=0 ");
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka'");
+ $num = mysqli_num_rows($sql1);
+ /* echo '
+ <script>
+ console.log('.$num.');
+ </script>
+ '; */
+ while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) {
+ //$vre_id[$i] = $row1['id'];
+ array_push($vre_id, $row1['id']);
+ }
+ //echo 'Podatek je: '.$num;
+ //echo $vre_id;
+ echo json_encode($vre_id);
+ }
+ //brisanje odgovorov iz baze pri drag drop
+ public function ajax_delete_dragdrop1_data()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_vrednost" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND vre_id='$vre_id'");
+ }
+ //brisanje odgovorov iz baze pri drag drop, ko imamo missing-e
+ public function ajax_delete_dragdrop2_data()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_vrednost" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ }
+ //zapisovanje v bazo pri drag drop v grid
+ public function ajax_accept_dragdrop_grid()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $tip = $_POST['tip'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $indeks = $_POST['indeks'];
+ $last_vre_id = $_POST['last_vre_id'];
+ $cat_right = $_POST['cat_right'];
+ $vre_id_present = $_POST['vre_id_present'];
+ //vnesi podatke v bazo
+ if ($tip == 6) {
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_grid" . get('db_table') . " (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, grd_id) VALUES ('$spremenljivka', '$vre_id', '" . get('usr_id') . "', '$indeks')");
+ } else if ($tip == 16) {
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_checkgrid" . get('db_table') . " (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id, grd_id) VALUES ('$spremenljivka', '$vre_id', '" . get('usr_id') . "', '$indeks')");
+ }
+ }
+ //brisanje odgovorov iz baze pri drag drop - tabela - vec odgovorov
+ public function ajax_delete_dragdrop_grid_data()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $indeks = $_POST['indeks'];
+ //brisi podatke iz baze
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_checkgrid" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND vre_id='$vre_id' AND grd_id = '$indeks' ");
+ }
+ //brisanje odgovorov iz baze pri drag drop
+ public function ajax_delete_dragdrop_grid_data_1()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $vre_id = $_POST['vre_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $indeks = $_POST['indeks'];
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_grid" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' AND vre_id='$vre_id' AND grd_id = '$indeks'");
+ }
+ //
+ //brisanje odgovorov iz baze pri drag drop grid, ko se klikne gumb Ponastavi
+ public function ajax_delete_dragdrop_grid_data_reset()
+ {
+ Model::user_not_lurker();
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $usr_id = $_POST['usr_id'];
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $tip = $_POST['tip'];
+ if($tip == 6){
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_grid" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' ");
+ }else if($tip == 16){
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_checkgrid" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='$spremenljivka' AND usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "' ");
+ }
+ }
+ // respondent se strinja z uporabo piskotvkov - nastavimo piskotek ok
+ public function ajax_cookie_ok()
+ {
+ setcookie('cookie_ok', '1', time() + 2500000, '/');
+ }
+ //izpis statistike glede na spol
+ public function ajax_glasovanje_spol()
+ {
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ $spol = $_POST['spol'];
+ Statistic::displayStatGlasovanje($spremenljivka, $spol);
+ }
+ /**
+ * preveri, ce je captcha koda pravilno vnesena (preko ajaxa)
+ *
+ */
+ public function ajax_captcha(){
+ global $secret_captcha;
+ $text = strtoupper($_GET['text']);
+ $code = $_GET['code'];
+ $spr_id = $_GET['spr_id'];
+ $usr_id = $_GET['usr_id'];
+ $recaptchaResponse = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];
+ $request = file_get_contents("".$secret_captcha."&response=".$recaptchaResponse);
+ // zdaj pa zabeleži mail (pred pošiljanjem)
+ // zdaj pa še v bazi tistih ki so se ročno dodali
+ if(strstr($request,"true")){
+ echo '1';
+ }
+ else {
+ echo '0';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * poisce v kateri grupi/strani se pojavi if za redirect tabov
+ *
+ */
+ public function ajax_grupa_for_if($parent = 0){
+ $parent_if = $_POST['parent_if'];
+ if ($parent > 0) $parent_if = $parent;
+ ob_start();
+ $b = new Branching(get('anketa'));
+ $spr = $b->find_first_in_if($parent_if);
+ ob_clean();
+ $row = Model::select_from_srv_spremenljivka($spr);
+ if ($parent == 0)
+ echo $row['gru_id'];
+ return $row['gru_id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * vklopi komentarje na anketo (v previewu je ta možnost)
+ *
+ */
+ public function ajax_enable_comments(){
+ ob_clean();
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init((int)$_POST['anketa']);
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->setSurveyMiscSetting('question_resp_comment', '1');
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->setSurveyMiscSetting('question_resp_comment_viewadminonly', '3');
+ }
+ public function ajax_continue_later(){
+ save('lang_id', (int)$_GET['language']);
+ $url = $_POST['url'] . '&return=1';
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) $_lang = '_' . get('lang_id'); else $_lang = '';
+ $srv_continue_later_txt = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_continue_later_txt' . $_lang);
+ if ($srv_continue_later_txt == '') $srv_continue_later_txt = self::$lang['srv_continue_later_txt'];
+ $srv_continue_later_email = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_continue_later_email' . $_lang);
+ if ($srv_continue_later_email == '') $srv_continue_later_email = self::$lang['srv_continue_later_email'];
+ $srv_forma_send = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_forma_send' . $_lang);
+ if ($srv_forma_send == '') $srv_forma_send = self::$lang['srv_forma_send'];
+ echo '<div id="continue_later">';
+ echo '<p>' . $srv_continue_later_txt . ':</p><p class="url">' . $url . '</p>';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="url" id="url" value="' . $url . '">';
+ echo '<p>' . $srv_continue_later_email . ': <input type="email" name="email" id="email" value="" placeholder="' . self::$lang['srv_email_example2'] . '"> <button type="submit" onclick="continue_later_send(\'' . self::$site_url . '\', \'' . get('lang_id') . '\'); return false;">' . $srv_forma_send . '</button></p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ public function ajax_continue_later_send(){
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ ob_clean();
+ $s = self::$lang['srv_continue_later_subject'];
+ if($mysql_database_name == 'vprasalnikirsrssi')
+ $t = self::$lang['srv_continue_later_content_rs-rs'] . ': <a href="' . $_POST['url'] . '">' . $_POST['url'] . '</a>';
+ else
+ $t = self::$lang['srv_continue_later_content'] . ': <a href="' . $_POST['url'] . '">' . $_POST['url'] . '</a>';
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $t .= $signature;
+ $mail = $_POST['email'];
+ if ($mail == '') return;
+ try {
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(get('anketa'), $type='alert');
+ $MA->addRecipients($mail);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail(stripslashes($t), $s);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function ajax_get_tip_opozorila() {
+ $spr_id = $_POST['spr_id'];
+ //poberi podatke o na trenutnem obmocju
+ $sqlR = sisplet_query("SELECT reminder FROM srv_validation WHERE spr_id = $spr_id");
+ $rowR = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlR);
+ $tip_opozorila = $rowR['reminder'];
+ echo $tip_opozorila;
+ }
+ // Izpisemo seznam starih odgovorov v popup (dodatna nastavitev pri text vprasanju)
+ public function ajax_show_prevAnswers_all() {
+ $spremenljivka = $_POST['spremenljivka'];
+ echo '<h3>'.self::$lang['srv_prevAnswers'].'</h3>';
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT text FROM srv_data_text" . get('db_table') . " WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivka."' AND usr_id!='".get('usr_id')."' ORDER BY id DESC");
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo $row['text'];
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ // Gumb zapri
+ echo '<div class="prevAnswers_button">';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="hide_prevAnswers_all(\''.$spremenljivka.'\'); return false;"><span>'.self::$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<script>
+ $("#fade").on("click", function() {
+ hide_prevAnswers_all(\''.$spremenljivka.'\');
+ });</script>';
+ }
+ // Izpisemo seznam starih odgovorov v popup (dodatna nastavitev pri text vprasanju)
+ public function ajax_show_gdpr_about() {
+ global $lang;
+ $anketa = $_POST['anketa'];
+ $gdpr_settings = GDPR::getSurveySettings($anketa);
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['srv_gdpr_survey_gdpr_about'].'</h3>';
+ if($gdpr_settings['about'] == ''){
+ $about_array = GDPR::getGDPRInfoArray($anketa);
+ $about_text = GDPR::getGDPRTextFromArray($about_array, $type='html');
+ echo $about_text;
+ }
+ else{
+ echo nl2br($gdpr_settings['about']);
+ }
+ echo '<br />';
+ // Gumb zapri
+ echo '<div class="prevAnswers_button">';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="hide_gdpr_about(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<script>
+ $("#fade").on("click", function() {
+ hide_gdpr_about();
+ });</script>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ }
+ // Shranimo vrstni red pri randomizaciji (blokov ali vprasanj)
+ public function ajax_save_randomization_order() {
+ $usr_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $_POST['usr_id']);
+ $randomization_type = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $_POST['randomization_type']);
+ $vrstni_red = stripcslashes($_POST['order']);
+ $vrstni_red = str_replace('"', "", substr($vrstni_red, 1, -1));
+ // Random vrstni red VPRASANJ oz. BLOKOV znotraj bloka
+ // ID bloka znotraj katerega so random elementi
+ $parent_block_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $_POST['parent_block_id']);
+ $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_random_blockContent
+ (usr_id, block_id, vrstni_red)
+ ('".$usr_id."', '".$parent_block_id."', '".$vrstni_red."')
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE vrstni_red='".$vrstni_red."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file