path: root/private/fp32/tran/alpha/floors.s
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1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/fp32/tran/alpha/floors.s b/private/fp32/tran/alpha/floors.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8406e6b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/fp32/tran/alpha/floors.s
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// TITLE("Alpha AXP floor")
+// Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation
+// Module Name:
+// floor.s
+// Abstract:
+// This module implements a high-performance Alpha AXP specific routine
+// for IEEE double format floor.
+// Author:
+// Bill Gray
+// Environment:
+// User mode.
+// Revision History:
+// Thomas Van Baak (tvb) 15-Apr-1994
+// Adapted for NT.
+#include "ksalpha.h"
+// Define stack frame.
+ .struct 0
+Temp: .space 8 // save argument
+ .space 8 // for 16-byte stack alignment
+// Define lower and upper 32-bit parts of 64-bit double.
+#define LowPart 0x0
+#define HighPart 0x4
+ SBTTL("floor")
+// double
+// floor (
+// IN double x
+// )
+// Routine Description:
+// This function returns the floor of the given double argument.
+// Arguments:
+// x (f16) - Supplies the argument value.
+// Return Value:
+// The double floor result is returned as the function value in f0.
+ NESTED_ENTRY(floor, FrameLength, ra)
+ lda sp, -FrameLength(sp) // allocate stack frame
+ ldah t0, 0x7ff0(zero) // exp mask
+ ldt f0, two_to_52 // get big
+ ldah t1, 0x10(zero) // one in exp field
+ stt f16, Temp(sp)
+ ldl v0, Temp + HighPart(sp)
+ cpys f16, f0, f1 // fix sign of big
+ cpys f16, f16, f0
+ and v0, t0, t0
+ subl t0, t1, t0
+ ldt f10, neg_one
+ ldah t1, 0x4320(zero) // cutoff value
+ cmpult t0, t1, t0
+ beq t0, quick_out
+// Add big, sub big to round to int.
+ addt f16, f1, f11
+ subt f11, f1, f1
+ cmptlt f0, f1, f0
+ fbeq f0, it_rounded_down
+// It rounded up so subtract one.
+ ldt f10, one
+ subt f1, f10, f1
+ cpys f1, f1, f0
+ br zero, done
+// Value is abnormal (or too big).
+// If it is zero or denorm, figure out
+// whether to return 0.0 or -1.0 -- if
+// value is too big, just return it.
+ ldah t1, 0x7ff0(zero)
+ ldah t2, -0x8000(zero)
+ and v0, t1, t0
+ and v0, t2, v0
+ bne t0, ret_arg
+ ldah t0, 0x10(zero)
+ beq v0, ret_zero
+ stt f16, Temp(sp)
+ ldl v0, Temp(sp)
+ lda t0, -1(t0)
+ ldl t2, Temp + HighPart(sp)
+ cpys f10, f10, f16
+ and t2, t0, t0
+ bis t0, v0, v0
+ and t2, t1, t1
+ cmpult zero, v0, v0
+ cmpeq t1, zero, t1
+ beq t1, ret_zero
+ and t1, v0, t1
+ beq t1, ret_zero
+ br zero, ret_arg
+ cpys f31, f31, f16
+ cpys f16, f16, f0
+ lda sp, FrameLength(sp) // deallocate stack frame
+ ret zero, (ra)
+ .end floor
+ .align 3
+ .rdata
+ .quad 0x3ff0000000000000 // 1.0
+ .quad 0xbff0000000000000 // -(1.0)
+ .quad 0x4330000000000000 // 2^52 (4503599627370496.0)