path: root/private/sdktools/fontedit/fontchar.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/sdktools/fontedit/fontchar.c')
1 files changed, 1569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/sdktools/fontedit/fontchar.c b/private/sdktools/fontedit/fontchar.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..587dacc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/sdktools/fontedit/fontchar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@
+#include "windows.h"
+#include <port1632.h>
+#include "fontedit.h"
+#include "fcntl.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Shared Variables */
+POINT SnapPointToGrid(POINT Pt);
+ HWND hDlg,
+ WORD message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LONG lParam
+ );
+BOOL NewFile; /* flag indicating that NEW menu
+ item was selected */
+extern DLGPROC lpHeaderProc; /* Pointer to Dialog Box Procedure */
+extern DLGPROC lpReSizeProc; /* Pointer to Dialog Box Procedure */
+extern DLGPROC lpWidthProc; /* Pointer to Dialog Box Procedure */
+extern FontHeaderType font; /* Structure of Font File Header */
+extern CHAR matBox [wBoxLim] [kBoxLim]; /* array to hold Box */
+extern HCURSOR hCross; /* handle to "+" shaped cursor(displayed
+ when in ROW or COLUMN menus */
+extern BOOL fReadOnly;
+extern HANDLE hInst; /* Module Handle */
+extern HBRUSH hbrBackGround;
+extern HWND hFont;
+extern HWND hBox;
+extern RECT rectWin; /* Client Rectangle */
+extern BOOL fLoaded; /* Set if a file loaded */
+extern BOOL fChanged; /* Anything has changed */
+extern BOOL fEdited; /* This character changed */
+extern DWORD kBox; /* height of character */
+extern DWORD wBox; /* Width of character */
+extern DWORD kStuff; /* Width of Show Header */
+extern INT swH; /* Position in Show Window 0-100 */
+extern BYTE iChar; /* Character being edited */
+extern BYTE jChar; /* Last Char. of edit block */
+extern CHAR szNewFile[]; /* Name of New File */
+extern CHAR szFontFile[]; /* Name of Font File */
+extern CHAR szFontFileFull[]; /* Name of Font File */
+extern CHAR szFileNameTemp[];
+extern CHAR *szFileNameSave;
+extern INT cSysHeight;
+extern CHAR *vrgsz[]; /* total number of strings */
+extern OFSTRUCT ofstrFile;
+extern CHAR szExt[]; /* default extension */
+extern CHAR szAppName[];
+extern CHAR szSCC[];
+extern HCURSOR hOldCursor; /* handle to old arrow shaped cursor */
+extern CHAR gszHelpFile[];
+/* Local Variables */
+HBRUSH hbrWhite;
+HBRUSH hbrBlack;
+HBRUSH hbrGray;
+HBRUSH hbrDkGray;
+HBRUSH hNullBrush;
+HPEN hWhitePen;
+CHAR matBackup [wBoxLim] [kBoxLim]; /* Backup for UNDO */
+DWORD wBoxBackup;
+LONG scale = 7; /* height/width of squares in box */
+WORD cursor = 0; /* Add/Del cursor */
+BOOL fAll = TRUE; /* Redraw all if TRUE */
+POINT ptBox = {10, 5}; /* where edit box is */
+RECT rectRubber; /* Rubber banding rectangle */
+HDC hDst; /* Rubber banding dc */
+POINT ptA; /* Start of draw/rectangle */
+POINT ptB; /* End of rectangle */
+POINT ptC; /* Current square */
+CHAR colorA; /* Color at/under point A */
+DWORD newWidth; /* Width set in WIDER option */
+BOOL FillingRect = FALSE;
+BOOL fRubberBanding = FALSE; /* flag indicating if rubberbanding in
+ progress for row/column add/delete */
+BOOL fStartRubberBand = FALSE; /* flag indicating that rubberbanding
+ can start */
+BOOL fCaptured = FALSE; /* set if mouse is caputred */
+BOOL fJustZapped = FALSE; /* Set on row/col add/delete */
+RECT FontRect; /* rectangle bounding font pattern */
+/* Local Functions */
+VOID ClearFill(DWORD col, DWORD row, WORD mode);
+VOID FontEditCommand(HWND hBox, WORD id);
+VOID BoxRestore(VOID);
+VOID CharRectDimensions(LPRECT Rect);
+VOID BoxPaint(VOID);
+VOID DrawRubberBand(HDC hDst, LPRECT lpRect, DWORD rop);
+VOID FontEditPaint(HWND hBox, HDC hDC);
+BOOL CheckSave(VOID);
+VOID DupCol(DWORD col, DWORD row);
+VOID DupRow(DWORD col, DWORD row);
+VOID ZapCol(DWORD col, DWORD row);
+VOID ZapRow(DWORD col, DWORD row);
+VOID AddDel(DWORD col, DWORD row, WORD mode);
+VOID MouseInBox(HWND hBox, WORD message, POINT ptMouse);
+VOID BoxBackup(VOID);
+VOID ReadRect(VOID);
+ ) /* Our call to FontEditPaint */
+ HDC hDC;
+ hDC = GetDC(hBox);
+ FontEditPaint(hBox, hDC);
+ ReleaseDC(hBox, hDC);
+ if (fRubberBanding)
+ DrawRubberBand(hDst, &rectRubber, R2_XORPEN);
+ * FontEditPaint(hBox, hDC)
+ *
+ * purpose: calculates coordinates for text in main window and repaints edit
+ * box,small character boxes and text
+ *
+ * params: HWND hBox : handle to main window
+ * HDC hDC I handle to display context
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HWND hBox,
+ )
+ CHAR szTemp[20];
+ DWORD len, yText, xText;
+ if (!fLoaded) /* Must load font first */
+ return;
+ /* Here the application paints its window. */
+ if (fAll) { /* Draw box setting */
+ GetClientRect(hBox, (LPRECT)&rectWin);
+ scale = ( / (kBox+1);
+ scale = min(scale, (min(320, rectWin.right - rectWin.left) -
+ 90) / (LONG)(wBox + 1));
+ scale = max(scale, 4);
+ xText = ptBox.x + scale * wBox + 16;
+ SelectObject(hDC, hbrDkGray);
+ Rectangle(hDC,
+ ptBox.x - 2,
+ ptBox.y - 2,
+ ptBox.x + 3 + wBox * scale,
+ ptBox.y + 5 + kBox * scale);
+ SelectObject(hDC, hbrGray);
+ Rectangle(hDC, /* Surround for font displays */
+ xText,
+ ptBox.y - 2,
+ xText + wBox + 8,
+ ptBox.y + 3 + kBox * 2 + font.ExtLeading);
+ /* Now put up the text */
+ yText = 14 + 2 * kBox + font.ExtLeading;
+ len = (DWORD) sprintf(szTemp, vszCHAR, iChar);
+ TextOut(hDC, xText, yText, (LPSTR)szTemp, len);
+ len = (DWORD) sprintf(szTemp, vszWIDTH, wBox);
+ TextOut(hDC, xText, yText + cSysHeight, (LPSTR)szTemp, len);
+ len = (DWORD) sprintf(szTemp, vszHEIGHT, kBox);
+ TextOut(hDC, xText, yText + cSysHeight + cSysHeight,
+ (LPSTR)szTemp, len);
+ }
+ /* Draw Character Box */
+ DrawBox(hDC, ptBox.x, ptBox.y, wBox, kBox, scale, 1);
+ /* Draw small character */
+ xText = ptBox.x + scale * wBox + 16;
+ DrawBox(hDC,
+ xText + 4,
+ ptBox.y,
+ wBox,
+ kBox,
+ 1, 0);
+ /* Draw another small character to show leading */
+ DrawBox(hDC,
+ xText + 4,
+ ptBox.y + kBox + font.ExtLeading,
+ wBox,
+ kBox,
+ 1, 0);
+ fAll = TRUE;
+ * DrawBox(hDC, xChar, yChar, wChar, kChar, scale, htSep)
+ *
+ * purpose: draws the edit box for the character being edited and colors the
+ * grid squares according to the pixels set for the character.
+ *
+ * params: HDC hDC : handle to display context
+ * DWORD xChar : x-location of char box.
+ * DWORD yChar : y-location of char box
+ * DWORD wChar : width of char box
+ * DWORD kChar : height of char
+ * INT wScale : Scale of the squares.
+ * DWORD htSep : height of square separators
+ *
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HDC hDC,
+ DWORD xChar, /* x-location of char. */
+ DWORD yChar, /* y-location of char. */
+ DWORD wChar, /* width of char. */
+ DWORD kChar, /* height of char */
+ INT wScale, /* scale of the squares. */
+ DWORD htSep /* hgt of square separators */
+ )
+/* draw a character of separate squares of height 'scale' with sep. 'htSep' */
+ DWORD i, j, sep;
+ if (fAll) { /* redraw them all */
+ for (j = 0; j < kChar; j++) {
+ sep = (j >= font.Ascent) ? htSep : 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < wChar; i++) {
+ if (wScale == 1)
+ SetPixel(hDC, xChar + i, yChar + j,
+ matBox[i][j] == TRUE ? BLACK : WHITE);
+ else
+ PatBlt(hDC,
+ xChar + wScale * i,
+ yChar + wScale * j + sep,
+ wScale - htSep,
+ wScale - htSep,
+ colors[matBox[i][j] == TRUE ? 1 : 0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* redraw one just flipped */
+ if (wScale == 1)
+ SetPixel(hDC,
+ xChar + ptC.x,
+ yChar + ptC.y,
+ matBox[ptC.x][ptC.y] == TRUE ? BLACK : WHITE);
+ else {
+ sep = (((DWORD) ptC.y >= font.Ascent) ? htSep : 0L);
+ SelectObject(hDC, hbrGray);
+ PatBlt(hDC,
+ xChar + wScale * ptC.x,
+ yChar + wScale * ptC.y + sep,
+ wScale - htSep,
+ wScale - htSep,
+ colors[matBox[ptC.x][ptC.y]]);
+ }
+ }
+ * FontEditCommand(hBox, id)
+ *
+ * purpose: interprets menu id and calls appropriate function to do the task
+ *
+ * params: HWND hBox : handle to main window
+ * WORD id : menu command id
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: plenty
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HWND hBox,
+ WORD id
+ )
+ CHAR * szError; /* String for error messages */
+ LONG w;
+ DWORD y, i, j;
+ BOOL fRepaint = FALSE;
+ HMENU hMenu;
+ DLGPROC lpprocAboutDlg;
+ MSG message;
+ szError = ""; /* No Errors yet */
+ switch (id) {
+ case FONT_EXIT:
+ if (!CheckSave()) /* See if any files need saving */
+ break;
+ /* Window's being destroyed. */
+ if (fLoaded) /* 4/8/87 Linsh added */
+ DeleteBitmap(); /* Get rid of memory DC */
+ PostQuitMessage(0); /* Cause application to be terminated */
+ break;
+ WinHelp(hFont, gszHelpFile, HELP_CONTENTS, 0L);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Tell winhelp to be sure this app's help file is current,
+ * then invoke a search with an empty starting key.
+ */
+ WinHelp(hFont, gszHelpFile, HELP_FORCEFILE, 0);
+ WinHelp(hFont, gszHelpFile, HELP_PARTIALKEY, (DWORD)(LPSTR)"");
+ break;
+ case FONT_ABOUT:
+ lpprocAboutDlg = (DLGPROC)AboutDlg;
+ DialogBox (hInst, vszABOUT, hBox, lpprocAboutDlg);
+ FreeProcInstance (lpprocAboutDlg);
+ break;
+ case FONT_LOAD: /* Check File Name */
+ case FONT_NEW :
+ if (!CheckSave()) /* See if current font needs saving */
+ return;
+ /* to prevent scrambling of Show window chars, Bring back Show
+ ** window to parent window's client area before invoking the dialog */
+ if (CommDlgOpen(hBox,&ofstrFile,szNewFile,szExt,szFontFile,id)
+ == FALSE) {
+ InvalidateRect(hFont, (LPRECT)NULL, FALSE);
+ UpdateWindow(hFont);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* else drop thru */
+ case FONT_START: /* Here if file name passed as argument */
+ InvalidateRect(hFont, (LPRECT)NULL, FALSE);
+ UpdateWindow(hFont);
+ szError = FontLoad (szNewFile, &ofstrFile);
+ /* Hack : needed to remove umwanted WM_MOUSEMOVE messages from the
+ * queue.
+ * Apparently, Windows needs to reposition the mouse after a dialog
+ * is ended with a mouse double-click (releases mouse capture?) for
+ * which a couple of WM_MOUSEMOVEs may get sent to parent app.
+ * These mess with the edit box below the dialog if they happen to
+ * overlap.
+ */
+ PeekMessage((LPMSG) &message, hBox, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE,
+ if (fLoaded) /* If loaded then do a few things */ {
+ jChar = iChar = 65; /* Show an A */
+ if ((BYTE)iChar > (BYTE)font.LastChar)
+ jChar = iChar = font.FirstChar; /* .. if we can */
+ swH = 15; /* Good bet to make A visible */
+ fEdited = fChanged = FALSE;
+ ResizeShow(); /* Set Box to proper size */
+ ScrollFont(); /* Set thumb */
+ CharToBox(iChar);
+ }
+ FontRename(szError);
+ SetFocus(hBox);
+ return;
+ case FONT_SAVE:
+ if (!NewFile) {
+ if (fLoaded && fChanged) {
+ lstrcpy((LPSTR)szNewFile, (LPSTR)szFontFileFull);
+ BoxToChar(iChar); /* Just in case */
+ szError = FontSave (szNewFile, &ofstrFile);
+ FontRename(szError); /* Rename or Print Error */
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+ }
+ /* else file has been opened by selecting NEW... on menu.
+ * Fall thro' and bring up SaveAs dialog minus default
+ * filename in edit window */
+ BoxToChar(iChar); /* Just in case */
+ if (CommDlgSaveAs (hInst, hBox, &ofstrFile, szNewFile, szExt,
+ szFontFile) == TRUE) {
+ szError = FontSave (szNewFile, &ofstrFile);
+ FontRename (szError); /* Rename or Print Error */
+ }
+ /* to prevent scrambling of Show window chars,
+ repaint show window after dialog is brought down */
+ InvalidateRect (hFont, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE);
+ UpdateWindow (hFont);
+ return;
+ /* to prevent scrambling of Show window chars,
+ * repaint show window after dialog is invoked */
+ DialogBox(hInst, (LPSTR)vszDHeader, hBox, lpHeaderProc);
+ InvalidateRect(hFont, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE);
+ UpdateWindow(hFont);
+ return;
+ /* to prevent scrambling of Show window chars,
+ repaint show window after dialog is brought down */
+ if (DialogBox(hInst, (LPSTR)vszDResize, hBox, lpReSizeProc)) {
+ /* BoxToChar(iChar);*/ /* save current before resizing */
+ ResizeShow(); /* New Font Display Size */
+ CharToBox(iChar); /* New Box display */
+ }
+ InvalidateRect(hFont, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE);
+ UpdateWindow(hFont);
+ return;
+ case FONT_COPY: /* Copy to Clipboard */
+ BoxToChar(iChar); /* Just in case */
+ ToClipboard(iChar, wBox, kBox);
+ break;
+ case FONT_PASTE: /* Paste in Character form Clipboard */
+ BoxBackup(); /* In case we change our minds */
+ ptA.x = ptA.y = 0;
+ wBox = ClipboardToBox(ptA, wBox, kBox, TRUE);
+ fRepaint = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case WIDER_LEFT:
+ case WIDER_BOTH:
+ case WIDTH:
+ w = newWidth = wBox;
+ if (font.Family & 1) /* Variable width or else */ {
+ switch (id) {
+ case WIDER_BOTH:
+ w++;
+ case WIDER_LEFT:
+ w++;
+ break;
+ w--;
+ w--;
+ break;
+ case WIDTH:
+ if (DialogBox(hInst,
+ (LPSTR)vszDWidth, hBox, lpWidthProc))
+ w = newWidth;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (w < 0 || w >= wBoxLim) {
+ MessageBox(hBox,
+ (LPSTR)vszEdLimits0To64,
+ (LPSTR)szAppName,
+ break; /* Out of range! quit */
+ }
+ if (w > (LONG) font.MaxWidth) {
+ if (IDOK == MessageBox(hBox,
+ (LPSTR)vszMaxWidthIncrease,
+ (LPSTR)szAppName,
+ font.MaxWidth = (WORD)w;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ BoxBackup(); /* In case we change our minds */
+ wBox = (WORD)w; /* Reset width */
+ fRepaint = TRUE; /* Signal redraw */
+ switch (id) {
+ case WIDER_LEFT:
+#ifdef DBCS //DBCS_FIX
+ DupCol(0, kBoxLim - 1);
+ for (y = 0; y < kBoxLim; y++)
+ matBox[0][y] = FALSE; /* Clear left column */
+ break;
+ case WIDER_BOTH: /* Shift character one right */
+ DupCol(0, kBoxLim - 1);
+ for (y = 0; y < kBoxLim; y++)
+ matBox[wBox -1][y] = FALSE; /* Clear right column */
+ for (y = 0; y < kBoxLim; y++)
+ matBox[0][y] = FALSE; /* Clear left column */
+ break;
+ case NARROWER_BOTH: /* Shift character one left */
+ if (wBox) { /* .. unless width is already 0 */
+ for (j = 0; j <= kBox - 1; j++)
+ for (i = 0; i <= wBox - 1; i++)
+ matBox[i][j] = matBox[i + 1][j];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ MessageBox(hBox,
+ (LPSTR)vszCannotChangeWidth,
+ (LPSTR)szAppName,
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROW_ADD:
+ case ROW_DEL:
+ case COL_ADD:
+ case COL_DEL:
+ /* set cursor to "+" shaped cursor */
+ SetCapture (hBox); /* so that cursor doesn't get restored
+ before we are done */
+ hOldCursor = SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_CROSS));
+ fCaptured = TRUE;
+ cursor = id;
+ break;
+ case BOX_CLEAR:
+ case BOX_FILL:
+ case BOX_INV:
+ case BOX_HATCH:
+ case BOX_COPY:
+ case BOX_PASTE:
+ /* Get one o' da funky cursors */
+ SetCapture(hBox);
+ hOldCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id)));
+ fStartRubberBand = TRUE;
+ CharRectDimensions((LPRECT)&FontRect);
+ cursor = id;
+ break;
+ case BOX_REFRESH: /* Go get old version of character */
+ BoxBackup(); /* In case we change our minds */
+ CharToBox(iChar);
+ hMenu = GetMenu(hBox);
+ EnableMenuItem(hMenu, BOX_UNDO, MF_ENABLED); /* Can Unrefresh! */
+ break;
+ case BOX_UNDO:
+ BoxRestore();
+ hMenu = GetMenu(hBox);
+ EnableMenuItem(hMenu, BOX_REFRESH, MF_ENABLED);
+ fRepaint = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fRepaint) {
+ fEdited = fChanged = TRUE;
+ InvalidateRect(hBox, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE);
+ }
+ )
+/* returns the dimensions of the edit box */
+ Rect->top = ptBox.y;
+ Rect->bottom = ptBox.y + (kBox) * (scale);
+ Rect->left = ptBox.x;
+ Rect->right = ptBox.x + (wBox) * (scale);
+ * BOOL APIENTRY WidthProc(hDial, message, wParam, lParam)
+ *
+ * purpose: dialog function for Width menu function
+ *
+ * params: same as for all dialog fns.
+ *
+ * side effects: changes Box width variable
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HWND hDial,
+ WORD message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LONG lParam
+ )
+ INT i;
+ BOOL fOk;
+ switch (message) {
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ SetDlgItemInt(hDial, BOX_WIDTH, newWidth, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) {
+ case IDOK:
+ fChanged = TRUE;
+ i = GetDlgItemInt(hDial, BOX_WIDTH, (LPBOOL)&fOk, FALSE);
+ if (fOk && i < wBoxLim)
+ newWidth = i;
+ else
+ ErrorBox(hDial, vszWidthOutOfBounds);
+ case IDCANCEL:
+ EndDialog(hDial, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) != IDCANCEL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * BOOL CheckSave()
+ *
+ * purpose: checks if font is dirty and prompts user to save font. If yes,
+ * edit box is saved and file save function is called.
+ *
+ * params: none
+ *
+ * returns: TRUE : font has been changed
+ * FALSE: font untouched
+ *
+ * side effects: file dirty flag is reset.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ )
+ CHAR * szError; /* String for error messages */
+ /* Check if anything changed */
+ if (fLoaded && fChanged && (!fReadOnly)) {
+ lstrcpy((LPSTR)szNewFile, (LPSTR)szFontFileFull);
+ DlgMergeStrings(szSCC, szNewFile, szMessage);
+ switch (MessageBox(hFont,
+ (LPSTR)szMessage,
+ (LPSTR)szAppName,
+ case IDYES:
+ BoxToChar(iChar); /* Just in case */
+ szError = FontSave (szNewFile, &ofstrFile);
+ FontRename(szError); /* Rename or Print Error */
+ case IDNO:
+ return TRUE;
+ case IDCANCEL:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * MouseInBox(hBox, message, ptMouse)
+ *
+ * purpose: do edit operation depending on currently active menu command
+ *
+ * params: HWND hBox : handle to main window
+ * WORD message : Message retrieved by main window's window fn.
+ * POINT ptMouse : current mouse coordinates
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box). Also assigns values to ptA and ptB
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HWND hBox,
+ WORD message,
+ POINT ptMouse
+ )
+ POINT pt;
+ BOOL fRepaint = FALSE;
+ pt = SnapPointToGrid(ptMouse);
+ if (pt.x >= 0L && pt.y >= 0L &&
+ ((DWORD)pt.x) < wBox && ((DWORD)pt.y) < kBox) {
+ fEdited = fChanged = TRUE;
+ ptC.x = pt.x;
+ ptC.y = pt.y; /* Current square */
+ if (message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
+ BoxBackup(); /* Set up for UNDO */
+ switch (cursor) {
+ case BOX_COPY:
+ case BOX_PASTE:
+ case BOX_CLEAR:
+ case BOX_FILL:
+ case BOX_INV:
+ case BOX_HATCH:
+ ptA.x = pt.x;
+ ptA.y = pt.y; /* save anchor point */
+ /* save color under marker */
+ colorA = matBox[pt.x][pt.y];
+ fAll = FALSE;
+ fRepaint = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ AddDel(pt.x, pt.y, cursor);
+ fRepaint = TRUE;
+ cursor = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case FALSE:
+ switch (message) {
+ case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /*invert */
+ colorA = (matBox[pt.x][pt.y] ^= TRUE);
+ break;
+ break;
+ matBox[pt.x][pt.y] = colorA; /* paint */
+ break;
+ }
+ fRepaint = TRUE;
+ fAll = FALSE; /* Limited redraw */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fRepaint) {
+ BoxPaint();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ cursor = FALSE;
+ * ReadRect(ptMouse)
+ *
+ * purpose: defines the rectangular region in edit box to be filled by
+ * fill menu command by fixing top left (ptA) and bottom right
+ * (ptB) coordinates of rect.
+ *
+ * params:
+ *
+ * assumes: that rectRubber is normalized (eg, left < right, botton > top)
+ *
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box). Also assigns values to ptA and ptB
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ )
+ ptA.x = (rectRubber.left-(ptBox.x+1)) / scale;
+ ptA.y = ( / scale;
+ ptB.x = (rectRubber.right-(ptBox.x-2)) / scale - 1;
+ ptB.y = (rectRubber.bottom-(ptBox.y-2)) / scale - 1;
+ if (((DWORD)ptB.x) > wBox - 1)
+ ptB.x = wBox - 1;
+ if (((DWORD)ptB.y) > kBox - 1)
+ ptB.y = kBox - 1;
+ if (ptB.x >= 0 && ptB.y >= 0) {
+ ClearFill((DWORD)ptB.x, (DWORD)ptB.y, cursor);
+ BoxPaint();
+ }
+ cursor = FALSE;
+ * ClearFill(col, row, mode)
+ *
+ * purpose: fill the specified rectangular region in edit box with fill type
+ * indicated by mode.Top left corner of rect is global(ptA)
+ *
+ * params: DWORD row : row (of bottom right corner of rect(ptB.x))
+ * DWORD col : column (of bottom right corner of rect(ptB.y))
+ * WORD mode: action to be performed
+ *
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ DWORD col,
+ DWORD row,
+ WORD mode
+ )
+ DWORD i, x, y;
+ CHAR z;
+ if (col < (DWORD)ptA.x) /* if points are reversed */ {
+ i = col;
+ col = ptA.x;
+ ptA.x = i;
+ } /* flip them */
+ if (row < (DWORD) ptA.y) {
+ i = row;
+ row = ptA.y;
+ ptA.y = i;
+ } /* flip them */
+ if (mode == BOX_LEFTRIGHT) {
+ for (x = ptA.x; x <= (DWORD)((ptA.x + col) / 2); x++)
+ for (y = ptA.y; y <= row; y++) {
+ z = matBox[x][y];
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[ptA.x + col - x][y];
+ matBox[ptA.x + col - x][y] = z;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mode == BOX_TOPBOTTOM) {
+ for (y = ptA.y; y <= ((DWORD)(ptA.y + row) / 2); y++)
+ for (x = ptA.x; x <= col; x++) {
+ z = matBox[x][y];
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x][ptA.y + row - y];
+ matBox[x][ptA.y + row - y] = z;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mode == BOX_COPY)
+ BoxToClipboard(ptA, col - ptA.x + 1, row - ptA.y + 1);
+ if (mode == BOX_PASTE)
+ ClipboardToBox(ptA, col - ptA.x + 1, row - ptA.y + 1, FALSE);
+ for (x = ptA.x; x <= col; x++)
+ for (y = ptA.y; y <= row; y++) {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case BOX_CLEAR:
+ case BOX_FILL:
+ matBox[x][y] = (CHAR)(mode == BOX_FILL);
+ break;
+ case BOX_INV:
+ matBox[x][y] ^= (CHAR)TRUE;
+ break;
+ case BOX_HATCH:
+ matBox[x][y] = (CHAR)((x+y)%2 ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ * AddDel(col, row, mode)
+ *
+ * purpose: Add/Delete row/col as per mode
+ *
+ * params: DWORD row : row
+ * DWORD col : column
+ * WORD mode: action to be performed
+ *
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ DWORD col,
+ DWORD row,
+ WORD mode
+ )
+ switch (mode) {
+ case ROW_ADD:
+ DupRow(wBox, row);
+ break;
+ case ROW_DEL:
+ ZapRow(wBox, row);
+ break;
+ case COL_ADD:
+ DupCol(col, kBox);
+ break;
+ case COL_DEL:
+ ZapCol(col, kBox);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* restore arrow cursor */
+ SetCursor (hOldCursor);
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ fCaptured = FALSE;
+ fJustZapped = TRUE;
+ * ZapCol(col, row)
+ *
+ * purpose: delete given column in edit box. Shift cols to right given col
+ * right. Rightmost column gets duplicated.
+ *
+ * params : DWORD col : column
+ * DWORD row : row
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ DWORD col,
+ DWORD row
+ )
+ DWORD x, y;
+ for (y = 0; y <= row; y++)
+ for (x = col; x < wBox - 1; x++)
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x + 1][y];
+ for (y = 0; y <= row; y++)
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x - 1][y];
+ * ZapRow(col, row)
+ *
+ * purpose: delete given row in edit box. Shift rows below given row up. Lowest
+ * row gets duplicated
+ *
+ * params: DWORD col : column
+ * DWORD row : row
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ DWORD col,
+ DWORD row
+ )
+ DWORD x, y;
+ for (x = 0; x <= col; x++)
+ for (y = row; y < kBox - 1; y++)
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x][y + 1];
+ for (x = 0; x <= col; x++)
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x][y - 1];
+ * DupCol(col, row)
+ *
+ * purpose: duplicate given column in edit box. Shift cols to right of given
+ * col right
+ *
+ * params: DWORD col : column
+ * DWORD row : row
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ DWORD col,
+ DWORD row
+ )
+ DWORD x, y;
+ for (x = wBox - 1; x > col; x--)
+ for (y = 0; y <= row; y++)
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x - 1][y];
+ * DupRow(col, row)
+ *
+ * purpose: duplicate given row in edit box. Shift rows below given row down.
+ *
+ * params: DWORD col : column
+ * DWORD row : row
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ DWORD col,
+ DWORD row
+ )
+ DWORD x, y;
+ for (x = 0; x <= col; x++)
+ for (y = kBox - 1; y > row; y--)
+ matBox[x][y] = matBox[x][y - 1];
+ * ClearBox(col, row, bb)
+ *
+ * purpose: reset all pixels in edit box (make box white)
+ *
+ * params : none
+ *
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box)
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ ) /* Clear edit box */
+ DWORD x, y;
+ for (x = 0; x < wBoxLim; x++)
+ for (y = 0; y < kBoxLim; y++)
+ matBox[x][y] = FALSE;
+ * BoxBackup()
+ *
+ * purpose: makes a backup of pix. info. of currently displayed edit box
+ *
+ * params: none
+ *
+ * returns: none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBackup (local 2-d array with backup pixel info.
+ * on edit box )
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ )
+ DWORD x, y;
+ HMENU hMenu;
+ hMenu = GetMenu(hBox);
+ EnableMenuItem(hMenu, BOX_UNDO, MF_ENABLED);
+ EnableMenuItem(hMenu, BOX_REFRESH, MF_ENABLED);
+ for (x = 0; x < wBoxLim; x++)
+ for (y = 0; y < kBoxLim; y++)
+ matBackup[x][y] = matBox[x][y];
+ wBoxBackup = wBox;
+ * BoxRestore()
+ *
+ * purpose : Current edit box and backup box exchange places
+ *
+ * params : none
+ *
+ * returns : none
+ *
+ * side effects: alters matBox (global 2-d array with ready pixel info. on
+ * currently displayed box
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ ) /* Box and Backup exchange places */
+ DWORD x, y, temp;
+ CHAR z;
+ for (x = 0; x < wBoxLim; x++)
+ for (y = 0; y < kBoxLim; y++) {
+ z = matBackup[x][y];
+ matBackup[x][y] = matBox[x][y];
+ matBox[x][y] = z;
+ }
+ temp = wBox;
+ wBox = wBoxBackup;
+ wBoxBackup = temp;
+ * POINT SnapPointToGrid (Pt)
+ *
+ * purpose : Intended only for the Fill menu command where rubberbanding rect.
+ * needs to be aligned on the grid lines. Snap the current mouse
+ * coordinates to nearest grid intersection.
+ *
+ * params : POINT Pt : current point mouse is over
+ *
+ * returns : POINT : number of nearest square
+ *
+ * side effects: : current mouse coordinate(global variable) altered to
+ * return value
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ )
+ Pt.x = (Pt.x - ptBox.x) / scale;
+ if (Pt.y > (scale * (font.Ascent - 1)))
+ Pt.y = Pt.y - 2; /* Allow for break in box */
+ Pt.y = (Pt.y - ptBox.y) / scale;
+ return (Pt);
+ * VOID PASCAL EndRubberBandingRect()
+ *
+ * purpose: Stops rubberbanding rect for Fill menu command and cleans up
+ *
+ * params : HANDLE hDst : handle to dest. DC
+ *
+ * side effects: none
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HDC hDst /* handle to dest. DC */
+ )
+ fRubberBanding = FALSE; /* reset "in-progress" flag */
+ ReleaseDC(hBox, hDst);
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ SetCursor(hOldCursor);
+ * HDC PASCAL InitialiseRubberBandingRect(hBox)
+ *
+ * purpose: Sets up rubberbanding rect for Fill menu command.
+ *
+ * params : HANDLE hDst : handle to box DC
+ *
+ * returns :handle to destination display context
+ *
+ * side effects: alters few global flags for rubberbanding
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HWND hBox /* handle to DC of box */
+ )
+ HDC hDst;
+ fRubberBanding = TRUE; /* set "in-progress" flag */
+ fStartRubberBand = FALSE; /* reset "start-proceedings" flag */
+ SetCapture(hBox); /* send all msgs to current window */
+ hDst = GetDC (hBox);
+ /* select pen and fill mode for rectangle*/
+ hWhitePen = SelectObject(hDst, GetStockObject (WHITE_PEN));
+ hNullBrush = SelectObject(hDst, GetStockObject (NULL_BRUSH));
+ SetROP2(hDst, R2_XORPEN);
+ return(hDst);
+ * VOID PASCAL DrawRubberBand()
+ *
+ * purpose: Draw rubberbanding rect for Fill menu command.
+ *
+ * params : HANDLE hDst : handle to dest. DC
+ *
+ * side effects: alters few global flags for rubberbanding
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HDC hDst, /* handle to dest. DC */
+ LPRECT lpRect,
+ DWORD rop
+ )
+#if DBG
+ char buf[256];
+#ifdef JAPAN
+ SIZE Size;
+ static LONG cxPrev;
+ INT nLeftRect;
+ SetROP2(hDst, rop);
+ Rectangle(hDst, lpRect->left, lpRect->top,
+ lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
+#if DBG
+ sprintf(buf, "left=%d, top=%d, right=%d, bottom=%d",
+ lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
+#ifdef JAPAN
+ GetTextExtentPoint32(hDst, buf, lstrlen(buf), &Size);
+ nLeftRect = ptBox.x+scale*wBox+16 +;
+ if(nLeftRect < cxPrev) {
+ RECT rc;
+ rc.left = nLeftRect;
+ = 14+2*kBox+font.ExtLeading+3*cSysHeight;
+ rc.right = cxPrev;
+ rc.bottom = 14+2*kBox+font.ExtLeading+3*cSysHeight +;
+ FillRect(hDst, &rc, hbrBackGround);
+ }
+ cxPrev = nLeftRect;
+ TextOut(hDst, ptBox.x+scale*wBox+16,
+ 14+2*kBox+font.ExtLeading+3*cSysHeight,
+ buf, strlen(buf));
+ * long APIENTRY FontEditWndProc(hBox, message, wParam, lParam)
+ *
+ * purpose: Master controller for Fontedit's all-encompassing main window
+ *
+ * params : same as for all window functions
+ *
+ * side effects: countless
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ HWND hBox,
+ WORD message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LONG lParam
+ )
+ HMENU hMenu;
+ WORD mf;
+ POINT pt;
+ RECT BoxRect;
+ switch (message) {
+ case WM_CLOSE:
+ if (!CheckSave()) /* See if any files need saving */
+ break;
+ /* Window's being destroyed. */
+ if (fLoaded) /* 4/8/87 Linsh added */
+ DeleteBitmap(); /* Get rid of memory DC */
+ DestroyWindow(hFont);
+ DestroyWindow(hBox);
+ break;
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ PostQuitMessage(0); /* Cause application to be terminated */
+ break;
+ if (CheckSave()) /* See if any files need saving */
+ return TRUE;
+ break;
+ if (fLoaded)
+ DeleteBitmap(); /* Get rid of memory DC */
+ break;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ /* Window's size is changing. lParam contains the width
+ ** and height, in the low and high words, respectively.
+ ** wParam contains SIZENORMAL for "normal" size changes,
+ ** SIZEICONIC when the window is being made iconic, and
+ ** SIZEFULLSCREEN when the window is being made full screen. */
+ switch (wParam) {
+ ResizeShow();
+ if (kStuff != GetkStuff()) /* Did it change ? */
+ ResizeShow(); /* Yes resize again */
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_MOVE: /* Tell popup to move with us. */
+ if (!IsIconic(hBox))
+ ResizeShow();
+ break;
+ case WM_PAINT:
+ /* Time for the window to draw itself. */
+ BeginPaint(hBox, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps);
+ FontEditPaint(hBox, ps.hdc);
+ EndPaint(hBox, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps);
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ /* A menu item has been selected, or a control is notifying
+ * its parent. wParam is the menu item value (for menus),
+ * or control ID (for controls). For controls, the low word
+ * of lParam has the window handle of the control, and the hi
+ * word has the notification code. For menus, lParam contains
+ * 0L. */
+ FontEditCommand(hBox, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam));
+ break;
+ /* Data interchange request. */
+ case WM_CUT:
+ case WM_COPY:
+ case WM_PASTE:
+ case WM_CLEAR:
+ case WM_UNDO:
+ break;
+ hMenu = GetMenu(hBox); /* Gray menu if no clipboard bitmap */
+ mf = (WORD)(IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP) ? MF_ENABLED :
+ EnableMenuItem(hMenu, BOX_PASTE, mf);
+ EnableMenuItem(hMenu, FONT_PASTE, mf);
+ break;
+ /* For each of following mouse window messages, wParam contains
+ ** bits indicating whether or not various virtual keys are down,
+ ** and lParam is a POINT containing the mouse coordinates. The
+ ** keydown bits of wParam are: MK_LBUTTON (set if Left Button is
+ ** down); MK_RBUTTON (set if Right Button is down); MK_SHIFT (set
+ ** if Shift Key is down); MK_ALTERNATE (set if Alt Key is down);
+ ** and MK_CONTROL (set if Control Key is down). */
+ if (fStartRubberBand) {
+ /* a green signal to rubberband a rectangle for the
+ * Fill menu command rectangle now has null dimensions.
+ * Snap the current mouse point to nearest grid
+ * intersection thus defining upper left corner of
+ * rectangle */
+ if (PtInRect((LPRECT)&FontRect, pt)) {
+ pt = SnapPointToGrid(pt);
+ = pt.y *scale+ptBox.y+1;
+ rectRubber.bottom = (pt.y+1)*scale+ptBox.y-2;
+ rectRubber.left = pt.x *scale+ptBox.x+1;
+ rectRubber.right = (pt.x+1)*scale+ptBox.x-2;
+ hDst = InitialiseRubberBandingRect(hBox);
+ DrawRubberBand(hDst, &rectRubber, R2_XORPEN);
+ }
+ else {
+ fStartRubberBand = fRubberBanding = FALSE;
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ }
+ }
+ /* do operation depending upon current active command,
+ * but not if we just added/deleted a row/column. */
+ if (!fJustZapped) {
+ if (fStartRubberBand) {
+ pt.x *= scale;
+ pt.y *= scale;
+ MouseInBox(hBox, message, pt);
+ }
+ else {
+ MouseInBox(hBox, message, pt);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_LBUTTONUP: /* Get other corner of rectangle */
+ fJustZapped = FALSE;
+ if (fRubberBanding) {
+ /* if rubberbanding for the Fill menu command,
+ * terminate proceedings and clean up */
+ DrawRubberBand(hDst, &rectRubber, R2_NOT);
+ EndRubberBandingRect(hDst);
+ if (cursor) {
+ ReadRect();
+ }
+ }
+ if (fCaptured ) {
+ /* if cursor is + shaped, restore it to default */
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ SetCursor (hOldCursor);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case WM_MOUSEMOVE: /* If mouse is down */
+ if ((fRubberBanding) && (wParam & MK_LBUTTON)) {
+ /* if any of Fill menu commands is active
+ ** (AND the mouse key depressed) draw a rubberband
+ ** a rectangle with the mouse movements */
+ /* get current square number */
+ pt = SnapPointToGrid(pt);
+ /* calculate grid for new square */
+ = pt.y *scale+ptBox.y+1;
+ BoxRect.bottom = (pt.y+1)*scale+ptBox.y-2;
+ BoxRect.left = pt.x *scale+ptBox.x+1;
+ BoxRect.right = (pt.x+1)*scale+ptBox.x-2;
+ /* erase old mark */
+ DrawRubberBand(hDst, &rectRubber, R2_NOT);
+ /* limit rubber band to box */
+ if (BoxRect.right > scale * (LONG)wBox + ptBox.x)
+ BoxRect.right = scale * wBox + ptBox.x;
+ if (BoxRect.bottom > scale * (LONG)kBox + ptBox.y)
+ BoxRect.bottom = scale * kBox + ptBox.y;
+ if ( < 0)
+ = 1;
+ if (BoxRect.left < 0)
+ BoxRect.left = 1;
+ if (ptA.x == pt.x) {
+ rectRubber.right = BoxRect.right;
+ rectRubber.left = BoxRect.left;
+ }
+ if (ptA.y == pt.y) {
+ rectRubber.bottom = BoxRect.bottom;
+ =;
+ }
+ /* almost an IntersectRect */
+ if (ptA.x >= pt.x)
+ rectRubber.left = BoxRect.left;
+ else
+ rectRubber.right = BoxRect.right;
+ if (ptA.y >= pt.y)
+ =;
+ else
+ rectRubber.bottom = BoxRect.bottom;
+ /* Draw new mark */
+ DrawRubberBand(hDst, &rectRubber, R2_XORPEN);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* if not "Fill"ing(AND mouse key depressed,
+ * paint with the mouse movements */
+ if ((wParam & MK_LBUTTON) && cursor == FALSE &&
+ fJustZapped == FALSE)
+ MouseInBox(hBox, message, pt);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Everything else comes here. This call MUST exist
+ ** in your window proc. */
+ return(DefWindowProc(hBox, message, wParam, lParam));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* A window proc should always return something */
+ return(0L);
+/***************************** Public Function ****************************\
+* BOOL APIENTRY AboutDlg(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam)
+* HWND hDlg;
+* WORD message;
+* WPARAM wParam;
+* LONG lParam;
+* Effects: none.
+ HWND hDlg,
+ WORD message,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LONG lParam
+ )
+ switch (message) {
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ EndDialog(hDlg, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam));
+ /* idok or idcancel */
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ return(TRUE);