path: root/src/org/uic/ticket/api/spec/
blob: 55cd55b10413e8adc8811d416f0635e8874a49bd (plain) (tree)

package org.uic.ticket.api.spec;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;

import org.uic.ticket.api.asn.omv1.CodeTableType;

 * The Interface IParkingGround.
 * IParkingGround provides the data for a prking ground reservation
public interface IParkingGround  extends IDocumentData {
	 * Gets the parking ground id.
	 * @return the parking ground id
	public String getParkingGroundId();

	 * Sets the id of the parking ground
	 * @param parkingGroundId the new parking ground id
	public void setParkingGroundId(String parkingGroundId);

	 * Gets the from parking date.
	 * @return the from parking date
	public Date getFromParkingDate();

	 * Sets the from parking date.
	 * @param parkingDate the new from parking date
	public void setFromParkingDate(Date parkingDate);

	 * Gets the to parking date.
	 * @return the to parking date
	public Date getToParkingDate();

	 * Sets the to parking date.
	 * @param parkingDate the new to parking date
	public void setToParkingDate(Date parkingDate);	

	 * Gets the reference.
	 * @return the reference
	public String getReference();

	 * Sets the reference.
	 * @param reference the new reference
	public void setReference(String reference);

	 * Gets the access code to enter the parking ground.
	 * @return the access code to enter the parking ground
	public String getAccessCode();

	 * Sets the access code to enter the parking ground.
	 * @param accessCode the new access code to enter the parking ground
	public void setAccessCode(String accessCode);

	 * Gets the human readable location name of the parking ground.
	 * @return the human readable location name of the parking ground.
	public String getLocation();

	 * Sets the human readable location name of the parking ground.
	 * @param location the new human readable location name of the parking ground.
	public void setLocation(String location);

	 * Gets the station code in case the parking ground is associated with a station 
	 * @return the station code in case the parking ground is associated with a station 
	public String getStation();

	 * Sets the station code in case the parking ground is associated with a station 
	 * @param station the new station code in case the parking ground is associated with a station 
	public void setStation(String station);

	 * Gets the special information.
	 * @return the special information
	public String getSpecialInformation();

	 * Sets the special information.
	 * @param specialInformation the new special information
	public void setSpecialInformation(String specialInformation);

	 * Gets the entry track to enter the parking ground.
	 * @return the entry track to enter the parking ground.
	public String getEntryTrack();

	 * Sets the entry track to enter the parking ground..
	 * @param entryTrack the new entry track to enter the parking ground.
	public void setEntryTrack(String entryTrack);

	 * Gets the number plate.
	 * @return the number plate
	public String getNumberPlate();

	 * Sets the number plate.
	 * @param numberPlate the new number plate
	public void setNumberPlate(String numberPlate);

	 * Gets the extension.
	 * @return the extension
	public IExtension getExtension();

	 * Sets the extension.
	 * @param extensionData the new extension
	public void setExtension(IExtension extensionData);
	 * Gets the station code table.
	 * @return the station code table
	public CodeTableType getStationCodeTable();

	 * Sets the station code table.
	 * @param stationCodeTable the new station code table
	public void setStationCodeTable(CodeTableType stationCodeTable);

	 * Gets the product owner.
	 * @return the product owner
	public String getProductOwner();
	 * Sets the product owner.
	 * @param productOwner the new product owner
	public void setProductOwner(String productOwner);

	 * Gets the product type.
	 * @return the product type
	public String getProductId();
	 * Sets the product type.
	 * @param id the new product id
	public void setProductId(String type);	
	 * Sets the price. 
	 * @param price
	public void setPrice(Long price);
	 * Gets the price.
	 * The price
	 * @return the price
	public Long getPrice();
	 * Gets the included add on tickets.
	 * E.g. an included local transport ticket at the beginning or end of the route.
	 * @return the included add ons
	public Collection<IVatDetail> getVatDetails();

	 * Adds an included add on ticket.
	 * E.g. an included local transport ticket at the beginning or end of the route.
	 * @param includedAddOn the included add on
	public void addVatDetail(IVatDetail vatDetail) ;